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Zero-shot Classification on topic keywords with candidate labels.


Name Type Description Default
candidate_topics List[str]

A list of labels to assign to the topics if they exceed min_prob

model str

A transformers pipeline that should be initialized as "zero-shot-classification". For example, pipeline("zero-shot-classification", model="facebook/bart-large-mnli")

pipeline_kwargs Mapping[str, Any]

Kwargs that you can pass to the transformers.pipeline when it is called. NOTE: Use {"multi_label": True} to extract multiple labels for each topic.

min_prob float

The minimum probability to assign a candidate label to a topic



from bertopic.representation import ZeroShotClassification
from bertopic import BERTopic

# Create your representation model
candidate_topics = ["space and nasa", "bicycles", "sports"]
representation_model = ZeroShotClassification(candidate_topics, model="facebook/bart-large-mnli")

# Use the representation model in BERTopic on top of the default pipeline
topic_model = BERTopic(representation_model=representation_model)
Source code in bertopic\representation\
class ZeroShotClassification(BaseRepresentation):
    """Zero-shot Classification on topic keywords with candidate labels.

        candidate_topics: A list of labels to assign to the topics if they
                          exceed `min_prob`
        model: A transformers pipeline that should be initialized as
               "zero-shot-classification". For example,
               `pipeline("zero-shot-classification", model="facebook/bart-large-mnli")`
        pipeline_kwargs: Kwargs that you can pass to the transformers.pipeline
                         when it is called. NOTE: Use `{"multi_label": True}`
                         to extract multiple labels for each topic.
        min_prob: The minimum probability to assign a candidate label to a topic


    from bertopic.representation import ZeroShotClassification
    from bertopic import BERTopic

    # Create your representation model
    candidate_topics = ["space and nasa", "bicycles", "sports"]
    representation_model = ZeroShotClassification(candidate_topics, model="facebook/bart-large-mnli")

    # Use the representation model in BERTopic on top of the default pipeline
    topic_model = BERTopic(representation_model=representation_model)

    def __init__(
        candidate_topics: List[str],
        model: str = "facebook/bart-large-mnli",
        pipeline_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = {},
        min_prob: float = 0.8,
        self.candidate_topics = candidate_topics
        if isinstance(model, str):
            self.model = pipeline("zero-shot-classification", model=model)
        elif isinstance(model, Pipeline):
            self.model = model
            raise ValueError(
                "Make sure that the HF model that you"
                "pass is either a string referring to a"
                "HF model or a `transformers.pipeline` object."
        self.pipeline_kwargs = pipeline_kwargs
        self.min_prob = min_prob

    def extract_topics(
        documents: pd.DataFrame,
        c_tf_idf: csr_matrix,
        topics: Mapping[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]],
    ) -> Mapping[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]]:
        """Extract topics.

            topic_model: Not used
            documents: Not used
            c_tf_idf: Not used
            topics: The candidate topics as calculated with c-TF-IDF

            updated_topics: Updated topic representations
        # Classify topics
        topic_descriptions = [" ".join(list(zip(*topics[topic]))[0]) for topic in topics.keys()]
        classifications = self.model(topic_descriptions, self.candidate_topics, **self.pipeline_kwargs)

        # Extract labels
        updated_topics = {}
        for topic, classification in zip(topics.keys(), classifications):
            topic_description = topics[topic]

            # Multi-label assignment
            if self.pipeline_kwargs.get("multi_label"):
                topic_description = []
                for label, score in zip(classification["labels"], classification["scores"]):
                    if score > self.min_prob:
                        topic_description.append((label, score))

            # Single label assignment
            elif classification["scores"][0] > self.min_prob:
                topic_description = [(classification["labels"][0], classification["scores"][0])]

            # Make sure that 10 items are returned
            if len(topic_description) == 0:
                topic_description = topics[topic]
            elif len(topic_description) < 10:
                topic_description += [("", 0) for _ in range(10 - len(topic_description))]
            updated_topics[topic] = topic_description

        return updated_topics

extract_topics(self, topic_model, documents, c_tf_idf, topics)

Extract topics.


Name Type Description Default

Not used

documents DataFrame

Not used

c_tf_idf csr_matrix

Not used

topics Mapping[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]]

The candidate topics as calculated with c-TF-IDF



Type Description

Updated topic representations

Source code in bertopic\representation\
def extract_topics(
    documents: pd.DataFrame,
    c_tf_idf: csr_matrix,
    topics: Mapping[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]],
) -> Mapping[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]]:
    """Extract topics.

        topic_model: Not used
        documents: Not used
        c_tf_idf: Not used
        topics: The candidate topics as calculated with c-TF-IDF

        updated_topics: Updated topic representations
    # Classify topics
    topic_descriptions = [" ".join(list(zip(*topics[topic]))[0]) for topic in topics.keys()]
    classifications = self.model(topic_descriptions, self.candidate_topics, **self.pipeline_kwargs)

    # Extract labels
    updated_topics = {}
    for topic, classification in zip(topics.keys(), classifications):
        topic_description = topics[topic]

        # Multi-label assignment
        if self.pipeline_kwargs.get("multi_label"):
            topic_description = []
            for label, score in zip(classification["labels"], classification["scores"]):
                if score > self.min_prob:
                    topic_description.append((label, score))

        # Single label assignment
        elif classification["scores"][0] > self.min_prob:
            topic_description = [(classification["labels"][0], classification["scores"][0])]

        # Make sure that 10 items are returned
        if len(topic_description) == 0:
            topic_description = topics[topic]
        elif len(topic_description) < 10:
            topic_description += [("", 0) for _ in range(10 - len(topic_description))]
        updated_topics[topic] = topic_description

    return updated_topics