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An online variant of the CountVectorizer with updating vocabulary.

At each .partial_fit, its vocabulary is updated based on any OOV words it might find. Then, .update_bow can be used to track and update the Bag-of-Words representation. These functions are separated such that the vectorizer can be used in iteration without updating the Bag-of-Words representation can might speed up the fitting process. However, the .update_bow function is used in BERTopic to track changes in the topic representations and allow for decay.

This class inherits its parameters and attributes from: sklearn.feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer


Name Type Description Default
decay float

A value between [0, 1] to weight the percentage of frequencies the previous bag-of-words should be decreased. For example, a value of .1 will decrease the frequencies in the bag-of-words matrix with 10% at each iteration.

delete_min_df float

Delete words at each iteration from its vocabulary that are below a minimum frequency. This will keep the resulting bag-of-words matrix small such that it does not explode in size with increasing vocabulary. If decay is None then this equals min_df.


Set of parameters inherited from: sklearn.feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer In practice, this means that you can still use parameters from the original CountVectorizer, like stop_words and ngram_range.



Name Type Description
X_ scipy.sparse.csr_matrix)

The Bag-of-Words representation


from bertopic.vectorizers import OnlineCountVectorizer
vectorizer = OnlineCountVectorizer(stop_words="english")

for index, doc in enumerate(my_docs):

    # Update and clean the bow every 100 iterations:
    if index % 100 == 0:
        X = vectorizer.update_bow()

To use the model in BERTopic:

from bertopic import BERTopic
from bertopic.vectorizers import OnlineCountVectorizer

vectorizer_model = OnlineCountVectorizer(stop_words="english")
topic_model = BERTopic(vectorizer_model=vectorizer_model)


Adapted from:

Source code in bertopic\vectorizers\
class OnlineCountVectorizer(CountVectorizer):
    """An online variant of the CountVectorizer with updating vocabulary.

    At each `.partial_fit`, its vocabulary is updated based on any OOV words
    it might find. Then, `.update_bow` can be used to track and update
    the Bag-of-Words representation. These functions are separated such that
    the vectorizer can be used in iteration without updating the Bag-of-Words
    representation can might speed up the fitting process. However, the
    `.update_bow` function is used in BERTopic to track changes in the
    topic representations and allow for decay.

    This class inherits its parameters and attributes from:

        decay: A value between [0, 1] to weight the percentage of frequencies
               the previous bag-of-words should be decreased. For example,
               a value of `.1` will decrease the frequencies in the bag-of-words
               matrix with 10% at each iteration.
        delete_min_df: Delete words at each iteration from its vocabulary
                       that are below a minimum frequency.
                       This will keep the resulting bag-of-words matrix small
                       such that it does not explode in size with increasing
                       vocabulary. If `decay` is None then this equals `min_df`.
        **kwargs: Set of parameters inherited from:
                  In practice, this means that you can still use parameters
                  from the original CountVectorizer, like `stop_words` and

        X_ (scipy.sparse.csr_matrix) : The Bag-of-Words representation

    from bertopic.vectorizers import OnlineCountVectorizer
    vectorizer = OnlineCountVectorizer(stop_words="english")

    for index, doc in enumerate(my_docs):

        # Update and clean the bow every 100 iterations:
        if index % 100 == 0:
            X = vectorizer.update_bow()

    To use the model in BERTopic:

    from bertopic import BERTopic
    from bertopic.vectorizers import OnlineCountVectorizer

    vectorizer_model = OnlineCountVectorizer(stop_words="english")
    topic_model = BERTopic(vectorizer_model=vectorizer_model)

        Adapted from:

    def __init__(self, decay: float = None, delete_min_df: float = None, **kwargs):
        self.decay = decay
        self.delete_min_df = delete_min_df
        super(OnlineCountVectorizer, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def partial_fit(self, raw_documents: List[str]) -> None:
        """Perform a partial fit and update vocabulary with OOV tokens.

            raw_documents: A list of documents
        if not hasattr(self, "vocabulary_"):

        analyzer = self.build_analyzer()
        analyzed_documents = [analyzer(doc) for doc in raw_documents]
        new_tokens = set(chain.from_iterable(analyzed_documents))
        oov_tokens = new_tokens.difference(set(self.vocabulary_.keys()))

        if oov_tokens:
            max_index = max(self.vocabulary_.values())
            oov_vocabulary = dict(
                    list(range(max_index + 1, max_index + 1 + len(oov_tokens), 1)),

        return self

    def update_bow(self, raw_documents: List[str]) -> csr_matrix:
        """Create or update the bag-of-words matrix.

        Update the bag-of-words matrix by adding the newly transformed
        documents. This may add empty columns if new words are found and/or
        add empty rows if new topics are found.

        During this process, the previous bag-of-words matrix might be
        decayed if `self.decay` has been set during init. Similarly, words
        that do not exceed `self.delete_min_df` are removed from its
        vocabulary and bag-of-words matrix.

            raw_documents: A list of documents

            X_: Bag-of-words matrix
        if hasattr(self, "X_"):
            X = self.transform(raw_documents)

            # Add empty columns if new words are found
            columns = csr_matrix((self.X_.shape[0], X.shape[1] - self.X_.shape[1]), dtype=int)
            self.X_ = sparse.hstack([self.X_, columns])

            # Add empty rows if new topics are found
            rows = csr_matrix((X.shape[0] - self.X_.shape[0], self.X_.shape[1]), dtype=int)
            self.X_ = sparse.vstack([self.X_, rows])

            # Decay of BoW matrix
            if self.decay is not None:
                self.X_ = self.X_ * (1 - self.decay)

            self.X_ += X
            self.X_ = self.transform(raw_documents)

        if self.delete_min_df is not None:

        return self.X_

    def _clean_bow(self) -> None:
        """Remove words that do not exceed `self.delete_min_df`."""
        # Only keep words with a minimum frequency
        indices = np.where(self.X_.sum(0) >= self.delete_min_df)[1]
        indices_dict = {index: index for index in indices}
        self.X_ = self.X_[:, indices]

        # Update vocabulary with new words
        new_vocab = {}
        vocabulary_dict = {v: k for k, v in self.vocabulary_.items()}
        for i, index in enumerate(indices):
            if indices_dict.get(index) is not None:
                new_vocab[vocabulary_dict[index]] = i

        self.vocabulary_ = new_vocab

partial_fit(self, raw_documents)

Perform a partial fit and update vocabulary with OOV tokens.


Name Type Description Default
raw_documents List[str]

A list of documents

Source code in bertopic\vectorizers\
def partial_fit(self, raw_documents: List[str]) -> None:
    """Perform a partial fit and update vocabulary with OOV tokens.

        raw_documents: A list of documents
    if not hasattr(self, "vocabulary_"):

    analyzer = self.build_analyzer()
    analyzed_documents = [analyzer(doc) for doc in raw_documents]
    new_tokens = set(chain.from_iterable(analyzed_documents))
    oov_tokens = new_tokens.difference(set(self.vocabulary_.keys()))

    if oov_tokens:
        max_index = max(self.vocabulary_.values())
        oov_vocabulary = dict(
                list(range(max_index + 1, max_index + 1 + len(oov_tokens), 1)),

    return self

update_bow(self, raw_documents)

Create or update the bag-of-words matrix.

Update the bag-of-words matrix by adding the newly transformed documents. This may add empty columns if new words are found and/or add empty rows if new topics are found.

During this process, the previous bag-of-words matrix might be decayed if self.decay has been set during init. Similarly, words that do not exceed self.delete_min_df are removed from its vocabulary and bag-of-words matrix.


Name Type Description Default
raw_documents List[str]

A list of documents



Type Description

Bag-of-words matrix

Source code in bertopic\vectorizers\
def update_bow(self, raw_documents: List[str]) -> csr_matrix:
    """Create or update the bag-of-words matrix.

    Update the bag-of-words matrix by adding the newly transformed
    documents. This may add empty columns if new words are found and/or
    add empty rows if new topics are found.

    During this process, the previous bag-of-words matrix might be
    decayed if `self.decay` has been set during init. Similarly, words
    that do not exceed `self.delete_min_df` are removed from its
    vocabulary and bag-of-words matrix.

        raw_documents: A list of documents

        X_: Bag-of-words matrix
    if hasattr(self, "X_"):
        X = self.transform(raw_documents)

        # Add empty columns if new words are found
        columns = csr_matrix((self.X_.shape[0], X.shape[1] - self.X_.shape[1]), dtype=int)
        self.X_ = sparse.hstack([self.X_, columns])

        # Add empty rows if new topics are found
        rows = csr_matrix((X.shape[0] - self.X_.shape[0], self.X_.shape[1]), dtype=int)
        self.X_ = sparse.vstack([self.X_, rows])

        # Decay of BoW matrix
        if self.decay is not None:
            self.X_ = self.X_ * (1 - self.decay)

        self.X_ += X
        self.X_ = self.transform(raw_documents)

    if self.delete_min_df is not None:

    return self.X_