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Source code in bertopic\representation\
class KeyBERTInspired(BaseRepresentation):
    def __init__(
        top_n_words: int = 10,
        nr_repr_docs: int = 5,
        nr_samples: int = 500,
        nr_candidate_words: int = 100,
        random_state: int = 42,
        """Use a KeyBERT-like model to fine-tune the topic representations.

        The algorithm follows KeyBERT but does some optimization in
        order to speed up inference.

        The steps are as follows. First, we extract the top n representative
        documents per topic. To extract the representative documents, we
        randomly sample a number of candidate documents per cluster
        which is controlled by the `nr_samples` parameter. Then,
        the top n representative documents  are extracted by calculating
        the c-TF-IDF representation for the  candidate documents and finding,
        through cosine similarity, which are closest to the topic c-TF-IDF representation.
        Next, the top n words per topic are extracted based on their
        c-TF-IDF representation, which is controlled by the `nr_repr_docs`

        Then, we extract the embeddings for words and representative documents
        and create topic embeddings by averaging the representative documents.
        Finally, the most similar words to each topic are extracted by
        calculating the cosine similarity between word and topic embeddings.

            top_n_words: The top n words to extract per topic.
            nr_repr_docs: The number of representative documents to extract per cluster.
            nr_samples: The number of candidate documents to extract per cluster.
            nr_candidate_words: The number of candidate words per cluster.
            random_state: The random state for randomly sampling candidate documents.


        from bertopic.representation import KeyBERTInspired
        from bertopic import BERTopic

        # Create your representation model
        representation_model = KeyBERTInspired()

        # Use the representation model in BERTopic on top of the default pipeline
        topic_model = BERTopic(representation_model=representation_model)
        self.top_n_words = top_n_words
        self.nr_repr_docs = nr_repr_docs
        self.nr_samples = nr_samples
        self.nr_candidate_words = nr_candidate_words
        self.random_state = random_state

    def extract_topics(
        documents: pd.DataFrame,
        c_tf_idf: csr_matrix,
        topics: Mapping[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]],
    ) -> Mapping[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]]:
        """Extract topics.

            topic_model: A BERTopic model
            documents: All input documents
            c_tf_idf: The topic c-TF-IDF representation
            topics: The candidate topics as calculated with c-TF-IDF

            updated_topics: Updated topic representations
        # We extract the top n representative documents per class
        _, representative_docs, repr_doc_indices, _ = topic_model._extract_representative_docs(
            c_tf_idf, documents, topics, self.nr_samples, self.nr_repr_docs

        # We extract the top n words per class
        topics = self._extract_candidate_words(topic_model, c_tf_idf, topics)

        # We calculate the similarity between word and document embeddings and create
        # topic embeddings from the representative document embeddings
        sim_matrix, words = self._extract_embeddings(topic_model, topics, representative_docs, repr_doc_indices)

        # Find the best matching words based on the similarity matrix for each topic
        updated_topics = self._extract_top_words(words, topics, sim_matrix)

        return updated_topics

    def _extract_candidate_words(
        c_tf_idf: csr_matrix,
        topics: Mapping[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]],
    ) -> Mapping[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]]:
        """For each topic, extract candidate words based on the c-TF-IDF

            topic_model: A BERTopic model
            c_tf_idf: The topic c-TF-IDF representation
            topics: The top words per topic

            topics: The `self.top_n_words` per topic
        labels = [int(label) for label in sorted(list(topics.keys()))]

        # Scikit-Learn Deprecation: get_feature_names is deprecated in 1.0
        # and will be removed in 1.2. Please use get_feature_names_out instead.
        if version.parse(sklearn_version) >= version.parse("1.0.0"):
            words = topic_model.vectorizer_model.get_feature_names_out()
            words = topic_model.vectorizer_model.get_feature_names()

        indices = topic_model._top_n_idx_sparse(c_tf_idf, self.nr_candidate_words)
        scores = topic_model._top_n_values_sparse(c_tf_idf, indices)
        sorted_indices = np.argsort(scores, 1)
        indices = np.take_along_axis(indices, sorted_indices, axis=1)
        scores = np.take_along_axis(scores, sorted_indices, axis=1)

        # Get top 30 words per topic based on c-TF-IDF score
        topics = {
            label: [
                (words[word_index], score) if word_index is not None and score > 0 else ("", 0.00001)
                for word_index, score in zip(indices[index][::-1], scores[index][::-1])
            for index, label in enumerate(labels)
        topics = {label: list(zip(*values[: self.nr_candidate_words]))[0] for label, values in topics.items()}

        return topics

    def _extract_embeddings(
        topics: Mapping[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]],
        representative_docs: List[str],
        repr_doc_indices: List[List[int]],
    ) -> Union[np.ndarray, List[str]]:
        """Extract the representative document embeddings and create topic embeddings.
        Then extract word embeddings and calculate the cosine similarity between topic
        embeddings and the word embeddings. Topic embeddings are the average of
        representative document embeddings.

            topic_model: A BERTopic model
            topics: The top words per topic
            representative_docs: A flat list of representative documents
            repr_doc_indices: The indices of representative documents
                              that belong to each topic

            sim: The similarity matrix between word and topic embeddings
            vocab: The complete vocabulary of input documents
        # Calculate representative docs embeddings and create topic embeddings
        repr_embeddings = topic_model._extract_embeddings(representative_docs, method="document", verbose=False)
        topic_embeddings = [np.mean(repr_embeddings[i[0] : i[-1] + 1], axis=0) for i in repr_doc_indices]

        # Calculate word embeddings and extract best matching with updated topic_embeddings
        vocab = list(set([word for words in topics.values() for word in words]))
        word_embeddings = topic_model._extract_embeddings(vocab, method="document", verbose=False)
        sim = cosine_similarity(topic_embeddings, word_embeddings)

        return sim, vocab

    def _extract_top_words(
        vocab: List[str],
        topics: Mapping[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]],
        sim: np.ndarray,
    ) -> Mapping[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]]:
        """Extract the top n words per topic based on the
        similarity matrix between topics and words.

            vocab: The complete vocabulary of input documents
            labels: All topic labels
            topics: The top words per topic
            sim: The similarity matrix between word and topic embeddings

            updated_topics: The updated topic representations
        labels = [int(label) for label in sorted(list(topics.keys()))]
        updated_topics = {}
        for i, topic in enumerate(labels):
            indices = [vocab.index(word) for word in topics[topic]]
            values = sim[:, indices][i]
            word_indices = [indices[index] for index in np.argsort(values)[-self.top_n_words :]]
            updated_topics[topic] = [
                (vocab[index], val) for val, index in zip(np.sort(values)[-self.top_n_words :], word_indices)

        return updated_topics

__init__(self, top_n_words=10, nr_repr_docs=5, nr_samples=500, nr_candidate_words=100, random_state=42) special

Use a KeyBERT-like model to fine-tune the topic representations.

The algorithm follows KeyBERT but does some optimization in order to speed up inference.

The steps are as follows. First, we extract the top n representative documents per topic. To extract the representative documents, we randomly sample a number of candidate documents per cluster which is controlled by the nr_samples parameter. Then, the top n representative documents are extracted by calculating the c-TF-IDF representation for the candidate documents and finding, through cosine similarity, which are closest to the topic c-TF-IDF representation. Next, the top n words per topic are extracted based on their c-TF-IDF representation, which is controlled by the nr_repr_docs parameter.

Then, we extract the embeddings for words and representative documents and create topic embeddings by averaging the representative documents. Finally, the most similar words to each topic are extracted by calculating the cosine similarity between word and topic embeddings.


Name Type Description Default
top_n_words int

The top n words to extract per topic.

nr_repr_docs int

The number of representative documents to extract per cluster.

nr_samples int

The number of candidate documents to extract per cluster.

nr_candidate_words int

The number of candidate words per cluster.

random_state int

The random state for randomly sampling candidate documents.



from bertopic.representation import KeyBERTInspired
from bertopic import BERTopic

# Create your representation model
representation_model = KeyBERTInspired()

# Use the representation model in BERTopic on top of the default pipeline
topic_model = BERTopic(representation_model=representation_model)
Source code in bertopic\representation\
def __init__(
    top_n_words: int = 10,
    nr_repr_docs: int = 5,
    nr_samples: int = 500,
    nr_candidate_words: int = 100,
    random_state: int = 42,
    """Use a KeyBERT-like model to fine-tune the topic representations.

    The algorithm follows KeyBERT but does some optimization in
    order to speed up inference.

    The steps are as follows. First, we extract the top n representative
    documents per topic. To extract the representative documents, we
    randomly sample a number of candidate documents per cluster
    which is controlled by the `nr_samples` parameter. Then,
    the top n representative documents  are extracted by calculating
    the c-TF-IDF representation for the  candidate documents and finding,
    through cosine similarity, which are closest to the topic c-TF-IDF representation.
    Next, the top n words per topic are extracted based on their
    c-TF-IDF representation, which is controlled by the `nr_repr_docs`

    Then, we extract the embeddings for words and representative documents
    and create topic embeddings by averaging the representative documents.
    Finally, the most similar words to each topic are extracted by
    calculating the cosine similarity between word and topic embeddings.

        top_n_words: The top n words to extract per topic.
        nr_repr_docs: The number of representative documents to extract per cluster.
        nr_samples: The number of candidate documents to extract per cluster.
        nr_candidate_words: The number of candidate words per cluster.
        random_state: The random state for randomly sampling candidate documents.


    from bertopic.representation import KeyBERTInspired
    from bertopic import BERTopic

    # Create your representation model
    representation_model = KeyBERTInspired()

    # Use the representation model in BERTopic on top of the default pipeline
    topic_model = BERTopic(representation_model=representation_model)
    self.top_n_words = top_n_words
    self.nr_repr_docs = nr_repr_docs
    self.nr_samples = nr_samples
    self.nr_candidate_words = nr_candidate_words
    self.random_state = random_state

extract_topics(self, topic_model, documents, c_tf_idf, topics)

Extract topics.


Name Type Description Default

A BERTopic model

documents DataFrame

All input documents

c_tf_idf csr_matrix

The topic c-TF-IDF representation

topics Mapping[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]]

The candidate topics as calculated with c-TF-IDF



Type Description

Updated topic representations

Source code in bertopic\representation\
def extract_topics(
    documents: pd.DataFrame,
    c_tf_idf: csr_matrix,
    topics: Mapping[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]],
) -> Mapping[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]]:
    """Extract topics.

        topic_model: A BERTopic model
        documents: All input documents
        c_tf_idf: The topic c-TF-IDF representation
        topics: The candidate topics as calculated with c-TF-IDF

        updated_topics: Updated topic representations
    # We extract the top n representative documents per class
    _, representative_docs, repr_doc_indices, _ = topic_model._extract_representative_docs(
        c_tf_idf, documents, topics, self.nr_samples, self.nr_repr_docs

    # We extract the top n words per class
    topics = self._extract_candidate_words(topic_model, c_tf_idf, topics)

    # We calculate the similarity between word and document embeddings and create
    # topic embeddings from the representative document embeddings
    sim_matrix, words = self._extract_embeddings(topic_model, topics, representative_docs, repr_doc_indices)

    # Find the best matching words based on the similarity matrix for each topic
    updated_topics = self._extract_top_words(words, topics, sim_matrix)

    return updated_topics