BERTopic is a topic modeling technique that leverages BERT embeddings and c-TF-IDF to create dense clusters allowing for easily interpretable topics whilst keeping important words in the topic descriptions.
The default embedding model is all-MiniLM-L6-v2
when selecting language="english"
and paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2
when selecting language="multilingual"
Name | Type | Description |
topics_ |
List[int]) |
The topics that are generated for each document after training or updating the topic model. The most recent topics are tracked. |
probabilities_ |
List[float] |
The probability of the assigned topic per document. These are
only calculated if a HDBSCAN model is used for the clustering step.
When |
topic_sizes_ |
Mapping[int, int]) |
The size of each topic. |
topic_mapper_ |
TopicMapper) |
A class for tracking topics and their mappings anytime they are merged, reduced, added, or removed. |
topic_representations_ |
Mapping[int, Tuple[int, float]]) |
The top n terms per topic and their respective c-TF-IDF values. |
c_tf_idf_ |
csr_matrix) |
The topic-term matrix as calculated through c-TF-IDF. To access its respective
words, run |
topic_labels_ |
Mapping[int, str]) |
The default labels for each topic. |
custom_labels_ |
List[str]) |
Custom labels for each topic. |
topic_embeddings_ |
np.ndarray) |
The embeddings for each topic. They are calculated by taking the centroid embedding of each cluster. |
representative_docs_ |
Mapping[int, str]) |
The representative documents for each topic. |
from bertopic import BERTopic
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all')['data']
topic_model = BERTopic()
topics, probabilities = topic_model.fit_transform(docs)
If you want to use your own embedding model, use it as follows:
from bertopic import BERTopic
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all')['data']
sentence_model = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
topic_model = BERTopic(embedding_model=sentence_model)
Due to the stochastic nature of UMAP, the results from BERTopic might differ and the quality can degrade. Using your own embeddings allows you to try out BERTopic several times until you find the topics that suit you best.
Source code in bertopic\
class BERTopic:
"""BERTopic is a topic modeling technique that leverages BERT embeddings and
c-TF-IDF to create dense clusters allowing for easily interpretable topics
whilst keeping important words in the topic descriptions.
The default embedding model is `all-MiniLM-L6-v2` when selecting `language="english"`
and `paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2` when selecting `language="multilingual"`.
topics_ (List[int]) : The topics that are generated for each document after training or updating
the topic model. The most recent topics are tracked.
probabilities_ (List[float]): The probability of the assigned topic per document. These are
only calculated if a HDBSCAN model is used for the clustering step.
When `calculate_probabilities=True`, then it is the probabilities
of all topics per document.
topic_sizes_ (Mapping[int, int]) : The size of each topic.
topic_mapper_ (TopicMapper) : A class for tracking topics and their mappings anytime they are
merged, reduced, added, or removed.
topic_representations_ (Mapping[int, Tuple[int, float]]) : The top n terms per topic and their respective
c-TF-IDF values.
c_tf_idf_ (csr_matrix) : The topic-term matrix as calculated through c-TF-IDF. To access its respective
words, run `.vectorizer_model.get_feature_names()` or
topic_labels_ (Mapping[int, str]) : The default labels for each topic.
custom_labels_ (List[str]) : Custom labels for each topic.
topic_embeddings_ (np.ndarray) : The embeddings for each topic. They are calculated by taking the
centroid embedding of each cluster.
representative_docs_ (Mapping[int, str]) : The representative documents for each topic.
from bertopic import BERTopic
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all')['data']
topic_model = BERTopic()
topics, probabilities = topic_model.fit_transform(docs)
If you want to use your own embedding model, use it as follows:
from bertopic import BERTopic
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all')['data']
sentence_model = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
topic_model = BERTopic(embedding_model=sentence_model)
Due to the stochastic nature of UMAP, the results from BERTopic might differ
and the quality can degrade. Using your own embeddings allows you to
try out BERTopic several times until you find the topics that suit
you best.
def __init__(
language: str = "english",
top_n_words: int = 10,
n_gram_range: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1),
min_topic_size: int = 10,
nr_topics: Union[int, str] = None,
low_memory: bool = False,
calculate_probabilities: bool = False,
seed_topic_list: List[List[str]] = None,
zeroshot_topic_list: List[str] = None,
zeroshot_min_similarity: float = 0.7,
umap_model: UMAP = None,
hdbscan_model: hdbscan.HDBSCAN = None,
vectorizer_model: CountVectorizer = None,
ctfidf_model: TfidfTransformer = None,
representation_model: BaseRepresentation = None,
verbose: bool = False,
"""BERTopic initialization.
language: The main language used in your documents. The default sentence-transformers
model for "english" is `all-MiniLM-L6-v2`. For a full overview of
supported languages see bertopic.backend.languages. Select
"multilingual" to load in the `paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2`
sentence-transformers model that supports 50+ languages.
NOTE: This is not used if `embedding_model` is used.
top_n_words: The number of words per topic to extract. Setting this
too high can negatively impact topic embeddings as topics
are typically best represented by at most 10 words.
n_gram_range: The n-gram range for the CountVectorizer.
Advised to keep high values between 1 and 3.
More would likely lead to memory issues.
NOTE: This param will not be used if you pass in your own
min_topic_size: The minimum size of the topic. Increasing this value will lead
to a lower number of clusters/topics and vice versa.
It is the same parameter as `min_cluster_size` in HDBSCAN.
NOTE: This param will not be used if you are using `hdbscan_model`.
nr_topics: Specifying the number of topics will reduce the initial
number of topics to the value specified. This reduction can take
a while as each reduction in topics (-1) activates a c-TF-IDF
calculation. If this is set to None, no reduction is applied. Use
"auto" to automatically reduce topics using HDBSCAN.
NOTE: Controlling the number of topics is best done by adjusting
`min_topic_size` first before adjusting this parameter.
low_memory: Sets UMAP low memory to True to make sure less memory is used.
NOTE: This is only used in UMAP. For example, if you use PCA instead of UMAP
this parameter will not be used.
calculate_probabilities: Calculate the probabilities of all topics
per document instead of the probability of the assigned
topic per document. This could slow down the extraction
of topics if you have many documents (> 100_000).
NOTE: If false you cannot use the corresponding
visualization method `visualize_probabilities`.
NOTE: This is an approximation of topic probabilities
as used in HDBSCAN and not an exact representation.
seed_topic_list: A list of seed words per topic to converge around
zeroshot_topic_list: A list of topic names to use for zero-shot classification
zeroshot_min_similarity: The minimum similarity between a zero-shot topic and
a document for assignment. The higher this value, the more
confident the model needs to be to assign a zero-shot topic to a document.
verbose: Changes the verbosity of the model, Set to True if you want
to track the stages of the model.
embedding_model: Use a custom embedding model.
The following backends are currently supported
* SentenceTransformers
* Flair
* Spacy
* Gensim
* USE (TF-Hub)
You can also pass in a string that points to one of the following
sentence-transformers models:
umap_model: Pass in a UMAP model to be used instead of the default.
NOTE: You can also pass in any dimensionality reduction algorithm as long
as it has `.fit` and `.transform` functions.
hdbscan_model: Pass in a hdbscan.HDBSCAN model to be used instead of the default
NOTE: You can also pass in any clustering algorithm as long as it has
`.fit` and `.predict` functions along with the `.labels_` variable.
vectorizer_model: Pass in a custom `CountVectorizer` instead of the default model.
ctfidf_model: Pass in a custom ClassTfidfTransformer instead of the default model.
representation_model: Pass in a model that fine-tunes the topic representations
calculated through c-TF-IDF. Models from `bertopic.representation`
are supported.
# Topic-based parameters
if top_n_words > 100:
"Note that extracting more than 100 words from a sparse can slow down computation quite a bit."
self.top_n_words = top_n_words
self.min_topic_size = min_topic_size
self.nr_topics = nr_topics
self.low_memory = low_memory
self.calculate_probabilities = calculate_probabilities
self.verbose = verbose
self.seed_topic_list = seed_topic_list
self.zeroshot_topic_list = zeroshot_topic_list
self.zeroshot_min_similarity = zeroshot_min_similarity
# Embedding model
self.language = language if not embedding_model else None
self.embedding_model = embedding_model
# Vectorizer
self.n_gram_range = n_gram_range
self.vectorizer_model = vectorizer_model or CountVectorizer(ngram_range=self.n_gram_range)
self.ctfidf_model = ctfidf_model or ClassTfidfTransformer()
# Representation model
self.representation_model = representation_model
# UMAP or another algorithm that has .fit and .transform functions
self.umap_model = umap_model or UMAP(
# HDBSCAN or another clustering algorithm that has .fit and .predict functions and
# the .labels_ variable to extract the labels
self.hdbscan_model = hdbscan_model or hdbscan.HDBSCAN(
# Public attributes
self.topics_ = None
self.probabilities_ = None
self.topic_sizes_ = None
self.topic_mapper_ = None
self.topic_representations_ = None
self.topic_embeddings_ = None
self._topic_id_to_zeroshot_topic_idx = {}
self.custom_labels_ = None
self.c_tf_idf_ = None
self.representative_images_ = None
self.representative_docs_ = {}
self.topic_aspects_ = {}
# Private attributes for internal tracking purposes
self._merged_topics = None
if verbose:
def _outliers(self):
"""Some algorithms have outlier labels (-1) that can be tricky to work
with if you are slicing data based on that labels. Therefore, we
track if there are outlier labels and act accordingly when slicing.
An integer indicating whether outliers are present in the topic model
return 1 if -1 in self.topic_sizes_ else 0
def topic_labels_(self):
"""Map topic IDs to their labels.
A label is the topic ID, along with the first four words of the topic representation, joined using '_'.
Zeroshot topic labels come from self.zeroshot_topic_list rather than the calculated representation.
topic_labels: a dict mapping a topic ID (int) to its label (str)
topic_labels = {
key: f"{key}_" + "_".join([word[0] for word in values[:4]])
for key, values in self.topic_representations_.items()
if self._is_zeroshot():
# Need to correct labels from zero-shot topics
topic_id_to_zeroshot_label = {
topic_id: self.zeroshot_topic_list[zeroshot_topic_idx]
for topic_id, zeroshot_topic_idx in self._topic_id_to_zeroshot_topic_idx.items()
return topic_labels
def fit(
documents: List[str],
embeddings: np.ndarray = None,
images: List[str] = None,
y: Union[List[int], np.ndarray] = None,
"""Fit the models (Bert, UMAP, and, HDBSCAN) on a collection of documents and generate topics.
documents: A list of documents to fit on
embeddings: Pre-trained document embeddings. These can be used
instead of the sentence-transformer model
images: A list of paths to the images to fit on or the images themselves
y: The target class for (semi)-supervised modeling. Use -1 if no class for a
specific instance is specified.
from bertopic import BERTopic
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all')['data']
topic_model = BERTopic().fit(docs)
If you want to use your own embeddings, use it as follows:
from bertopic import BERTopic
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
# Create embeddings
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all')['data']
sentence_model = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
embeddings = sentence_model.encode(docs, show_progress_bar=True)
# Create topic model
topic_model = BERTopic().fit(docs, embeddings)
self.fit_transform(documents=documents, embeddings=embeddings, y=y, images=images)
return self
def fit_transform(
documents: List[str],
embeddings: np.ndarray = None,
images: List[str] = None,
y: Union[List[int], np.ndarray] = None,
) -> Tuple[List[int], Union[np.ndarray, None]]:
"""Fit the models on a collection of documents, generate topics,
and return the probabilities and topic per document.
documents: A list of documents to fit on
embeddings: Pre-trained document embeddings. These can be used
instead of the sentence-transformer model
images: A list of paths to the images to fit on or the images themselves
y: The target class for (semi)-supervised modeling. Use -1 if no class for a
specific instance is specified.
predictions: Topic predictions for each documents
probabilities: The probability of the assigned topic per document.
If `calculate_probabilities` in BERTopic is set to True, then
it calculates the probabilities of all topics across all documents
instead of only the assigned topic. This, however, slows down
computation and may increase memory usage.
from bertopic import BERTopic
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all')['data']
topic_model = BERTopic()
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs)
If you want to use your own embeddings, use it as follows:
from bertopic import BERTopic
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
# Create embeddings
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all')['data']
sentence_model = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
embeddings = sentence_model.encode(docs, show_progress_bar=True)
# Create topic model
topic_model = BERTopic()
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs, embeddings)
if documents is not None:
check_embeddings_shape(embeddings, documents)
doc_ids = range(len(documents)) if documents is not None else range(len(images))
documents = pd.DataFrame({"Document": documents, "ID": doc_ids, "Topic": None, "Image": images})
# Extract embeddings
if embeddings is None:"Embedding - Transforming documents to embeddings.")
self.embedding_model = select_backend(self.embedding_model, language=self.language, verbose=self.verbose)
embeddings = self._extract_embeddings(
)"Embedding - Completed \u2713")
if self.embedding_model is not None:
self.embedding_model = select_backend(
self.embedding_model, language=self.language, verbose=self.verbose
# Guided Topic Modeling
if self.seed_topic_list is not None and self.embedding_model is not None:
y, embeddings = self._guided_topic_modeling(embeddings)
# Reduce dimensionality and fit UMAP model
umap_embeddings = self._reduce_dimensionality(embeddings, y)
# Zero-shot Topic Modeling
if self._is_zeroshot():
documents, embeddings, assigned_documents, assigned_embeddings = self._zeroshot_topic_modeling(
documents, embeddings
# Filter UMAP embeddings to only non-assigned embeddings to be used for clustering
umap_embeddings = self.umap_model.transform(embeddings)
if len(documents) > 0: # No zero-shot topics matched
# Cluster reduced embeddings
documents, probabilities = self._cluster_embeddings(umap_embeddings, documents, y=y)
if self._is_zeroshot() and len(assigned_documents) > 0:
documents, embeddings = self._combine_zeroshot_topics(
documents, embeddings, assigned_documents, assigned_embeddings
# All documents matches zero-shot topics
documents = assigned_documents
embeddings = assigned_embeddings
topics_before_reduction = self.topics_
# Sort and Map Topic IDs by their frequency
if not self.nr_topics:
documents = self._sort_mappings_by_frequency(documents)
# Create documents from images if we have images only
if documents.Document.values[0] is None:
custom_documents = self._images_to_text(documents, embeddings)
# Extract topics by calculating c-TF-IDF
self._extract_topics(custom_documents, embeddings=embeddings)
self._create_topic_vectors(documents=documents, embeddings=embeddings)
# Reduce topics
if self.nr_topics:
custom_documents = self._reduce_topics(custom_documents)
# Save the top 3 most representative documents per topic
# Extract topics by calculating c-TF-IDF
self._extract_topics(documents, embeddings=embeddings, verbose=self.verbose)
# Reduce topics
if self.nr_topics:
documents = self._reduce_topics(documents)
# Save the top 3 most representative documents per topic
# In the case of zero-shot topics, probability will come from cosine similarity,
# and the HDBSCAN model will be removed
if self._is_zeroshot() and len(assigned_documents) > 0:
self.hdbscan_model = BaseCluster()
sim_matrix = cosine_similarity(embeddings, np.array(self.topic_embeddings_))
if self.calculate_probabilities:
probabilities = sim_matrix
# Use `topics_before_reduction` because `self.topics_` may have already been updated from
# reducing topics, and the original probabilities are needed for `self._map_probabilities()`
probabilities = sim_matrix[
np.array(topics_before_reduction) + self._outliers,
# Resulting output
self.probabilities_ = self._map_probabilities(probabilities, original_topics=True)
predictions = documents.Topic.to_list()
return predictions, self.probabilities_
def transform(
documents: Union[str, List[str]],
embeddings: np.ndarray = None,
images: List[str] = None,
) -> Tuple[List[int], np.ndarray]:
"""After having fit a model, use transform to predict new instances.
documents: A single document or a list of documents to predict on
embeddings: Pre-trained document embeddings. These can be used
instead of the sentence-transformer model.
images: A list of paths to the images to predict on or the images themselves
predictions: Topic predictions for each documents
probabilities: The topic probability distribution which is returned by default.
If `calculate_probabilities` in BERTopic is set to False, then the
probabilities are not calculated to speed up computation and
decrease memory usage.
from bertopic import BERTopic
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all')['data']
topic_model = BERTopic().fit(docs)
topics, probs = topic_model.transform(docs)
If you want to use your own embeddings:
from bertopic import BERTopic
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
# Create embeddings
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all')['data']
sentence_model = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
embeddings = sentence_model.encode(docs, show_progress_bar=True)
# Create topic model
topic_model = BERTopic().fit(docs, embeddings)
topics, probs = topic_model.transform(docs, embeddings)
check_embeddings_shape(embeddings, documents)
if isinstance(documents, str) or documents is None:
documents = [documents]
if embeddings is None:
embeddings = self._extract_embeddings(documents, images=images, method="document", verbose=self.verbose)
# Check if an embedding model was found
if embeddings is None:
raise ValueError(
"No embedding model was found to embed the documents."
"Make sure when loading in the model using BERTopic.load()"
"to also specify the embedding model."
# Transform without hdbscan_model and umap_model using only cosine similarity
elif type(self.hdbscan_model) == BaseCluster:"Predicting topic assignments through cosine similarity of topic and document embeddings.")
sim_matrix = cosine_similarity(embeddings, np.array(self.topic_embeddings_))
predictions = np.argmax(sim_matrix, axis=1) - self._outliers
if self.calculate_probabilities:
probabilities = sim_matrix
probabilities = np.max(sim_matrix, axis=1)
# Transform with full pipeline
else:"Dimensionality - Reducing dimensionality of input embeddings.")
umap_embeddings = self.umap_model.transform(embeddings)"Dimensionality - Completed \u2713")
# Extract predictions and probabilities if it is a HDBSCAN-like model"Clustering - Approximating new points with `hdbscan_model`")
if is_supported_hdbscan(self.hdbscan_model):
predictions, probabilities = hdbscan_delegator(
self.hdbscan_model, "approximate_predict", umap_embeddings
# Calculate probabilities
if self.calculate_probabilities:"Probabilities - Start calculation of probabilities with HDBSCAN")
probabilities = hdbscan_delegator(self.hdbscan_model, "membership_vector", umap_embeddings)"Probabilities - Completed \u2713")
predictions = self.hdbscan_model.predict(umap_embeddings)
probabilities = None"Cluster - Completed \u2713")
# Map probabilities and predictions
probabilities = self._map_probabilities(probabilities, original_topics=True)
predictions = self._map_predictions(predictions)
return predictions, probabilities
def partial_fit(
documents: List[str],
embeddings: np.ndarray = None,
y: Union[List[int], np.ndarray] = None,
"""Fit BERTopic on a subset of the data and perform online learning
with batch-like data.
Online topic modeling in BERTopic is performed by using dimensionality
reduction and cluster algorithms that support a `partial_fit` method
in order to incrementally train the topic model.
Likewise, the `bertopic.vectorizers.OnlineCountVectorizer` is used
to dynamically update its vocabulary when presented with new data.
It has several parameters for modeling decay and updating the
In other words, although the main algorithm stays the same, the training
procedure now works as follows:
For each subset of the data:
1. Generate embeddings with a pre-trained language model
2. Incrementally update the dimensionality reduction algorithm with `partial_fit`
3. Incrementally update the cluster algorithm with `partial_fit`
4. Incrementally update the OnlineCountVectorizer and apply some form of decay
Note that it is advised to use `partial_fit` with batches and
not single documents for the best performance.
documents: A list of documents to fit on
embeddings: Pre-trained document embeddings. These can be used
instead of the sentence-transformer model
y: The target class for (semi)-supervised modeling. Use -1 if no class for a
specific instance is specified.
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans
from sklearn.decomposition import IncrementalPCA
from bertopic.vectorizers import OnlineCountVectorizer
from bertopic import BERTopic
# Prepare documents
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset=subset, remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'))["data"]
# Prepare sub-models that support online learning
umap_model = IncrementalPCA(n_components=5)
cluster_model = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=50, random_state=0)
vectorizer_model = OnlineCountVectorizer(stop_words="english", decay=.01)
topic_model = BERTopic(umap_model=umap_model,
# Incrementally fit the topic model by training on 1000 documents at a time
for index in range(0, len(docs), 1000):
topic_model.partial_fit(docs[index: index+1000])
# Checks
check_embeddings_shape(embeddings, documents)
if not hasattr(self.hdbscan_model, "partial_fit"):
raise ValueError(
"In order to use `.partial_fit`, the cluster model should have " "a `.partial_fit` function."
# Prepare documents
if isinstance(documents, str):
documents = [documents]
documents = pd.DataFrame({"Document": documents, "ID": range(len(documents)), "Topic": None})
# Extract embeddings
if embeddings is None:
if self.topic_representations_ is None:
self.embedding_model = select_backend(
self.embedding_model, language=self.language, verbose=self.verbose
embeddings = self._extract_embeddings(
if self.embedding_model is not None and self.topic_representations_ is None:
self.embedding_model = select_backend(
self.embedding_model, language=self.language, verbose=self.verbose
# Reduce dimensionality
if self.seed_topic_list is not None and self.embedding_model is not None:
y, embeddings = self._guided_topic_modeling(embeddings)
umap_embeddings = self._reduce_dimensionality(embeddings, y, partial_fit=True)
# Cluster reduced embeddings
documents, self.probabilities_ = self._cluster_embeddings(umap_embeddings, documents, partial_fit=True)
topics = documents.Topic.to_list()
# Map and find new topics
if not self.topic_mapper_:
self.topic_mapper_ = TopicMapper(topics)
mappings = self.topic_mapper_.get_mappings()
new_topics = set(topics).difference(set(mappings.keys()))
new_topic_ids = {topic: max(mappings.values()) + index + 1 for index, topic in enumerate(new_topics)}
updated_mappings = self.topic_mapper_.get_mappings()
updated_topics = [updated_mappings[topic] for topic in topics]
documents["Topic"] = updated_topics
# Add missing topics (topics that were originally created but are now missing)
if self.topic_representations_:
missing_topics = set(self.topic_representations_.keys()).difference(set(updated_topics))
for missing_topic in missing_topics:
documents.loc[len(documents), :] = [" ", len(documents), missing_topic]
missing_topics = {}
# Prepare documents
documents_per_topic = documents.sort_values("Topic").groupby(["Topic"], as_index=False)
updated_topics = documents_per_topic.first().Topic.astype(int)
documents_per_topic = documents_per_topic.agg({"Document": " ".join})
# Update topic representations
self.c_tf_idf_, updated_words = self._c_tf_idf(documents_per_topic, partial_fit=True)
self.topic_representations_ = self._extract_words_per_topic(
updated_words, documents, self.c_tf_idf_, calculate_aspects=False
# Update topic sizes
if len(missing_topics) > 0:
documents = documents.iloc[: -len(missing_topics)]
if self.topic_sizes_ is None:
sizes = documents.groupby(["Topic"], as_index=False).count()
for _, row in sizes.iterrows():
topic = int(row.Topic)
if self.topic_sizes_.get(topic) is not None and topic not in missing_topics:
self.topic_sizes_[topic] += int(row.Document)
elif self.topic_sizes_.get(topic) is None:
self.topic_sizes_[topic] = int(row.Document)
self.topics_ = documents.Topic.astype(int).tolist()
return self
def topics_over_time(
docs: List[str],
timestamps: Union[List[str], List[int]],
topics: List[int] = None,
nr_bins: int = None,
datetime_format: str = None,
evolution_tuning: bool = True,
global_tuning: bool = True,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Create topics over time.
To create the topics over time, BERTopic needs to be already fitted once.
From the fitted models, the c-TF-IDF representations are calculate at
each timestamp t. Then, the c-TF-IDF representations at timestamp t are
averaged with the global c-TF-IDF representations in order to fine-tune the
local representations.
Make sure to use a limited number of unique timestamps (<100) as the
c-TF-IDF representation will be calculated at each single unique timestamp.
Having a large number of unique timestamps can take some time to be calculated.
Moreover, there aren't many use-cases where you would like to see the difference
in topic representations over more than 100 different timestamps.
docs: The documents you used when calling either `fit` or `fit_transform`
timestamps: The timestamp of each document. This can be either a list of strings or ints.
If it is a list of strings, then the datetime format will be automatically
inferred. If it is a list of ints, then the documents will be ordered in
ascending order.
topics: A list of topics where each topic is related to a document in `docs` and
a timestamp in `timestamps`. You can use this to apply topics_over_time on
a subset of the data. Make sure that `docs`, `timestamps`, and `topics`
all correspond to one another and have the same size.
nr_bins: The number of bins you want to create for the timestamps. The left interval will
be chosen as the timestamp. An additional column will be created with the
entire interval.
datetime_format: The datetime format of the timestamps if they are strings, eg “%d/%m/%Y”.
Set this to None if you want to have it automatically detect the format.
See strftime documentation for more information on choices:
evolution_tuning: Fine-tune each topic representation at timestamp *t* by averaging its
c-TF-IDF matrix with the c-TF-IDF matrix at timestamp *t-1*. This creates
evolutionary topic representations.
global_tuning: Fine-tune each topic representation at timestamp *t* by averaging its c-TF-IDF matrix
with the global c-TF-IDF matrix. Turn this off if you want to prevent words in
topic representations that could not be found in the documents at timestamp *t*.
topics_over_time: A dataframe that contains the topic, words, and frequency of topic
at timestamp *t*.
The timestamps variable represents the timestamp of each document. If you have over
100 unique timestamps, it is advised to bin the timestamps as shown below:
from bertopic import BERTopic
topic_model = BERTopic()
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs)
topics_over_time = topic_model.topics_over_time(docs, timestamps, nr_bins=20)
selected_topics = topics if topics else self.topics_
documents = pd.DataFrame({"Document": docs, "Topic": selected_topics, "Timestamps": timestamps})
global_c_tf_idf = normalize(self.c_tf_idf_, axis=1, norm="l1", copy=False)
all_topics = sorted(list(documents.Topic.unique()))
all_topics_indices = {topic: index for index, topic in enumerate(all_topics)}
if isinstance(timestamps[0], str):
infer_datetime_format = True if not datetime_format else False
documents["Timestamps"] = pd.to_datetime(
if nr_bins:
documents["Bins"] = pd.cut(documents.Timestamps, bins=nr_bins)
documents["Timestamps"] = documents.apply(lambda row: row.Bins.left, 1)
# Sort documents in chronological order
documents = documents.sort_values("Timestamps")
timestamps = documents.Timestamps.unique()
if len(timestamps) > 100:
f"There are more than 100 unique timestamps (i.e., {len(timestamps)}) "
"which significantly slows down the application. Consider setting `nr_bins` "
"to a value lower than 100 to speed up calculation. "
# For each unique timestamp, create topic representations
topics_over_time = []
for index, timestamp in tqdm(enumerate(timestamps), disable=not self.verbose):
# Calculate c-TF-IDF representation for a specific timestamp
selection = documents.loc[documents.Timestamps == timestamp, :]
documents_per_topic = selection.groupby(["Topic"], as_index=False).agg(
{"Document": " ".join, "Timestamps": "count"}
c_tf_idf, words = self._c_tf_idf(documents_per_topic, fit=False)
if global_tuning or evolution_tuning:
c_tf_idf = normalize(c_tf_idf, axis=1, norm="l1", copy=False)
# Fine-tune the c-TF-IDF matrix at timestamp t by averaging it with the c-TF-IDF
# matrix at timestamp t-1
if evolution_tuning and index != 0:
current_topics = sorted(list(documents_per_topic.Topic.values))
overlapping_topics = sorted(
list(set(previous_topics).intersection(set(current_topics))) # noqa: F821
current_overlap_idx = [current_topics.index(topic) for topic in overlapping_topics]
previous_overlap_idx = [
previous_topics.index(topic) # noqa: F821
for topic in overlapping_topics
c_tf_idf.tolil()[current_overlap_idx] = (
c_tf_idf[current_overlap_idx] + previous_c_tf_idf[previous_overlap_idx] # noqa: F821
/ 2.0
# Fine-tune the timestamp c-TF-IDF representation based on the global c-TF-IDF representation
# by simply taking the average of the two
if global_tuning:
selected_topics = [all_topics_indices[topic] for topic in documents_per_topic.Topic.values]
c_tf_idf = (global_c_tf_idf[selected_topics] + c_tf_idf) / 2.0
# Extract the words per topic
words_per_topic = self._extract_words_per_topic(words, selection, c_tf_idf, calculate_aspects=False)
topic_frequency = pd.Series(
documents_per_topic.Timestamps.values, index=documents_per_topic.Topic
# Fill dataframe with results
topics_at_timestamp = [
", ".join([words[0] for words in values][:5]),
for topic, values in words_per_topic.items()
if evolution_tuning:
previous_topics = sorted(list(documents_per_topic.Topic.values)) # noqa: F841
previous_c_tf_idf = c_tf_idf.copy() # noqa: F841
return pd.DataFrame(topics_over_time, columns=["Topic", "Words", "Frequency", "Timestamp"])
def topics_per_class(
docs: List[str],
classes: Union[List[int], List[str]],
global_tuning: bool = True,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Create topics per class.
To create the topics per class, BERTopic needs to be already fitted once.
From the fitted models, the c-TF-IDF representations are calculated at
each class c. Then, the c-TF-IDF representations at class c are
averaged with the global c-TF-IDF representations in order to fine-tune the
local representations. This can be turned off if the pure representation is
Make sure to use a limited number of unique classes (<100) as the
c-TF-IDF representation will be calculated at each single unique class.
Having a large number of unique classes can take some time to be calculated.
docs: The documents you used when calling either `fit` or `fit_transform`
classes: The class of each document. This can be either a list of strings or ints.
global_tuning: Fine-tune each topic representation for class c by averaging its c-TF-IDF matrix
with the global c-TF-IDF matrix. Turn this off if you want to prevent words in
topic representations that could not be found in the documents for class c.
topics_per_class: A dataframe that contains the topic, words, and frequency of topics
for each class.
from bertopic import BERTopic
topic_model = BERTopic()
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs)
topics_per_class = topic_model.topics_per_class(docs, classes)
documents = pd.DataFrame({"Document": docs, "Topic": self.topics_, "Class": classes})
global_c_tf_idf = normalize(self.c_tf_idf_, axis=1, norm="l1", copy=False)
# For each unique timestamp, create topic representations
topics_per_class = []
for _, class_ in tqdm(enumerate(set(classes)), disable=not self.verbose):
# Calculate c-TF-IDF representation for a specific timestamp
selection = documents.loc[documents.Class == class_, :]
documents_per_topic = selection.groupby(["Topic"], as_index=False).agg(
{"Document": " ".join, "Class": "count"}
c_tf_idf, words = self._c_tf_idf(documents_per_topic, fit=False)
# Fine-tune the timestamp c-TF-IDF representation based on the global c-TF-IDF representation
# by simply taking the average of the two
if global_tuning:
c_tf_idf = normalize(c_tf_idf, axis=1, norm="l1", copy=False)
c_tf_idf = (global_c_tf_idf[documents_per_topic.Topic.values + self._outliers] + c_tf_idf) / 2.0
# Extract the words per topic
words_per_topic = self._extract_words_per_topic(words, selection, c_tf_idf, calculate_aspects=False)
topic_frequency = pd.Series(documents_per_topic.Class.values, index=documents_per_topic.Topic).to_dict()
# Fill dataframe with results
topics_at_class = [
", ".join([words[0] for words in values][:5]),
for topic, values in words_per_topic.items()
topics_per_class = pd.DataFrame(topics_per_class, columns=["Topic", "Words", "Frequency", "Class"])
return topics_per_class
def hierarchical_topics(
docs: List[str],
use_ctfidf: bool = True,
linkage_function: Callable[[csr_matrix], np.ndarray] = None,
distance_function: Callable[[csr_matrix], csr_matrix] = None,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Create a hierarchy of topics.
To create this hierarchy, BERTopic needs to be already fitted once.
Then, a hierarchy is calculated on the distance matrix of the c-TF-IDF or topic embeddings
representation using `scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage`.
Based on that hierarchy, we calculate the topic representation at each
merged step. This is a local representation, as we only assume that the
chosen step is merged and not all others which typically improves the
topic representation.
docs: The documents you used when calling either `fit` or `fit_transform`
use_ctfidf: Whether to calculate distances between topics based on c-TF-IDF embeddings. If False, the
embeddings from the embedding model are used.
linkage_function: The linkage function to use. Default is:
`lambda x: sch.linkage(x, 'ward', optimal_ordering=True)`
distance_function: The distance function to use on the c-TF-IDF matrix. Default is:
`lambda x: 1 - cosine_similarity(x)`.
You can pass any function that returns either a square matrix of
shape (n_samples, n_samples) with zeros on the diagonal and
non-negative values or condensed distance matrix of shape
(n_samples * (n_samples - 1) / 2,) containing the upper
triangular of the distance matrix.
hierarchical_topics: A dataframe that contains a hierarchy of topics
represented by their parents and their children
from bertopic import BERTopic
topic_model = BERTopic()
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs)
hierarchical_topics = topic_model.hierarchical_topics(docs)
A custom linkage function can be used as follows:
from scipy.cluster import hierarchy as sch
from bertopic import BERTopic
topic_model = BERTopic()
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs)
# Hierarchical topics
linkage_function = lambda x: sch.linkage(x, 'ward', optimal_ordering=True)
hierarchical_topics = topic_model.hierarchical_topics(docs, linkage_function=linkage_function)
if distance_function is None:
distance_function = lambda x: 1 - cosine_similarity(x)
if linkage_function is None:
linkage_function = lambda x: sch.linkage(x, "ward", optimal_ordering=True)
# Calculate distance
embeddings = select_topic_representation(self.c_tf_idf_, self.topic_embeddings_, use_ctfidf)[0][
self._outliers :
X = distance_function(embeddings)
X = validate_distance_matrix(X, embeddings.shape[0])
# Use the 1-D condensed distance matrix as an input instead of the raw distance matrix
Z = linkage_function(X)
# Ensuring that the distances between clusters are unique otherwise the flatting of the hierarchy with
# `sch.fcluster(...)` would produce incorrect values for "Topics" for these clusters
if len(Z[:, 2]) != len(np.unique(Z[:, 2])):
Z[:, 2] = get_unique_distances(Z[:, 2])
# Calculate basic bag-of-words to be iteratively merged later
documents = pd.DataFrame({"Document": docs, "ID": range(len(docs)), "Topic": self.topics_})
documents_per_topic = documents.groupby(["Topic"], as_index=False).agg({"Document": " ".join})
documents_per_topic = documents_per_topic.loc[documents_per_topic.Topic != -1, :]
clean_documents = self._preprocess_text(documents_per_topic.Document.values)
# Scikit-Learn Deprecation: get_feature_names is deprecated in 1.0
# and will be removed in 1.2. Please use get_feature_names_out instead.
if version.parse(sklearn_version) >= version.parse("1.0.0"):
words = self.vectorizer_model.get_feature_names_out()
words = self.vectorizer_model.get_feature_names()
bow = self.vectorizer_model.transform(clean_documents)
# Extract clusters
hier_topics = pd.DataFrame(
for index in tqdm(range(len(Z))):
# Find clustered documents
clusters = sch.fcluster(Z, t=Z[index][2], criterion="distance") - self._outliers
nr_clusters = len(clusters)
# Extract first topic we find to get the set of topics in a merged topic
topic = None
val = Z[index][0]
while topic is None:
if val - len(clusters) < 0:
topic = int(val)
val = Z[int(val - len(clusters))][0]
clustered_topics = [i for i, x in enumerate(clusters) if x == clusters[topic]]
# Group bow per cluster, calculate c-TF-IDF and extract words
grouped = csr_matrix(bow[clustered_topics].sum(axis=0))
c_tf_idf = self.ctfidf_model.transform(grouped)
selection = documents.loc[documents.Topic.isin(clustered_topics), :]
selection.Topic = 0
words_per_topic = self._extract_words_per_topic(words, selection, c_tf_idf, calculate_aspects=False)
# Extract parent's name and ID
parent_id = index + len(clusters)
parent_name = "_".join([x[0] for x in words_per_topic[0]][:5])
# Extract child's name and ID
Z_id = Z[index][0]
child_left_id = Z_id if Z_id - nr_clusters < 0 else Z_id - nr_clusters
if Z_id - nr_clusters < 0:
child_left_name = "_".join([x[0] for x in self.get_topic(Z_id)][:5])
child_left_name = hier_topics.iloc[int(child_left_id)].Parent_Name
# Extract child's name and ID
Z_id = Z[index][1]
child_right_id = Z_id if Z_id - nr_clusters < 0 else Z_id - nr_clusters
if Z_id - nr_clusters < 0:
child_right_name = "_".join([x[0] for x in self.get_topic(Z_id)][:5])
child_right_name = hier_topics.iloc[int(child_right_id)].Parent_Name
# Save results
hier_topics.loc[len(hier_topics), :] = [
hier_topics["Distance"] = Z[:, 2]
hier_topics = hier_topics.sort_values("Parent_ID", ascending=False)
hier_topics[["Parent_ID", "Child_Left_ID", "Child_Right_ID"]] = hier_topics[
["Parent_ID", "Child_Left_ID", "Child_Right_ID"]
return hier_topics
def approximate_distribution(
documents: Union[str, List[str]],
window: int = 4,
stride: int = 1,
min_similarity: float = 0.1,
batch_size: int = 1000,
padding: bool = False,
use_embedding_model: bool = False,
calculate_tokens: bool = False,
separator: str = " ",
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Union[List[np.ndarray], None]]:
"""A post-hoc approximation of topic distributions across documents.
In order to perform this approximation, each document is split into tokens
according to the provided tokenizer in the `CountVectorizer`. Then, a
sliding window is applied on each document creating subsets of the document.
For example, with a window size of 3 and stride of 1, the sentence:
`Solving the right problem is difficult.`
can be split up into `solving the right`, `the right problem`, `right problem is`,
and `problem is difficult`. These are called tokensets. For each of these
tokensets, we calculate their c-TF-IDF representation and find out
how similar they are to the previously generated topics. Then, the
similarities to the topics for each tokenset are summed up in order to
create a topic distribution for the entire document.
We can also dive into this a bit deeper by then splitting these tokensets
up into individual tokens and calculate how much a word, in a specific sentence,
contributes to the topics found in that document. This can be enabled by
setting `calculate_tokens=True` which can be used for visualization purposes
in `topic_model.visualize_approximate_distribution`.
The main output, `topic_distributions`, can also be used directly in
`.visualize_distribution(topic_distributions[index])` by simply selecting
a single distribution.
documents: A single document or a list of documents for which we
approximate their topic distributions
window: Size of the moving window which indicates the number of
tokens being considered.
stride: How far the window should move at each step.
min_similarity: The minimum similarity of a document's tokenset
with respect to the topics.
batch_size: The number of documents to process at a time. If None,
then all documents are processed at once.
NOTE: With a large number of documents, it is not
advised to process all documents at once.
padding: Whether to pad the beginning and ending of a document with
empty tokens.
use_embedding_model: Whether to use the topic model's embedding
model to calculate the similarity between
tokensets and topics instead of using c-TF-IDF.
calculate_tokens: Calculate the similarity of tokens with all topics.
NOTE: This is computation-wise more expensive and
can require more memory. Using this over batches of
documents might be preferred.
separator: The separator used to merge tokens into tokensets.
topic_distributions: A `n` x `m` matrix containing the topic distributions
for all input documents with `n` being the documents
and `m` the topics.
topic_token_distributions: A list of `t` x `m` arrays with `t` being the
number of tokens for the respective document
and `m` the topics.
After fitting the model, the topic distributions can be calculated regardless
of the clustering model and regardless of whether the documents were previously
seen or not:
topic_distr, _ = topic_model.approximate_distribution(docs)
As a result, the topic distributions are calculated in `topic_distr` for the
entire document based on a token set with a specific window size and stride.
If you want to calculate the topic distributions on a token-level:
topic_distr, topic_token_distr = topic_model.approximate_distribution(docs, calculate_tokens=True)
The `topic_token_distr` then contains, for each token, the best fitting topics.
As with `topic_distr`, it can contain multiple topics for a single token.
if isinstance(documents, str):
documents = [documents]
if batch_size is None:
batch_size = len(documents)
batches = 1
batches = math.ceil(len(documents) / batch_size)
topic_distributions = []
topic_token_distributions = []
for i in tqdm(range(batches), disable=not self.verbose):
doc_set = documents[i * batch_size : (i + 1) * batch_size]
# Extract tokens
analyzer = self.vectorizer_model.build_tokenizer()
tokens = [analyzer(document) for document in doc_set]
# Extract token sets
all_sentences = []
all_indices = [0]
all_token_sets_ids = []
for tokenset in tokens:
if len(tokenset) < window:
token_sets = [tokenset]
token_sets_ids = [list(range(len(tokenset)))]
# Extract tokensets using window and stride parameters
stride_indices = list(range(len(tokenset)))[::stride]
token_sets = []
token_sets_ids = []
for stride_index in stride_indices:
selected_tokens = tokenset[stride_index : stride_index + window]
if padding or len(selected_tokens) == window:
stride_index + len(selected_tokens),
# Add empty tokens at the beginning and end of a document
if padding:
padded = []
padded_ids = []
t = math.ceil(window / stride) - 1
for i in range(math.ceil(window / stride) - 1):
padded.append(tokenset[: window - ((t - i) * stride)])
padded_ids.append(list(range(0, window - ((t - i) * stride))))
token_sets = padded + token_sets
token_sets_ids = padded_ids + token_sets_ids
# Join the tokens
sentences = [separator.join(token) for token in token_sets]
all_indices.append(all_indices[-1] + len(sentences))
# Calculate similarity between embeddings of token sets and the topics
if use_embedding_model:
embeddings = self._extract_embeddings(all_sentences, method="document", verbose=True)
similarity = cosine_similarity(embeddings, self.topic_embeddings_[self._outliers :])
# Calculate similarity between c-TF-IDF of token sets and the topics
bow_doc = self.vectorizer_model.transform(all_sentences)
c_tf_idf_doc = self.ctfidf_model.transform(bow_doc)
similarity = cosine_similarity(c_tf_idf_doc, self.c_tf_idf_[self._outliers :])
# Only keep similarities that exceed the minimum
similarity[similarity < min_similarity] = 0
# Aggregate results on an individual token level
if calculate_tokens:
topic_distribution = []
topic_token_distribution = []
for index, token in enumerate(tokens):
start = all_indices[index]
end = all_indices[index + 1]
if start == end:
end = end + 1
# Assign topics to individual tokens
token_id = [i for i in range(len(token))]
token_val = {index: [] for index in token_id}
for sim, token_set in zip(similarity[start:end], all_token_sets_ids[start:end]):
for token in token_set:
if token in token_val:
matrix = []
for _, value in token_val.items():
# Take empty documents into account
matrix = np.array(matrix)
if len(matrix.shape) == 1:
matrix = np.zeros((1, len(self.topic_labels_) - self._outliers))
topic_distribution = normalize(topic_distribution, norm="l1", axis=1)
# Aggregate on a tokenset level indicated by the window and stride
topic_distribution = []
for index in range(len(all_indices) - 1):
start = all_indices[index]
end = all_indices[index + 1]
if start == end:
end = end + 1
group = similarity[start:end].sum(axis=0)
topic_distribution = normalize(np.array(topic_distribution), norm="l1", axis=1)
topic_token_distribution = None
# Combine results
if topic_token_distribution is None:
topic_token_distributions = None
topic_distributions = np.vstack(topic_distributions)
return topic_distributions, topic_token_distributions
def find_topics(self, search_term: str = None, image: str = None, top_n: int = 5) -> Tuple[List[int], List[float]]:
"""Find topics most similar to a search_term.
Creates an embedding for a search query and compares that with
the topic embeddings. The most similar topics are returned
along with their similarity values.
The query is specified using search_term for text queries or image for image queries.
The search_term can be of any size but since it is compared
with the topic representation it is advised to keep it
below 5 words.
search_term: the term you want to use to search for topics.
image: path to the image you want to use to search for topics.
top_n: the number of topics to return
similar_topics: the most similar topics from high to low
similarity: the similarity scores from high to low
You can use the underlying embedding model to find topics that
best represent the search term:
topics, similarity = topic_model.find_topics("sports", top_n=5)
Note that the search query is typically more accurate if the
search_term consists of a phrase or multiple words.
if self.embedding_model is None:
raise Exception("This method can only be used if you did not use custom embeddings.")
topic_list = list(self.topic_representations_.keys())
# Extract search_term embeddings and compare with topic embeddings
if search_term is not None:
search_embedding = self._extract_embeddings([search_term], method="word", verbose=False).flatten()
elif image is not None:
search_embedding = self._extract_embeddings(
[None], images=[image], method="document", verbose=False
sims = cosine_similarity(search_embedding.reshape(1, -1), self.topic_embeddings_).flatten()
# Extract topics most similar to search_term
ids = np.argsort(sims)[-top_n:]
similarity = [sims[i] for i in ids][::-1]
similar_topics = [topic_list[index] for index in ids][::-1]
return similar_topics, similarity
def update_topics(
docs: List[str],
images: List[str] = None,
topics: List[int] = None,
top_n_words: int = 10,
n_gram_range: Tuple[int, int] = None,
vectorizer_model: CountVectorizer = None,
ctfidf_model: ClassTfidfTransformer = None,
representation_model: BaseRepresentation = None,
"""Updates the topic representation by recalculating c-TF-IDF with the new
parameters as defined in this function.
When you have trained a model and viewed the topics and the words that represent them,
you might not be satisfied with the representation. Perhaps you forgot to remove
stop_words or you want to try out a different n_gram_range. This function allows you
to update the topic representation after they have been formed.
docs: The documents you used when calling either `fit` or `fit_transform`
images: The images you used when calling either `fit` or `fit_transform`
topics: A list of topics where each topic is related to a document in `docs`.
Use this variable to change or map the topics.
NOTE: Using a custom list of topic assignments may lead to errors if
topic reduction techniques are used afterwards. Make sure that
manually assigning topics is the last step in the pipeline
top_n_words: The number of words per topic to extract. Setting this
too high can negatively impact topic embeddings as topics
are typically best represented by at most 10 words.
n_gram_range: The n-gram range for the CountVectorizer.
vectorizer_model: Pass in your own CountVectorizer from scikit-learn
ctfidf_model: Pass in your own c-TF-IDF model to update the representations
representation_model: Pass in a model that fine-tunes the topic representations
calculated through c-TF-IDF. Models from `bertopic.representation`
are supported.
In order to update the topic representation, you will need to first fit the topic
model and extract topics from them. Based on these, you can update the representation:
topic_model.update_topics(docs, n_gram_range=(2, 3))
You can also use a custom vectorizer to update the representation:
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
vectorizer_model = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 2), stop_words="english")
topic_model.update_topics(docs, vectorizer_model=vectorizer_model)
You can also use this function to change or map the topics to something else.
You can update them as follows:
topic_model.update_topics(docs, my_updated_topics)
if not n_gram_range:
n_gram_range = self.n_gram_range
if top_n_words > 100:
"Note that extracting more than 100 words from a sparse " "can slow down computation quite a bit."
self.top_n_words = top_n_words
self.vectorizer_model = vectorizer_model or CountVectorizer(ngram_range=n_gram_range)
self.ctfidf_model = ctfidf_model or ClassTfidfTransformer()
self.representation_model = representation_model
if topics is None:
topics = self.topics_
"Using a custom list of topic assignments may lead to errors if "
"topic reduction techniques are used afterwards. Make sure that "
"manually assigning topics is the last step in the pipeline."
"Note that topic embeddings will also be created through weighted"
"c-TF-IDF embeddings instead of centroid embeddings."
documents = pd.DataFrame({"Document": docs, "Topic": topics, "ID": range(len(docs)), "Image": images})
documents_per_topic = documents.groupby(["Topic"], as_index=False).agg({"Document": " ".join})
# Update topic sizes and assignments
# Extract words and update topic labels
self.c_tf_idf_, words = self._c_tf_idf(documents_per_topic)
self.topic_representations_ = self._extract_words_per_topic(words, documents)
# Update topic vectors
if set(topics) != self.topics_:
# Remove outlier topic embedding if all that has changed is the outlier class
same_position = all(
True if old_topic == new_topic else False
for old_topic, new_topic in zip(self.topics_, topics)
if old_topic != -1
if same_position and -1 not in topics and -1 in self.topics_:
self.topic_embeddings_ = self.topic_embeddings_[1:]
def get_topics(self, full: bool = False) -> Mapping[str, Tuple[str, float]]:
"""Return topics with top n words and their c-TF-IDF score.
full: If True, returns all different forms of topic representations
for each topic, including aspects
self.topic_representations_: The top n words per topic and the corresponding c-TF-IDF score
all_topics = topic_model.get_topics()
if full:
topic_representations = {"Main": self.topic_representations_}
return topic_representations
return self.topic_representations_
def get_topic(self, topic: int, full: bool = False) -> Union[Mapping[str, Tuple[str, float]], bool]:
"""Return top n words for a specific topic and their c-TF-IDF scores.
topic: A specific topic for which you want its representation
full: If True, returns all different forms of topic representations
for a topic, including aspects
The top n words for a specific word and its respective c-TF-IDF scores
topic = topic_model.get_topic(12)
if topic in self.topic_representations_:
if full:
representations = {"Main": self.topic_representations_[topic]}
aspects = {aspect: representations[topic] for aspect, representations in self.topic_aspects_.items()}
return representations
return self.topic_representations_[topic]
return False
def get_topic_info(self, topic: int = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Get information about each topic including its ID, frequency, and name.
topic: A specific topic for which you want the frequency
info: The information relating to either a single topic or all topics
info_df = topic_model.get_topic_info()
info = pd.DataFrame(self.topic_sizes_.items(), columns=["Topic", "Count"]).sort_values("Topic")
info["Name"] =
# Custom label
if self.custom_labels_ is not None:
if len(self.custom_labels_) == len(info):
labels = {topic - self._outliers: label for topic, label in enumerate(self.custom_labels_)}
info["CustomName"] = info["Topic"].map(labels)
# Main Keywords
values = {topic: list(list(zip(*values))[0]) for topic, values in self.topic_representations_.items()}
info["Representation"] = info["Topic"].map(values)
# Extract all topic aspects
if self.topic_aspects_:
for aspect, values in self.topic_aspects_.items():
if isinstance(list(values.values())[-1], list):
if isinstance(list(values.values())[-1][0], tuple) or isinstance(
list(values.values())[-1][0], list
values = {topic: list(list(zip(*value))[0]) for topic, value in values.items()}
elif isinstance(list(values.values())[-1][0], str):
values = {topic: " ".join(value).strip() for topic, value in values.items()}
info[aspect] = info["Topic"].map(values)
# Representative Docs / Images
if self.representative_docs_ is not None:
info["Representative_Docs"] = info["Topic"].map(self.representative_docs_)
if self.representative_images_ is not None:
info["Representative_Images"] = info["Topic"].map(self.representative_images_)
# Select specific topic to return
if topic is not None:
info = info.loc[info.Topic == topic, :]
return info.reset_index(drop=True)
def get_topic_freq(self, topic: int = None) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, int]:
"""Return the size of topics (descending order).
topic: A specific topic for which you want the frequency
Either the frequency of a single topic or dataframe with
the frequencies of all topics
To extract the frequency of all topics:
frequency = topic_model.get_topic_freq()
To get the frequency of a single topic:
frequency = topic_model.get_topic_freq(12)
if isinstance(topic, int):
return self.topic_sizes_[topic]
return pd.DataFrame(self.topic_sizes_.items(), columns=["Topic", "Count"]).sort_values(
"Count", ascending=False
def get_document_info(
docs: List[str],
df: pd.DataFrame = None,
metadata: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Get information about the documents on which the topic was trained
including the documents themselves, their respective topics, the name
of each topic, the top n words of each topic, whether it is a
representative document, and probability of the clustering if the cluster
model supports it.
There are also options to include other meta data, such as the topic
distributions or the x and y coordinates of the reduced embeddings.
docs: The documents on which the topic model was trained.
df: A dataframe containing the metadata and the documents on which
the topic model was originally trained on.
metadata: A dictionary with meta data for each document in the form
of column name (key) and the respective values (value).
document_info: A dataframe with several statistics regarding
the documents on which the topic model was trained.
To get the document info, you will only need to pass the documents on which
the topic model was trained:
document_info = topic_model.get_document_info(docs)
There are additionally options to include meta data, such as the topic
distributions. Moreover, we can pass the original dataframe that contains
the documents and extend it with the information retrieved from BERTopic:
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
# The original data in a dataframe format to include the target variable
data = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all', remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'))
df = pd.DataFrame({"Document": data['data'], "Class": data['target']})
# Add information about the percentage of the document that relates to the topic
topic_distr, _ = topic_model.approximate_distribution(docs, batch_size=1000)
distributions = [distr[topic] if topic != -1 else 0 for topic, distr in zip(topics, topic_distr)]
# Create our documents dataframe using the original dataframe and meta data about
# the topic distributions
document_info = topic_model.get_document_info(docs, df=df,
metadata={"Topic_distribution": distributions})
if df is not None:
document_info = df.copy()
document_info["Document"] = docs
document_info["Topic"] = self.topics_
document_info = pd.DataFrame({"Document": docs, "Topic": self.topics_})
# Add topic info through `.get_topic_info()`
topic_info = self.get_topic_info().drop("Count", axis=1)
document_info = pd.merge(document_info, topic_info, on="Topic", how="left")
# Add top n words
top_n_words = {topic: " - ".join(list(zip(*self.get_topic(topic)))[0]) for topic in set(self.topics_)}
document_info["Top_n_words"] =
# Add flat probabilities
if self.probabilities_ is not None:
if len(self.probabilities_.shape) == 1:
document_info["Probability"] = self.probabilities_
document_info["Probability"] = [
max(probs) if topic != -1 else 1 - sum(probs)
for topic, probs in zip(self.topics_, self.probabilities_)
# Add representative document labels
repr_docs = [repr_doc for repr_docs in self.representative_docs_.values() for repr_doc in repr_docs]
document_info["Representative_document"] = False
document_info.loc[document_info.Document.isin(repr_docs), "Representative_document"] = True
# Add custom meta data provided by the user
if metadata is not None:
for column, values in metadata.items():
document_info[column] = values
return document_info
def get_representative_docs(self, topic: int = None) -> List[str]:
"""Extract the best representing documents per topic.
This does not extract all documents per topic as all documents
are not saved within BERTopic. To get all documents, please
run the following:
# When you used `.fit_transform`:
df = pd.DataFrame({"Document": docs, "Topic": topic})
# When you used `.fit`:
df = pd.DataFrame({"Document": docs, "Topic": topic_model.topics_})
topic: A specific topic for which you want
the representative documents
Representative documents of the chosen topic
To extract the representative docs of all topics:
representative_docs = topic_model.get_representative_docs()
To get the representative docs of a single topic:
representative_docs = topic_model.get_representative_docs(12)
if isinstance(topic, int):
if self.representative_docs_.get(topic):
return self.representative_docs_[topic]
return None
return self.representative_docs_
def get_topic_tree(
hier_topics: pd.DataFrame,
max_distance: float = None,
tight_layout: bool = False,
) -> str:
"""Extract the topic tree such that it can be printed.
hier_topics: A dataframe containing the structure of the topic tree.
This is the output of `topic_model.hierarchical_topics()`
max_distance: The maximum distance between two topics. This value is
based on the Distance column in `hier_topics`.
tight_layout: Whether to use a tight layout (narrow width) for
easier readability if you have hundreds of topics.
A tree that has the following structure when printed:
│ ├─■──candida_yeast_infection_gonorrhea_infections ── Topic: 48
│ └─patients_disease_cancer_medical_doctor
│ ├─■──hiv_medical_cancer_patients_doctor ── Topic: 34
│ └─■──pain_drug_patients_disease_diet ── Topic: 26
└─■──health_newsgroup_tobacco_vote_votes ── Topic: 9
The blocks (■) indicate that the topic is one you can directly access
from `topic_model.get_topic`. In other words, they are the original un-grouped topics.
# Train model
from bertopic import BERTopic
topic_model = BERTopic()
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs)
hierarchical_topics = topic_model.hierarchical_topics(docs)
# Print topic tree
tree = topic_model.get_topic_tree(hierarchical_topics)
width = 1 if tight_layout else 4
if max_distance is None:
max_distance = hier_topics.Distance.max() + 1
max_original_topic = hier_topics.Parent_ID.astype(int).min() - 1
# Extract mapping from ID to name
topic_to_name = dict(zip(hier_topics.Child_Left_ID, hier_topics.Child_Left_Name))
topic_to_name.update(dict(zip(hier_topics.Child_Right_ID, hier_topics.Child_Right_Name)))
topic_to_name = {topic: name[:100] for topic, name in topic_to_name.items()}
# Create tree
tree = {
str(row[1].Parent_ID): [
for row in hier_topics.iterrows()
def get_tree(start, tree):
"""Based on:"""
def _tree(to_print, start, parent, tree, grandpa=None, indent=""):
# Get distance between merged topics
distance = hier_topics.loc[
(hier_topics.Child_Left_ID == parent) | (hier_topics.Child_Right_ID == parent),
distance = distance.values[0] if len(distance) > 0 else 10
if parent != start:
if grandpa is None:
to_print += topic_to_name[parent]
if int(parent) <= max_original_topic:
# Do not append topic ID if they are not merged
if distance < max_distance:
to_print += "■──" + topic_to_name[parent] + f" ── Topic: {parent}" + "\n"
to_print += "O \n"
to_print += topic_to_name[parent] + "\n"
if parent not in tree:
return to_print
for child in tree[parent][:-1]:
to_print += indent + "├" + "─"
to_print = _tree(to_print, start, child, tree, parent, indent + "│" + " " * width)
child = tree[parent][-1]
to_print += indent + "└" + "─"
to_print = _tree(to_print, start, child, tree, parent, indent + " " * (width + 1))
return to_print
to_print = "." + "\n"
to_print = _tree(to_print, start, start, tree)
return to_print
start = str(hier_topics.Parent_ID.astype(int).max())
return get_tree(start, tree)
def set_topic_labels(self, topic_labels: Union[List[str], Mapping[int, str]]) -> None:
"""Set custom topic labels in your fitted BERTopic model.
topic_labels: If a list of topic labels, it should contain the same number
of labels as there are topics. This must be ordered
from the topic with the lowest ID to the highest ID,
including topic -1 if it exists.
If a dictionary of `topic ID`: `topic_label`, it can have
any number of topics as it will only map the topics found
in the dictionary.
First, we define our topic labels with `.generate_topic_labels` in which
we can customize our topic labels:
topic_labels = topic_model.generate_topic_labels(nr_words=2,
separator=", ")
Then, we pass these `topic_labels` to our topic model which
can be accessed at any time with `.custom_labels_`:
You might want to change only a few topic labels instead of all of them.
To do so, you can pass a dictionary where the keys are the topic IDs and
its keys the topic labels:
topic_model.set_topic_labels({0: "Space", 1: "Sports", 2: "Medicine"})
unique_topics = sorted(set(self.topics_))
if isinstance(topic_labels, dict):
if self.custom_labels_ is not None:
original_labels = {topic: label for topic, label in zip(unique_topics, self.custom_labels_)}
info = self.get_topic_info()
original_labels = dict(zip(info.Topic, info.Name))
custom_labels = [
topic_labels.get(topic) if topic_labels.get(topic) else original_labels[topic]
for topic in unique_topics
elif isinstance(topic_labels, list):
if len(topic_labels) == len(unique_topics):
custom_labels = topic_labels
raise ValueError(
"Make sure that `topic_labels` contains the same number " "of labels as there are topics."
self.custom_labels_ = custom_labels
def generate_topic_labels(
nr_words: int = 3,
topic_prefix: bool = True,
word_length: int = None,
separator: str = "_",
aspect: str = None,
) -> List[str]:
"""Get labels for each topic in a user-defined format.
nr_words: Top `n` words per topic to use
topic_prefix: Whether to use the topic ID as a prefix.
If set to True, the topic ID will be separated
using the `separator`
word_length: The maximum length of each word in the topic label.
Some words might be relatively long and setting this
value helps to make sure that all labels have relatively
similar lengths.
separator: The string with which the words and topic prefix will be
separated. Underscores are the default but a nice alternative
is `", "`.
aspect: The aspect from which to generate topic labels
topic_labels: A list of topic labels sorted from the lowest topic ID to the highest.
If the topic model was trained using HDBSCAN, the lowest topic ID is -1,
otherwise it is 0.
To create our custom topic labels, usage is rather straightforward:
topic_labels = topic_model.generate_topic_labels(nr_words=2, separator=", ")
unique_topics = sorted(set(self.topics_))
topic_labels = []
for topic in unique_topics:
if aspect:
words, _ = zip(*self.topic_aspects_[aspect][topic])
words, _ = zip(*self.get_topic(topic))
if word_length:
words = [word[:word_length] for word in words][:nr_words]
words = list(words)[:nr_words]
if topic_prefix:
topic_label = f"{topic}{separator}" + separator.join(words)
topic_label = separator.join(words)
return topic_labels
def merge_topics(
docs: List[str],
topics_to_merge: List[Union[Iterable[int], int]],
images: List[str] = None,
) -> None:
docs: The documents you used when calling either `fit` or `fit_transform`
topics_to_merge: Either a list of topics or a list of list of topics
to merge. For example:
[1, 2, 3] will merge topics 1, 2 and 3
[[1, 2], [3, 4]] will merge topics 1 and 2, and
separately merge topics 3 and 4.
images: A list of paths to the images used when calling either
`fit` or `fit_transform`.
If you want to merge topics 1, 2, and 3:
topics_to_merge = [1, 2, 3]
topic_model.merge_topics(docs, topics_to_merge)
or if you want to merge topics 1 and 2, and separately
merge topics 3 and 4:
topics_to_merge = [[1, 2],
[3, 4]]
topic_model.merge_topics(docs, topics_to_merge)
documents = pd.DataFrame(
"Document": docs,
"Topic": self.topics_,
"Image": images,
"ID": range(len(docs)),
mapping = {topic: topic for topic in set(self.topics_)}
if isinstance(topics_to_merge[0], int):
for topic in sorted(topics_to_merge):
mapping[topic] = topics_to_merge[0]
elif isinstance(topics_to_merge[0], Iterable):
for topic_group in sorted(topics_to_merge):
for topic in topic_group:
mapping[topic] = topic_group[0]
raise ValueError(
"Make sure that `topics_to_merge` is either" "a list of topics or a list of list of topics."
# Track mappings and sizes of topics for merging topic embeddings
mappings = defaultdict(list)
for key, val in sorted(mapping.items()):
mappings = {
topic_to: {
"topics_from": topics_from,
"topic_sizes": [self.topic_sizes_[topic] for topic in topics_from],
for topic_to, topics_from in mappings.items()
# Update topics
documents.Topic =
documents = self._sort_mappings_by_frequency(documents)
self._extract_topics(documents, mappings=mappings)
self.probabilities_ = self._map_probabilities(self.probabilities_)
def reduce_topics(
docs: List[str],
nr_topics: Union[int, str] = 20,
images: List[str] = None,
use_ctfidf: bool = False,
) -> None:
"""Reduce the number of topics to a fixed number of topics
or automatically.
If nr_topics is an integer, then the number of topics is reduced
to nr_topics using `AgglomerativeClustering` on the cosine distance matrix
of the topic c-TF-IDF or semantic embeddings.
If nr_topics is `"auto"`, then HDBSCAN is used to automatically
reduce the number of topics by running it on the topic embeddings.
The topics, their sizes, and representations are updated.
docs: The docs you used when calling either `fit` or `fit_transform`
nr_topics: The number of topics you want reduced to
images: A list of paths to the images used when calling either
`fit` or `fit_transform`
use_ctfidf: Whether to calculate distances between topics based on c-TF-IDF embeddings. If False, the
embeddings from the embedding model are used.
topics_ : Assigns topics to their merged representations.
probabilities_ : Assigns probabilities to their merged representations.
You can further reduce the topics by passing the documents with their
topics and probabilities (if they were calculated):
topic_model.reduce_topics(docs, nr_topics=30)
You can then access the updated topics and probabilities with:
topics = topic_model.topics_
probabilities = topic_model.probabilities_
self.nr_topics = nr_topics
documents = pd.DataFrame(
"Document": docs,
"Topic": self.topics_,
"Image": images,
"ID": range(len(docs)),
# Reduce number of topics
documents = self._reduce_topics(documents, use_ctfidf)
self._merged_topics = None
self.probabilities_ = self._map_probabilities(self.probabilities_)
return self
def reduce_outliers(
documents: List[str],
topics: List[int],
images: List[str] = None,
strategy: str = "distributions",
probabilities: np.ndarray = None,
threshold: float = 0,
embeddings: np.ndarray = None,
distributions_params: Mapping[str, Any] = {},
) -> List[int]:
"""Reduce outliers by merging them with their nearest topic according
to one of several strategies.
When using HDBSCAN, DBSCAN, or OPTICS, a number of outlier documents might be created
that do not fall within any of the created topics. These are labeled as -1.
This function allows the user to match outlier documents with their nearest topic
using one of the following strategies using the `strategy` parameter:
* "probabilities"
This uses the soft-clustering as performed by HDBSCAN to find the
best matching topic for each outlier document. To use this, make
sure to calculate the `probabilities` beforehand by instantiating
BERTopic with `calculate_probabilities=True`.
* "distributions"
Use the topic distributions, as calculated with `.approximate_distribution`
to find the most frequent topic in each outlier document. You can use the
`distributions_params` variable to tweak the parameters of
* "c-tf-idf"
Calculate the c-TF-IDF representation for each outlier document and
find the best matching c-TF-IDF topic representation using
cosine similarity.
* "embeddings"
Using the embeddings of each outlier documents, find the best
matching topic embedding using cosine similarity.
documents: A list of documents for which we reduce or remove the outliers.
topics: The topics that correspond to the documents
images: A list of paths to the images used when calling either
`fit` or `fit_transform`
strategy: The strategy used for reducing outliers.
* "probabilities"
This uses the soft-clustering as performed by HDBSCAN
to find the best matching topic for each outlier document.
* "distributions"
Use the topic distributions, as calculated with `.approximate_distribution`
to find the most frequent topic in each outlier document.
* "c-tf-idf"
Calculate the c-TF-IDF representation for outlier documents and
find the best matching c-TF-IDF topic representation.
* "embeddings"
Calculate the embeddings for outlier documents and
find the best matching topic embedding.
probabilities: Probabilities generated by HDBSCAN for each document when using the strategy `"probabilities"`.
threshold: The threshold for assigning topics to outlier documents. This value
represents the minimum probability when `strategy="probabilities"`.
For all other strategies, it represents the minimum similarity.
embeddings: The pre-computed embeddings to be used when `strategy="embeddings"`.
If this is None, then it will compute the embeddings for the outlier documents.
distributions_params: The parameters used in `.approximate_distribution` when using
the strategy `"distributions"`.
new_topics: The updated topics
The default settings uses the `"distributions"` strategy:
new_topics = topic_model.reduce_outliers(docs, topics)
When you use the `"probabilities"` strategy, make sure to also pass the probabilities
as generated through HDBSCAN:
from bertopic import BERTopic
topic_model = BERTopic(calculate_probabilities=True)
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs)
new_topics = topic_model.reduce_outliers(docs, topics, probabilities=probs, strategy="probabilities")
if not self._outliers:
raise ValueError("No outliers to reduce.")
if images is not None:
strategy = "embeddings"
# Check correct use of parameters
if strategy.lower() == "probabilities" and probabilities is None:
raise ValueError("Make sure to pass in `probabilities` in order to use the probabilities strategy")
# Reduce outliers by extracting most likely topics through the topic-term probability matrix
if strategy.lower() == "probabilities":
new_topics = [
np.argmax(prob) if np.max(prob) >= threshold and topic == -1 else topic
for topic, prob in zip(topics, probabilities)
# Reduce outliers by extracting most frequent topics through calculating of Topic Distributions
elif strategy.lower() == "distributions":
outlier_ids = [index for index, topic in enumerate(topics) if topic == -1]
outlier_docs = [documents[index] for index in outlier_ids]
topic_distr, _ = self.approximate_distribution(
outlier_docs, min_similarity=threshold, **distributions_params
outlier_topics = iter([np.argmax(prob) if sum(prob) > 0 else -1 for prob in topic_distr])
new_topics = [topic if topic != -1 else next(outlier_topics) for topic in topics]
# Reduce outliers by finding the most similar c-TF-IDF representations
elif strategy.lower() == "c-tf-idf":
outlier_ids = [index for index, topic in enumerate(topics) if topic == -1]
outlier_docs = [documents[index] for index in outlier_ids]
# Calculate c-TF-IDF of outlier documents with all topics
bow_doc = self.vectorizer_model.transform(outlier_docs)
c_tf_idf_doc = self.ctfidf_model.transform(bow_doc)
similarity = cosine_similarity(c_tf_idf_doc, self.c_tf_idf_[self._outliers :])
# Update topics
similarity[similarity < threshold] = 0
outlier_topics = iter([np.argmax(sim) if sum(sim) > 0 else -1 for sim in similarity])
new_topics = [topic if topic != -1 else next(outlier_topics) for topic in topics]
# Reduce outliers by finding the most similar topic embeddings
elif strategy.lower() == "embeddings":
if self.embedding_model is None and embeddings is None:
raise ValueError(
"To use this strategy, you will need to pass a model to `embedding_model`"
"when instantiating BERTopic."
outlier_ids = [index for index, topic in enumerate(topics) if topic == -1]
if images is not None:
outlier_docs = [images[index] for index in outlier_ids]
outlier_docs = [documents[index] for index in outlier_ids]
# Extract or calculate embeddings for outlier documents
if embeddings is not None:
outlier_embeddings = np.array([embeddings[index] for index in outlier_ids])
elif images is not None:
outlier_images = [images[index] for index in outlier_ids]
outlier_embeddings = self.embedding_model.embed_images(outlier_images, verbose=self.verbose)
outlier_embeddings = self.embedding_model.embed_documents(outlier_docs)
similarity = cosine_similarity(outlier_embeddings, self.topic_embeddings_[self._outliers :])
# Update topics
similarity[similarity < threshold] = 0
outlier_topics = iter([np.argmax(sim) if sum(sim) > 0 else -1 for sim in similarity])
new_topics = [topic if topic != -1 else next(outlier_topics) for topic in topics]
return new_topics
def visualize_topics(
topics: List[int] = None,
top_n_topics: int = None,
use_ctfidf: bool = False,
custom_labels: bool = False,
title: str = "<b>Intertopic Distance Map</b>",
width: int = 650,
height: int = 650,
) -> go.Figure:
"""Visualize topics, their sizes, and their corresponding words.
This visualization is highly inspired by LDAvis, a great visualization
technique typically reserved for LDA.
topics: A selection of topics to visualize
Not to be confused with the topics that you get from `.fit_transform`.
For example, if you want to visualize only topics 1 through 5:
`topics = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]`.
top_n_topics: Only select the top n most frequent topics
use_ctfidf: Whether to use c-TF-IDF representations instead of the embeddings from the embedding model.
custom_labels: Whether to use custom topic labels that were defined using
title: Title of the plot.
width: The width of the figure.
height: The height of the figure.
To visualize the topics simply run:
Or if you want to save the resulting figure:
fig = topic_model.visualize_topics()
return plotting.visualize_topics(
def visualize_documents(
docs: List[str],
topics: List[int] = None,
embeddings: np.ndarray = None,
reduced_embeddings: np.ndarray = None,
sample: float = None,
hide_annotations: bool = False,
hide_document_hover: bool = False,
custom_labels: bool = False,
title: str = "<b>Documents and Topics</b>",
width: int = 1200,
height: int = 750,
) -> go.Figure:
"""Visualize documents and their topics in 2D.
topic_model: A fitted BERTopic instance.
docs: The documents you used when calling either `fit` or `fit_transform`
topics: A selection of topics to visualize.
Not to be confused with the topics that you get from `.fit_transform`.
For example, if you want to visualize only topics 1 through 5:
`topics = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]`.
embeddings: The embeddings of all documents in `docs`.
reduced_embeddings: The 2D reduced embeddings of all documents in `docs`.
sample: The percentage of documents in each topic that you would like to keep.
Value can be between 0 and 1. Setting this value to, for example,
0.1 (10% of documents in each topic) makes it easier to visualize
millions of documents as a subset is chosen.
hide_annotations: Hide the names of the traces on top of each cluster.
hide_document_hover: Hide the content of the documents when hovering over
specific points. Helps to speed up generation of visualization.
custom_labels: Whether to use custom topic labels that were defined using
title: Title of the plot.
width: The width of the figure.
height: The height of the figure.
To visualize the topics simply run:
Do note that this re-calculates the embeddings and reduces them to 2D.
The advised and preferred pipeline for using this function is as follows:
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
from bertopic import BERTopic
from umap import UMAP
# Prepare embeddings
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all', remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'))['data']
sentence_model = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
embeddings = sentence_model.encode(docs, show_progress_bar=False)
# Train BERTopic
topic_model = BERTopic().fit(docs, embeddings)
# Reduce dimensionality of embeddings, this step is optional
# reduced_embeddings = UMAP(n_neighbors=10, n_components=2, min_dist=0.0, metric='cosine').fit_transform(embeddings)
# Run the visualization with the original embeddings
topic_model.visualize_documents(docs, embeddings=embeddings)
# Or, if you have reduced the original embeddings already:
topic_model.visualize_documents(docs, reduced_embeddings=reduced_embeddings)
Or if you want to save the resulting figure:
fig = topic_model.visualize_documents(docs, reduced_embeddings=reduced_embeddings)
<iframe src="../getting_started/visualization/documents.html"
style="width:1000px; height: 800px; border: 0px;""></iframe>
return plotting.visualize_documents(
def visualize_document_datamap(
docs: List[str],
topics: List[int] = None,
embeddings: np.ndarray = None,
reduced_embeddings: np.ndarray = None,
custom_labels: Union[bool, str] = False,
title: str = "Documents and Topics",
sub_title: Union[str, None] = None,
width: int = 1200,
height: int = 1200,
"""Visualize documents and their topics in 2D as a static plot for publication using
DataMapPlot. This works best if there are between 5 and 60 topics. It is therefore best
to use a sufficiently large `min_topic_size` or set `nr_topics` when building the model.
topic_model: A fitted BERTopic instance.
docs: The documents you used when calling either `fit` or `fit_transform`
topics: A selection of topics to visualize.
Not to be confused with the topics that you get from .fit_transform. For example, if you want to visualize only topics 1 through 5: topics = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. Documents not in these topics will be shown as noise points.
embeddings: The embeddings of all documents in `docs`.
reduced_embeddings: The 2D reduced embeddings of all documents in `docs`.
custom_labels: If bool, whether to use custom topic labels that were defined using
If `str`, it uses labels from other aspects, e.g., "Aspect1".
title: Title of the plot.
sub_title: Sub-title of the plot.
width: The width of the figure.
height: The height of the figure.
**datamap_kwds: All further keyword args will be passed on to DataMapPlot's
`create_plot` function. See the DataMapPlot documentation
for more details.
figure: A Matplotlib Figure object.
To visualize the topics simply run:
Do note that this re-calculates the embeddings and reduces them to 2D.
The advised and preferred pipeline for using this function is as follows:
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
from bertopic import BERTopic
from umap import UMAP
# Prepare embeddings
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all', remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'))['data']
sentence_model = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
embeddings = sentence_model.encode(docs, show_progress_bar=False)
# Train BERTopic
topic_model = BERTopic(min_topic_size=36).fit(docs, embeddings)
# Reduce dimensionality of embeddings, this step is optional
# reduced_embeddings = UMAP(n_neighbors=10, n_components=2, min_dist=0.0, metric='cosine').fit_transform(embeddings)
# Run the visualization with the original embeddings
topic_model.visualize_document_datamap(docs, embeddings=embeddings)
# Or, if you have reduced the original embeddings already:
topic_model.visualize_document_datamap(docs, reduced_embeddings=reduced_embeddings)
Or if you want to save the resulting figure:
fig = topic_model.visualize_document_datamap(docs, reduced_embeddings=reduced_embeddings)
fig.savefig("path/to/file.png", bbox_inches="tight")
return plotting.visualize_document_datamap(
def visualize_hierarchical_documents(
docs: List[str],
hierarchical_topics: pd.DataFrame,
topics: List[int] = None,
embeddings: np.ndarray = None,
reduced_embeddings: np.ndarray = None,
sample: Union[float, int] = None,
hide_annotations: bool = False,
hide_document_hover: bool = True,
nr_levels: int = 10,
level_scale: str = "linear",
custom_labels: bool = False,
title: str = "<b>Hierarchical Documents and Topics</b>",
width: int = 1200,
height: int = 750,
) -> go.Figure:
"""Visualize documents and their topics in 2D at different levels of hierarchy.
docs: The documents you used when calling either `fit` or `fit_transform`
hierarchical_topics: A dataframe that contains a hierarchy of topics
represented by their parents and their children
topics: A selection of topics to visualize.
Not to be confused with the topics that you get from `.fit_transform`.
For example, if you want to visualize only topics 1 through 5:
`topics = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]`.
embeddings: The embeddings of all documents in `docs`.
reduced_embeddings: The 2D reduced embeddings of all documents in `docs`.
sample: The percentage of documents in each topic that you would like to keep.
Value can be between 0 and 1. Setting this value to, for example,
0.1 (10% of documents in each topic) makes it easier to visualize
millions of documents as a subset is chosen.
hide_annotations: Hide the names of the traces on top of each cluster.
hide_document_hover: Hide the content of the documents when hovering over
specific points. Helps to speed up generation of visualizations.
nr_levels: The number of levels to be visualized in the hierarchy. First, the distances
in `hierarchical_topics.Distance` are split in `nr_levels` lists of distances with
equal length. Then, for each list of distances, the merged topics, that have
a distance less or equal to the maximum distance of the selected list of distances, are selected.
NOTE: To get all possible merged steps, make sure that `nr_levels` is equal to
the length of `hierarchical_topics`.
level_scale: Whether to apply a linear or logarithmic ('log') scale levels of the distance
vector. Linear scaling will perform an equal number of merges at each level
while logarithmic scaling will perform more mergers in earlier levels to
provide more resolution at higher levels (this can be used for when the number
of topics is large).
custom_labels: Whether to use custom topic labels that were defined using
NOTE: Custom labels are only generated for the original
un-merged topics.
title: Title of the plot.
width: The width of the figure.
height: The height of the figure.
To visualize the topics simply run:
topic_model.visualize_hierarchical_documents(docs, hierarchical_topics)
Do note that this re-calculates the embeddings and reduces them to 2D.
The advised and preferred pipeline for using this function is as follows:
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
from bertopic import BERTopic
from umap import UMAP
# Prepare embeddings
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all', remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'))['data']
sentence_model = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
embeddings = sentence_model.encode(docs, show_progress_bar=False)
# Train BERTopic and extract hierarchical topics
topic_model = BERTopic().fit(docs, embeddings)
hierarchical_topics = topic_model.hierarchical_topics(docs)
# Reduce dimensionality of embeddings, this step is optional
# reduced_embeddings = UMAP(n_neighbors=10, n_components=2, min_dist=0.0, metric='cosine').fit_transform(embeddings)
# Run the visualization with the original embeddings
topic_model.visualize_hierarchical_documents(docs, hierarchical_topics, embeddings=embeddings)
# Or, if you have reduced the original embeddings already:
topic_model.visualize_hierarchical_documents(docs, hierarchical_topics, reduced_embeddings=reduced_embeddings)
Or if you want to save the resulting figure:
fig = topic_model.visualize_hierarchical_documents(docs, hierarchical_topics, reduced_embeddings=reduced_embeddings)
<iframe src="../getting_started/visualization/hierarchical_documents.html"
style="width:1000px; height: 770px; border: 0px;""></iframe>
return plotting.visualize_hierarchical_documents(
def visualize_term_rank(
topics: List[int] = None,
log_scale: bool = False,
custom_labels: bool = False,
title: str = "<b>Term score decline per Topic</b>",
width: int = 800,
height: int = 500,
) -> go.Figure:
"""Visualize the ranks of all terms across all topics.
Each topic is represented by a set of words. These words, however,
do not all equally represent the topic. This visualization shows
how many words are needed to represent a topic and at which point
the beneficial effect of adding words starts to decline.
topics: A selection of topics to visualize. These will be colored
red where all others will be colored black.
log_scale: Whether to represent the ranking on a log scale
custom_labels: Whether to use custom topic labels that were defined using
title: Title of the plot.
width: The width of the figure.
height: The height of the figure.
fig: A plotly figure
To visualize the ranks of all words across
all topics simply run:
Or if you want to save the resulting figure:
fig = topic_model.visualize_term_rank()
This visualization was heavily inspired by the
"Term Probability Decline" visualization found in an
analysis by the amazing [tmtoolkit](
Reference to that specific analysis can be found
return plotting.visualize_term_rank(
def visualize_topics_over_time(
topics_over_time: pd.DataFrame,
top_n_topics: int = None,
topics: List[int] = None,
normalize_frequency: bool = False,
custom_labels: bool = False,
title: str = "<b>Topics over Time</b>",
width: int = 1250,
height: int = 450,
) -> go.Figure:
"""Visualize topics over time.
topics_over_time: The topics you would like to be visualized with the
corresponding topic representation
top_n_topics: To visualize the most frequent topics instead of all
topics: Select which topics you would like to be visualized
normalize_frequency: Whether to normalize each topic's frequency individually
custom_labels: Whether to use custom topic labels that were defined using
title: Title of the plot.
width: The width of the figure.
height: The height of the figure.
A plotly.graph_objects.Figure including all traces
To visualize the topics over time, simply run:
topics_over_time = topic_model.topics_over_time(docs, timestamps)
Or if you want to save the resulting figure:
fig = topic_model.visualize_topics_over_time(topics_over_time)
return plotting.visualize_topics_over_time(
def visualize_topics_per_class(
topics_per_class: pd.DataFrame,
top_n_topics: int = 10,
topics: List[int] = None,
normalize_frequency: bool = False,
custom_labels: bool = False,
title: str = "<b>Topics per Class</b>",
width: int = 1250,
height: int = 900,
) -> go.Figure:
"""Visualize topics per class.
topics_per_class: The topics you would like to be visualized with the
corresponding topic representation
top_n_topics: To visualize the most frequent topics instead of all
topics: Select which topics you would like to be visualized
normalize_frequency: Whether to normalize each topic's frequency individually
custom_labels: Whether to use custom topic labels that were defined using
title: Title of the plot.
width: The width of the figure.
height: The height of the figure.
A plotly.graph_objects.Figure including all traces
To visualize the topics per class, simply run:
topics_per_class = topic_model.topics_per_class(docs, classes)
Or if you want to save the resulting figure:
fig = topic_model.visualize_topics_per_class(topics_per_class)
return plotting.visualize_topics_per_class(
def visualize_distribution(
probabilities: np.ndarray,
min_probability: float = 0.015,
custom_labels: bool = False,
title: str = "<b>Topic Probability Distribution</b>",
width: int = 800,
height: int = 600,
) -> go.Figure:
"""Visualize the distribution of topic probabilities.
probabilities: An array of probability scores
min_probability: The minimum probability score to visualize.
All others are ignored.
custom_labels: Whether to use custom topic labels that were defined using
title: Title of the plot.
width: The width of the figure.
height: The height of the figure.
Make sure to fit the model before and only input the
probabilities of a single document:
Or if you want to save the resulting figure:
fig = topic_model.visualize_distribution(topic_model.probabilities_[0])
return plotting.visualize_distribution(
def visualize_approximate_distribution(
document: str,
topic_token_distribution: np.ndarray,
normalize: bool = False,
"""Visualize the topic distribution calculated by `.approximate_topic_distribution`
on a token level. Thereby indicating the extent to which a certain word or phrase belongs
to a specific topic. The assumption here is that a single word can belong to multiple
similar topics and as such can give information about the broader set of topics within
a single document.
topic_model: A fitted BERTopic instance.
document: The document for which you want to visualize
the approximated topic distribution.
topic_token_distribution: The topic-token distribution of the document as
extracted by `.approximate_topic_distribution`
normalize: Whether to normalize, between 0 and 1 (summing up to 1), the
topic distribution values.
df: A stylized dataframe indicating the best fitting topics
for each token.
# Calculate the topic distributions on a token level
# Note that we need to have `calculate_token_level=True`
topic_distr, topic_token_distr = topic_model.approximate_distribution(
docs, calculate_token_level=True
# Visualize the approximated topic distributions
df = topic_model.visualize_approximate_distribution(docs[0], topic_token_distr[0])
To revert this stylized dataframe back to a regular dataframe,
you can run the following:
```python = [column.strip() for column in]
df =
return plotting.visualize_approximate_distribution(
def visualize_hierarchy(
orientation: str = "left",
topics: List[int] = None,
top_n_topics: int = None,
use_ctfidf: bool = True,
custom_labels: bool = False,
title: str = "<b>Hierarchical Clustering</b>",
width: int = 1000,
height: int = 600,
hierarchical_topics: pd.DataFrame = None,
linkage_function: Callable[[csr_matrix], np.ndarray] = None,
distance_function: Callable[[csr_matrix], csr_matrix] = None,
color_threshold: int = 1,
) -> go.Figure:
"""Visualize a hierarchical structure of the topics.
A ward linkage function is used to perform the
hierarchical clustering based on the cosine distance
matrix between c-TF-IDF or semantic embeddings of the topics.
topic_model: A fitted BERTopic instance.
orientation: The orientation of the figure.
Either 'left' or 'bottom'
topics: A selection of topics to visualize
top_n_topics: Only select the top n most frequent topics
use_ctfidf: Whether to calculate distances between topics based on c-TF-IDF embeddings. If False, the
embeddings from the embedding model are used.
custom_labels: Whether to use custom topic labels that were defined using
NOTE: Custom labels are only generated for the original
un-merged topics.
title: Title of the plot.
width: The width of the figure. Only works if orientation is set to 'left'
height: The height of the figure. Only works if orientation is set to 'bottom'
hierarchical_topics: A dataframe that contains a hierarchy of topics
represented by their parents and their children.
NOTE: The hierarchical topic names are only visualized
if both `topics` and `top_n_topics` are not set.
linkage_function: The linkage function to use. Default is:
`lambda x: sch.linkage(x, 'ward', optimal_ordering=True)`
NOTE: Make sure to use the same `linkage_function` as used
in `topic_model.hierarchical_topics`.
distance_function: The distance function to use on the c-TF-IDF matrix. Default is:
`lambda x: 1 - cosine_similarity(x)`
NOTE: Make sure to use the same `distance_function` as used
in `topic_model.hierarchical_topics`.
color_threshold: Value at which the separation of clusters will be made which
will result in different colors for different clusters.
A higher value will typically lead to less colored clusters.
fig: A plotly figure
To visualize the hierarchical structure of
topics simply run:
If you also want the labels of hierarchical topics visualized,
run the following:
# Extract hierarchical topics and their representations
hierarchical_topics = topic_model.hierarchical_topics(docs)
# Visualize these representations
If you want to save the resulting figure:
fig = topic_model.visualize_hierarchy()
<iframe src="../getting_started/visualization/hierarchy.html"
style="width:1000px; height: 680px; border: 0px;""></iframe>
return plotting.visualize_hierarchy(
def visualize_heatmap(
topics: List[int] = None,
top_n_topics: int = None,
n_clusters: int = None,
use_ctfidf: bool = False,
custom_labels: bool = False,
title: str = "<b>Similarity Matrix</b>",
width: int = 800,
height: int = 800,
) -> go.Figure:
"""Visualize a heatmap of the topic's similarity matrix.
Based on the cosine similarity matrix between c-TF-IDFs or semantic embeddings of the topics,
a heatmap is created showing the similarity between topics.
topics: A selection of topics to visualize.
top_n_topics: Only select the top n most frequent topics.
n_clusters: Create n clusters and order the similarity
matrix by those clusters.
use_ctfidf: Whether to calculate distances between topics based on c-TF-IDF embeddings. If False, the
embeddings from the embedding model are used.
custom_labels: Whether to use custom topic labels that were defined using
title: Title of the plot.
width: The width of the figure.
height: The height of the figure.
fig: A plotly figure
To visualize the similarity matrix of
topics simply run:
Or if you want to save the resulting figure:
fig = topic_model.visualize_heatmap()
return plotting.visualize_heatmap(
def visualize_barchart(
topics: List[int] = None,
top_n_topics: int = 8,
n_words: int = 5,
custom_labels: bool = False,
title: str = "Topic Word Scores",
width: int = 250,
height: int = 250,
autoscale: bool = False,
) -> go.Figure:
"""Visualize a barchart of selected topics.
topics: A selection of topics to visualize.
top_n_topics: Only select the top n most frequent topics.
n_words: Number of words to show in a topic
custom_labels: Whether to use custom topic labels that were defined using
title: Title of the plot.
width: The width of each figure.
height: The height of each figure.
autoscale: Whether to automatically calculate the height of the figures to fit the whole bar text
fig: A plotly figure
To visualize the barchart of selected topics
simply run:
Or if you want to save the resulting figure:
fig = topic_model.visualize_barchart()
return plotting.visualize_barchart(
def save(
serialization: Literal["safetensors", "pickle", "pytorch"] = "pickle",
save_embedding_model: Union[bool, str] = True,
save_ctfidf: bool = False,
"""Saves the model to the specified path or folder.
When saving the model, make sure to also keep track of the versions
of dependencies and Python used. Loading and saving the model should
be done using the same dependencies and Python. Moreover, models
saved in one version of BERTopic should not be loaded in other versions.
path: If `serialization` is 'safetensors' or `pytorch`, this is a directory.
If `serialization` is `pickle`, then this is a file.
serialization: If `pickle`, the entire model will be pickled. If `safetensors`
or `pytorch` the model will be saved without the embedding,
dimensionality reduction, and clustering algorithms.
This is a very efficient format and typically advised.
save_embedding_model: If serialization is `pickle`, then you can choose to skip
saving the embedding model. If serialization is `safetensors`
or `pytorch`, this variable can be used as a string pointing
towards a huggingface model.
save_ctfidf: Whether to save c-TF-IDF information if serialization is `safetensors`
or `pytorch`
To save the model in an efficient and safe format (safetensors) with c-TF-IDF information:
```python"model_dir", serialization="safetensors", save_ctfidf=True)
If you wish to also add a pointer to the embedding model, which will be downloaded from
HuggingFace upon loading:
embedding_model = "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2""model_dir", serialization="safetensors", save_embedding_model=embedding_model)
or if you want save the full model with pickle:
NOTE: Pickle can run arbitrary code and is generally considered to be less safe than
if serialization == "pickle":
"When you use `pickle` to save/load a BERTopic model,"
"please make sure that the environments in which you save"
"and load the model are **exactly** the same. The version of BERTopic,"
"its dependencies, and python need to remain the same."
with open(path, "wb") as file:
# This prevents the vectorizer from being too large in size if `min_df` was
# set to a value higher than 1
self.vectorizer_model.stop_words_ = None
if not save_embedding_model:
embedding_model = self.embedding_model
self.embedding_model = None
joblib.dump(self, file)
self.embedding_model = embedding_model
joblib.dump(self, file)
elif serialization == "safetensors" or serialization == "pytorch":
# Directory
save_directory = Path(path)
save_directory.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
# Check embedding model
if (
and hasattr(self.embedding_model, "_hf_model")
and not isinstance(save_embedding_model, str)
save_embedding_model = self.embedding_model._hf_model
elif not save_embedding_model:
"You are saving a BERTopic model without explicitly defining an embedding model."
"If you are using a sentence-transformers model or a HuggingFace model supported"
"by sentence-transformers, please save the model by using a pointer towards that model."
"For example, `save_embedding_model='sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2'`"
# Minimal
save_utils.save_hf(model=self, save_directory=save_directory, serialization=serialization)
save_utils.save_topics(model=self, path=save_directory / "topics.json")
save_utils.save_images(model=self, path=save_directory / "images")
path=save_directory / "config.json",
# Additional
if save_ctfidf:
save_utils.save_ctfidf_config(model=self, path=save_directory / "ctfidf_config.json")
def load(cls, path: str, embedding_model=None):
"""Loads the model from the specified path or directory.
path: Either load a BERTopic model from a file (`.pickle`) or a folder containing
`.safetensors` or `.bin` files.
embedding_model: Additionally load in an embedding model if it was not saved
in the BERTopic model file or directory.
or if you did not save the embedding model:
BERTopic.load("model_dir", embedding_model="all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
file_or_dir = Path(path)
# Load from Pickle
if file_or_dir.is_file():
with open(file_or_dir, "rb") as file:
if embedding_model:
topic_model = joblib.load(file)
topic_model.embedding_model = select_backend(embedding_model, verbose=topic_model.verbose)
topic_model = joblib.load(file)
return topic_model
# Load from directory or HF
if file_or_dir.is_dir():
topics, params, tensors, ctfidf_tensors, ctfidf_config, images = save_utils.load_local_files(file_or_dir)
elif "/" in str(path):
topics, params, tensors, ctfidf_tensors, ctfidf_config, images = save_utils.load_files_from_hf(path)
raise ValueError("Make sure to either pass a valid directory or HF model.")
topic_model = _create_model_from_files(
warn_no_backend=(embedding_model is None),
# Replace embedding model if one is specifically chosen
if embedding_model is not None:
topic_model.embedding_model = select_backend(embedding_model, verbose=topic_model.verbose)
return topic_model
def merge_models(cls, models, min_similarity: float = 0.7, embedding_model=None):
"""Merge multiple pre-trained BERTopic models into a single model.
The models are merged as if they were all saved using pytorch or
safetensors, so a minimal version without c-TF-IDF.
To do this, we choose the first model in the list of
models as a baseline. Then, we check each model whether
they contain topics that are not in the baseline.
This check is based on the cosine similarity between
topics embeddings. If topic embeddings between two models
are similar, then the topic of the second model is re-assigned
to the first. If they are dissimilar, the topic of the second
model is assigned to the first.
In essence, we simply check whether sufficiently "new"
topics emerge and add them.
models: A list of fitted BERTopic models
min_similarity: The minimum similarity for when topics are merged.
embedding_model: Additionally load in an embedding model if necessary.
A new BERTopic model that was created as if you were
loading a model from the HuggingFace Hub without c-TF-IDF
from bertopic import BERTopic
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all', remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'))['data']
# Create three separate models
topic_model_1 = BERTopic(min_topic_size=5).fit(docs[:4000])
topic_model_2 = BERTopic(min_topic_size=5).fit(docs[4000:8000])
topic_model_3 = BERTopic(min_topic_size=5).fit(docs[8000:])
# Combine all models into one
merged_model = BERTopic.merge_models([topic_model_1, topic_model_2, topic_model_3])
import torch
# Temporarily save model and push to HF
with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
# Save model weights and config.
all_topics, all_params, all_tensors = [], [], []
for index, model in enumerate(models):, serialization="pytorch")
topics, params, tensors, _, _, _ = save_utils.load_local_files(Path(tmpdir))
# Create a base set of parameters
if index == 0:
merged_topics = topics
merged_params = params
merged_tensors = np.array(tensors["topic_embeddings"])
merged_topics["custom_labels"] = None
for tensors, selected_topics in zip(all_tensors[1:], all_topics[1:]):
# Calculate similarity matrix
sim_matrix = cosine_similarity(tensors, merged_tensors)
sims = np.max(sim_matrix, axis=1)
# Extract new topics
new_topics = sorted(
[index - selected_topics["_outliers"] for index, sim in enumerate(sims) if sim < min_similarity]
max_topic = max(set(merged_topics["topics"]))
# Merge Topic Representations
new_topics_dict = {}
for new_topic in new_topics:
if new_topic != -1:
max_topic += 1
new_topics_dict[new_topic] = max_topic
merged_topics["topic_representations"][str(max_topic)] = selected_topics["topic_representations"][
merged_topics["topic_labels"][str(max_topic)] = selected_topics["topic_labels"][str(new_topic)]
# Add new aspects
if selected_topics["topic_aspects"]:
aspects_1 = set(merged_topics["topic_aspects"].keys())
aspects_2 = set(selected_topics["topic_aspects"].keys())
aspects_diff = aspects_2.difference(aspects_1)
if aspects_diff:
for aspect in aspects_diff:
merged_topics["topic_aspects"][aspect] = {}
# If the original model does not have topic aspects but the to be added model does
if not merged_topics.get("topic_aspects"):
merged_topics["topic_aspects"] = selected_topics["topic_aspects"]
# If they both contain topic aspects, add to the existing set of aspects
for aspect, values in selected_topics["topic_aspects"].items():
merged_topics["topic_aspects"][aspect][str(max_topic)] = values[str(new_topic)]
# Add new embeddings
new_tensors = tensors[new_topic + selected_topics["_outliers"]]
merged_tensors = np.vstack([merged_tensors, new_tensors])
# Topic Mapper
merged_topics["topic_mapper"] = TopicMapper(list(range(-1, max_topic + 1, 1))).mappings_
# Find similar topics and re-assign those from the new models
sims_idx = np.argmax(sim_matrix, axis=1)
sims = np.max(sim_matrix, axis=1)
to_merge = {
a - selected_topics["_outliers"]: b - merged_topics["_outliers"]
for a, (b, val) in enumerate(zip(sims_idx, sims))
if val >= min_similarity
to_merge[-1] = -1
topics = [to_merge[topic] for topic in selected_topics["topics"]]
merged_topics["topic_sizes"] = dict(Counter(merged_topics["topics"]))
# Create a new model from the merged parameters
merged_tensors = {"topic_embeddings": torch.from_numpy(merged_tensors)}
merged_model = _create_model_from_files(
merged_model.embedding_model = models[0].embedding_model
# Replace embedding model if one is specifically chosen
verbose = any([model.verbose for model in models])
if embedding_model is not None and type(merged_model.embedding_model) == BaseEmbedder:
merged_model.embedding_model = select_backend(embedding_model, verbose=verbose)
return merged_model
def push_to_hf_hub(
repo_id: str,
commit_message: str = "Add BERTopic model",
token: str = None,
revision: str = None,
private: bool = False,
create_pr: bool = False,
model_card: bool = True,
serialization: str = "safetensors",
save_embedding_model: Union[str, bool] = True,
save_ctfidf: bool = False,
"""Push your BERTopic model to a HuggingFace Hub.
Whenever you want to upload files to the Hub, you need to log in to your HuggingFace account:
* Log in to your HuggingFace account with the following command:
huggingface-cli login
# or using an environment variable
huggingface-cli login --token $HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN
* Alternatively, you can programmatically login using login() in a notebook or a script:
from huggingface_hub import login
* Or you can give a token with the `token` variable
repo_id: The name of your HuggingFace repository
commit_message: A commit message
token: Token to add if not already logged in
revision: Repository revision
private: Whether to create a private repository
create_pr: Whether to upload the model as a Pull Request
model_card: Whether to automatically create a modelcard
serialization: The type of serialization.
Either `safetensors` or `pytorch`
save_embedding_model: A pointer towards a HuggingFace model to be loaded in with
SentenceTransformers. E.g.,
save_ctfidf: Whether to save c-TF-IDF information
return save_utils.push_to_hf_hub(
def get_params(self, deep: bool = False) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
"""Get parameters for this estimator.
Adapted from:
deep: bool, default=True
If True, will return the parameters for this estimator and
contained subobjects that are estimators.
out: Parameter names mapped to their values.
out = dict()
for key in self._get_param_names():
value = getattr(self, key)
if deep and hasattr(value, "get_params"):
deep_items = value.get_params().items()
out.update((key + "__" + k, val) for k, val in deep_items)
out[key] = value
return out
def _extract_embeddings(
documents: Union[List[str], str],
images: List[str] = None,
method: str = "document",
verbose: bool = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Extract sentence/document embeddings through pre-trained embeddings
For an overview of pre-trained models:
documents: Dataframe with documents and their corresponding IDs
images: A list of paths to the images to fit on or the images themselves
method: Whether to extract document or word-embeddings, options are "document" and "word"
verbose: Whether to show a progressbar demonstrating the time to extract embeddings
embeddings: The extracted embeddings.
if isinstance(documents, str):
documents = [documents]
if images is not None and hasattr(self.embedding_model, "embed_images"):
embeddings = self.embedding_model.embed(documents=documents, images=images, verbose=verbose)
elif method == "word":
embeddings = self.embedding_model.embed_words(words=documents, verbose=verbose)
elif method == "document":
embeddings = self.embedding_model.embed_documents(documents, verbose=verbose)
elif documents[0] is None and images is None:
raise ValueError(
"Make sure to use an embedding model that can either embed documents"
"or images depending on which you want to embed."
raise ValueError(
"Wrong method for extracting document/word embeddings. "
"Either choose 'word' or 'document' as the method. "
return embeddings
def _images_to_text(self, documents: pd.DataFrame, embeddings: np.ndarray) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Convert images to text.""""Images - Converting images to text. This might take a while.")
if isinstance(self.representation_model, dict):
for tuner in self.representation_model.values():
if getattr(tuner, "image_to_text_model", False):
documents = tuner.image_to_text(documents, embeddings)
elif isinstance(self.representation_model, list):
for tuner in self.representation_model:
if getattr(tuner, "image_to_text_model", False):
documents = tuner.image_to_text(documents, embeddings)
elif isinstance(self.representation_model, BaseRepresentation):
if getattr(self.representation_model, "image_to_text_model", False):
documents = self.representation_model.image_to_text(documents, embeddings)"Images - Completed \u2713")
return documents
def _map_predictions(self, predictions: List[int]) -> List[int]:
"""Map predictions to the correct topics if topics were reduced."""
mappings = self.topic_mapper_.get_mappings(original_topics=True)
mapped_predictions = [mappings[prediction] if prediction in mappings else -1 for prediction in predictions]
return mapped_predictions
def _reduce_dimensionality(
embeddings: Union[np.ndarray, csr_matrix],
y: Union[List[int], np.ndarray] = None,
partial_fit: bool = False,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Reduce dimensionality of embeddings using UMAP and train a UMAP model.
embeddings: The extracted embeddings using the sentence transformer module.
y: The target class for (semi)-supervised dimensionality reduction
partial_fit: Whether to run `partial_fit` for online learning
umap_embeddings: The reduced embeddings
""""Dimensionality - Fitting the dimensionality reduction algorithm")
# Partial fit
if partial_fit:
if hasattr(self.umap_model, "partial_fit"):
self.umap_model = self.umap_model.partial_fit(embeddings)
elif self.topic_representations_ is None:
# Regular fit
# cuml umap needs y to be an numpy array
y = np.array(y) if y is not None else None, y=y)
except TypeError:
umap_embeddings = self.umap_model.transform(embeddings)"Dimensionality - Completed \u2713")
return np.nan_to_num(umap_embeddings)
def _cluster_embeddings(
umap_embeddings: np.ndarray,
documents: pd.DataFrame,
partial_fit: bool = False,
y: np.ndarray = None,
) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]:
"""Cluster UMAP embeddings with HDBSCAN.
umap_embeddings: The reduced sentence embeddings with UMAP
documents: Dataframe with documents and their corresponding IDs
partial_fit: Whether to run `partial_fit` for online learning
y: Array of topics to use
documents: Updated dataframe with documents and their corresponding IDs
and newly added Topics
probabilities: The distribution of probabilities
""""Cluster - Start clustering the reduced embeddings")
if partial_fit:
self.hdbscan_model = self.hdbscan_model.partial_fit(umap_embeddings)
labels = self.hdbscan_model.labels_
documents["Topic"] = labels
self.topics_ = labels
try:, y=y)
except TypeError:
labels = self.hdbscan_model.labels_
except AttributeError:
labels = y
documents["Topic"] = labels
# Extract probabilities
probabilities = None
if hasattr(self.hdbscan_model, "probabilities_"):
probabilities = self.hdbscan_model.probabilities_
if self.calculate_probabilities and is_supported_hdbscan(self.hdbscan_model):
probabilities = hdbscan_delegator(self.hdbscan_model, "all_points_membership_vectors")
if not partial_fit:
self.topic_mapper_ = TopicMapper(self.topics_)"Cluster - Completed \u2713")
return documents, probabilities
def _zeroshot_topic_modeling(
self, documents: pd.DataFrame, embeddings: np.ndarray
) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, np.array, pd.DataFrame, np.array]:
"""Find documents that could be assigned to either one of the topics in self.zeroshot_topic_list.
We transform the topics in `self.zeroshot_topic_list` to embeddings and
compare them through cosine similarity with the document embeddings.
If they pass the `self.zeroshot_min_similarity` threshold, they are assigned.
documents: Dataframe with documents and their corresponding IDs
embeddings: The document embeddings
documents: The leftover documents that were not assigned to any topic
embeddings: The leftover embeddings that were not assigned to any topic
""""Zeroshot Step 1 - Finding documents that could be assigned to either one of the zero-shot topics")
# Similarity between document and zero-shot topic embeddings
zeroshot_embeddings = self._extract_embeddings(self.zeroshot_topic_list)
cosine_similarities = cosine_similarity(embeddings, zeroshot_embeddings)
assignment = np.argmax(cosine_similarities, 1)
assignment_vals = np.max(cosine_similarities, 1)
assigned_ids = [index for index, value in enumerate(assignment_vals) if value >= self.zeroshot_min_similarity]
non_assigned_ids = [
index for index, value in enumerate(assignment_vals) if value < self.zeroshot_min_similarity
# Assign topics
assigned_documents = documents.iloc[assigned_ids]
assigned_documents["Topic"] = [topic for topic in assignment[assigned_ids]]
assigned_documents["Old_ID"] = assigned_documents["ID"].copy()
assigned_documents["ID"] = range(len(assigned_documents))
assigned_embeddings = embeddings[assigned_ids]
# Check that if a number of topics was specified, it exceeds the number of zeroshot topics matched
num_zeroshot_topics = len(assigned_documents["Topic"].unique())
if self.nr_topics and not self.nr_topics > num_zeroshot_topics:
raise ValueError(
f"The set nr_topics ({self.nr_topics}) must exceed the number of matched zero-shot topics "
f"({num_zeroshot_topics}). Consider raising nr_topics or raising the "
f"zeroshot_min_similarity ({self.zeroshot_min_similarity})."
# Select non-assigned topics to be clustered
documents = documents.iloc[non_assigned_ids]
documents["Old_ID"] = documents["ID"].copy()
documents["ID"] = range(len(documents))
embeddings = embeddings[non_assigned_ids]"Zeroshot Step 1 - Completed \u2713")
return documents, embeddings, assigned_documents, assigned_embeddings
def _is_zeroshot(self):
"""Check whether zero-shot topic modeling is possible.
* Embedding model is necessary to convert zero-shot topics to embeddings
* Zero-shot topics should be defined
if self.zeroshot_topic_list is not None and self.embedding_model is not None:
return True
return False
def _combine_zeroshot_topics(
documents: pd.DataFrame,
embeddings: np.ndarray,
assigned_documents: pd.DataFrame,
assigned_embeddings: np.ndarray,
) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]:
"""Combine the zero-shot topics with the clustered topics.
The zero-shot topics will be inserted between the outlier topic (that may or may not exist) and the rest of the
topics from clustering. The rest of the topics from clustering will be given new IDs to correspond to topics
after zero-shot topics.
Documents and embeddings used in zero-shot topic modeling and clustering and re-merged.
documents: DataFrame with clustered documents and their corresponding IDs
embeddings: The document embeddings for clustered documents
assigned_documents: DataFrame with documents and their corresponding IDs
that were assigned to a zero-shot topic
assigned_embeddings: The document embeddings for documents that were assigned to a zero-shot topic
documents: DataFrame with all the original documents with their topic assignments
embeddings: np.ndarray of embeddings aligned with the documents
""""Zeroshot Step 2 - Combining topics from zero-shot topic modeling with topics from clustering...")
# Combine Zero-shot topics with topics from clustering
zeroshot_topic_idx_to_topic_id = {
zeroshot_topic_id: new_topic_id
for new_topic_id, zeroshot_topic_id in enumerate(set(assigned_documents.Topic))
self._topic_id_to_zeroshot_topic_idx = {
new_topic_id: zeroshot_topic_id
for new_topic_id, zeroshot_topic_id in enumerate(set(assigned_documents.Topic))
assigned_documents.Topic =
num_zeroshot_topics = len(zeroshot_topic_idx_to_topic_id)
# Insert zeroshot topics between outlier cluster and other clusters
documents.Topic = documents.Topic.apply(
lambda topic_id: topic_id + num_zeroshot_topics if topic_id != -1 else topic_id
# Combine the clustered documents/embeddings with assigned documents/embeddings in the original order
documents = pd.concat([documents, assigned_documents])
embeddings = np.vstack([embeddings, assigned_embeddings])
sorted_indices = documents.Old_ID.argsort()
documents = documents.iloc[sorted_indices]
embeddings = embeddings[sorted_indices]
# Update topic sizes and topic mapper
self.topic_mapper_ = TopicMapper(self.topics_)"Zeroshot Step 2 - Completed \u2713")
return documents, embeddings
def _guided_topic_modeling(self, embeddings: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[List[int], np.array]:
"""Apply Guided Topic Modeling.
We transform the seeded topics to embeddings using the
same embedder as used for generating document embeddings.
Then, we apply cosine similarity between the embeddings
and set labels for documents that are more similar to
one of the topics than the average document.
If a document is more similar to the average document
than any of the topics, it gets the -1 label and is
thereby not included in UMAP.
embeddings: The document embeddings
y: The labels for each seeded topic
embeddings: Updated embeddings
""""Guided - Find embeddings highly related to seeded topics.")
# Create embeddings from the seeded topics
seed_topic_list = [" ".join(seed_topic) for seed_topic in self.seed_topic_list]
seed_topic_embeddings = self._extract_embeddings(seed_topic_list, verbose=self.verbose)
seed_topic_embeddings = np.vstack([seed_topic_embeddings, embeddings.mean(axis=0)])
# Label documents that are most similar to one of the seeded topics
sim_matrix = cosine_similarity(embeddings, seed_topic_embeddings)
y = [np.argmax(sim_matrix[index]) for index in range(sim_matrix.shape[0])]
y = [val if val != len(seed_topic_list) else -1 for val in y]
# Average the document embeddings related to the seeded topics with the
# embedding of the seeded topic to force the documents in a cluster
for seed_topic in range(len(seed_topic_list)):
indices = [index for index, topic in enumerate(y) if topic == seed_topic]
embeddings[indices] = np.average([embeddings[indices], seed_topic_embeddings[seed_topic]], weights=[3, 1])"Guided - Completed \u2713")
return y, embeddings
def _extract_topics(
documents: pd.DataFrame,
embeddings: np.ndarray = None,
verbose: bool = False,
"""Extract topics from the clusters using a class-based TF-IDF.
documents: Dataframe with documents and their corresponding IDs
embeddings: The document embeddings
mappings: The mappings from topic to word
verbose: Whether to log the process of extracting topics
c_tf_idf: The resulting matrix giving a value (importance score) for each word per topic
if verbose:"Representation - Extracting topics from clusters using representation models.")
documents_per_topic = documents.groupby(["Topic"], as_index=False).agg({"Document": " ".join})
self.c_tf_idf_, words = self._c_tf_idf(documents_per_topic)
self.topic_representations_ = self._extract_words_per_topic(words, documents)
self._create_topic_vectors(documents=documents, embeddings=embeddings, mappings=mappings)
if verbose:"Representation - Completed \u2713")
def _save_representative_docs(self, documents: pd.DataFrame):
"""Save the 3 most representative docs per topic.
documents: Dataframe with documents and their corresponding IDs
self.representative_docs_: Populate each topic with 3 representative docs
repr_docs, _, _, _ = self._extract_representative_docs(
self.representative_docs_ = repr_docs
def _extract_representative_docs(
c_tf_idf: csr_matrix,
documents: pd.DataFrame,
topics: Mapping[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]],
nr_samples: int = 500,
nr_repr_docs: int = 5,
diversity: float = None,
) -> Union[List[str], List[List[int]]]:
"""Approximate most representative documents per topic by sampling
a subset of the documents in each topic and calculating which are
most representative to their topic based on the cosine similarity between
c-TF-IDF representations.
c_tf_idf: The topic c-TF-IDF representation
documents: All input documents
topics: The candidate topics as calculated with c-TF-IDF
nr_samples: The number of candidate documents to extract per topic
nr_repr_docs: The number of representative documents to extract per topic
diversity: The diversity between the most representative documents.
If None, no MMR is used. Otherwise, accepts values between 0 and 1.
repr_docs_mappings: A dictionary from topic to representative documents
representative_docs: A flat list of representative documents
repr_doc_indices: Ordered indices of representative documents
that belong to each topic
repr_doc_ids: The indices of representative documents
that belong to each topic
# Sample documents per topic
documents_per_topic = (
documents.drop("Image", axis=1, errors="ignore")
.sample(n=nr_samples, replace=True, random_state=42)
# Find and extract documents that are most similar to the topic
repr_docs = []
repr_docs_indices = []
repr_docs_mappings = {}
repr_docs_ids = []
labels = sorted(list(topics.keys()))
for index, topic in enumerate(labels):
# Slice data
selection = documents_per_topic.loc[documents_per_topic.Topic == topic, :]
selected_docs = selection["Document"].values
selected_docs_ids = selection.index.tolist()
# Calculate similarity
nr_docs = nr_repr_docs if len(selected_docs) > nr_repr_docs else len(selected_docs)
bow = self.vectorizer_model.transform(selected_docs)
ctfidf = self.ctfidf_model.transform(bow)
sim_matrix = cosine_similarity(ctfidf, c_tf_idf[index])
# Use MMR to find representative but diverse documents
if diversity:
docs = mmr(
# Extract top n most representative documents
indices = np.argpartition(sim_matrix.reshape(1, -1)[0], -nr_docs)[-nr_docs:]
docs = [selected_docs[index] for index in indices]
doc_ids = [selected_docs_ids[index] for index, doc in enumerate(selected_docs) if doc in docs]
repr_docs_indices.append([repr_docs_indices[-1][-1] + i + 1 if index != 0 else i for i in range(nr_docs)])
repr_docs_mappings = {topic: repr_docs[i[0] : i[-1] + 1] for topic, i in zip(topics.keys(), repr_docs_indices)}
return repr_docs_mappings, repr_docs, repr_docs_indices, repr_docs_ids
def _create_topic_vectors(
documents: pd.DataFrame = None,
embeddings: np.ndarray = None,
"""Creates embeddings per topics based on their topic representation.
As a default, topic vectors (topic embeddings) are created by taking
the average of all document embeddings within a topic. If topics are
merged, then a weighted average of topic embeddings is taken based on
the initial topic sizes.
For the `.partial_fit` and `.update_topics` method, the average
of all document embeddings is not taken since those are not known.
Instead, the weighted average of the embeddings of the top n words
is taken for each topic. The weighting is done based on the c-TF-IDF
score. This will put more emphasis to words that represent a topic best.
# Topic embeddings based on input embeddings
if embeddings is not None and documents is not None:
topic_embeddings = []
topics = documents.sort_values("Topic").Topic.unique()
for topic in topics:
indices = documents.loc[documents.Topic == topic, "ID"].values
indices = [int(index) for index in indices]
topic_embedding = np.mean(embeddings[indices], axis=0)
self.topic_embeddings_ = np.array(topic_embeddings)
# Topic embeddings when merging topics
elif self.topic_embeddings_ is not None and mappings is not None:
topic_embeddings_dict = {}
for topic_to, topics_from in mappings.items():
topic_ids = topics_from["topics_from"]
topic_sizes = topics_from["topic_sizes"]
if topic_ids:
embds = np.array(self.topic_embeddings_)[np.array(topic_ids) + self._outliers]
topic_embedding = np.average(embds, axis=0, weights=topic_sizes)
topic_embeddings_dict[topic_to] = topic_embedding
# Re-order topic embeddings
topics_to_map = {
topic_mapping[0]: topic_mapping[1] for topic_mapping in np.array(self.topic_mapper_.mappings_)[:, -2:]
topic_embeddings = {}
for topic, embds in topic_embeddings_dict.items():
topic_embeddings[topics_to_map[topic]] = embds
unique_topics = sorted(list(topic_embeddings.keys()))
self.topic_embeddings_ = np.array([topic_embeddings[topic] for topic in unique_topics])
# Topic embeddings based on keyword representations
elif self.embedding_model is not None and type(self.embedding_model) is not BaseEmbedder:
topic_list = list(self.topic_representations_.keys())
# Only extract top n words
n = len(self.topic_representations_[topic_list[0]])
if self.top_n_words < n:
n = self.top_n_words
# Extract embeddings for all words in all topics
topic_words = [self.get_topic(topic) for topic in topic_list]
topic_words = [word[0] for topic in topic_words for word in topic]
word_embeddings = self._extract_embeddings(topic_words, method="word", verbose=False)
# Take the weighted average of word embeddings in a topic based on their c-TF-IDF value
# The embeddings var is a single numpy matrix and therefore slicing is necessary to
# access the words per topic
topic_embeddings = []
for i, topic in enumerate(topic_list):
word_importance = [val[1] for val in self.get_topic(topic)]
if sum(word_importance) == 0:
word_importance = [1 for _ in range(len(self.get_topic(topic)))]
topic_embedding = np.average(
word_embeddings[i * n : n + (i * n)],
self.topic_embeddings_ = np.array(topic_embeddings)
def _c_tf_idf(
documents_per_topic: pd.DataFrame,
fit: bool = True,
partial_fit: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[csr_matrix, List[str]]:
"""Calculate a class-based TF-IDF where m is the number of total documents.
documents_per_topic: The joined documents per topic such that each topic has a single
string made out of multiple documents
m: The total number of documents (unjoined)
fit: Whether to fit a new vectorizer or use the fitted self.vectorizer_model
partial_fit: Whether to run `partial_fit` for online learning
tf_idf: The resulting matrix giving a value (importance score) for each word per topic
words: The names of the words to which values were given
documents = self._preprocess_text(documents_per_topic.Document.values)
if partial_fit:
X = self.vectorizer_model.partial_fit(documents).update_bow(documents)
elif fit:
X = self.vectorizer_model.fit_transform(documents)
X = self.vectorizer_model.transform(documents)
# Scikit-Learn Deprecation: get_feature_names is deprecated in 1.0
# and will be removed in 1.2. Please use get_feature_names_out instead.
if version.parse(sklearn_version) >= version.parse("1.0.0"):
words = self.vectorizer_model.get_feature_names_out()
words = self.vectorizer_model.get_feature_names()
multiplier = None
if self.ctfidf_model.seed_words and self.seed_topic_list:
seed_topic_list = [seed for seeds in self.seed_topic_list for seed in seeds]
multiplier = np.array(
[self.ctfidf_model.seed_multiplier if word in self.ctfidf_model.seed_words else 1 for word in words]
multiplier = np.array([1.2 if word in seed_topic_list else value for value, word in zip(multiplier, words)])
elif self.ctfidf_model.seed_words:
multiplier = np.array(
[self.ctfidf_model.seed_multiplier if word in self.ctfidf_model.seed_words else 1 for word in words]
elif self.seed_topic_list:
seed_topic_list = [seed for seeds in self.seed_topic_list for seed in seeds]
multiplier = np.array([1.2 if word in seed_topic_list else 1 for word in words])
if fit:
self.ctfidf_model =, multiplier=multiplier)
c_tf_idf = self.ctfidf_model.transform(X)
return c_tf_idf, words
def _update_topic_size(self, documents: pd.DataFrame):
"""Calculate the topic sizes.
documents: Updated dataframe with documents and their corresponding IDs and newly added Topics
self.topic_sizes_ = collections.Counter(documents.Topic.values.tolist())
self.topics_ = documents.Topic.astype(int).tolist()
def _extract_words_per_topic(
words: List[str],
documents: pd.DataFrame,
c_tf_idf: csr_matrix = None,
calculate_aspects: bool = True,
) -> Mapping[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]]:
"""Based on tf_idf scores per topic, extract the top n words per topic.
If the top words per topic need to be extracted, then only the `words` parameter
needs to be passed. If the top words per topic in a specific timestamp, then it
is important to pass the timestamp-based c-TF-IDF matrix and its corresponding
words: List of all words (sorted according to tf_idf matrix position)
documents: DataFrame with documents and their topic IDs
c_tf_idf: A c-TF-IDF matrix from which to calculate the top words
calculate_aspects: Whether to calculate additional topic aspects
topics: The top words per topic
if c_tf_idf is None:
c_tf_idf = self.c_tf_idf_
labels = sorted(list(documents.Topic.unique()))
labels = [int(label) for label in labels]
# Get at least the top 30 indices and values per row in a sparse c-TF-IDF matrix
top_n_words = max(self.top_n_words, 30)
indices = self._top_n_idx_sparse(c_tf_idf, top_n_words)
scores = self._top_n_values_sparse(c_tf_idf, indices)
sorted_indices = np.argsort(scores, 1)
indices = np.take_along_axis(indices, sorted_indices, axis=1)
scores = np.take_along_axis(scores, sorted_indices, axis=1)
# Get top 30 words per topic based on c-TF-IDF score
base_topics = {
label: [
(words[word_index], score) if word_index is not None and score > 0 else ("", 0.00001)
for word_index, score in zip(indices[index][::-1], scores[index][::-1])
for index, label in enumerate(labels)
# Fine-tune the topic representations
topics = base_topics.copy()
if not self.representation_model:
# Default representation: c_tf_idf + top_n_words
topics = {label: values[: self.top_n_words] for label, values in topics.items()}
elif isinstance(self.representation_model, list):
for tuner in self.representation_model:
topics = tuner.extract_topics(self, documents, c_tf_idf, topics)
elif isinstance(self.representation_model, BaseRepresentation):
topics = self.representation_model.extract_topics(self, documents, c_tf_idf, topics)
elif isinstance(self.representation_model, dict):
if self.representation_model.get("Main"):
main_model = self.representation_model["Main"]
if isinstance(main_model, BaseRepresentation):
topics = main_model.extract_topics(self, documents, c_tf_idf, topics)
elif isinstance(main_model, list):
for tuner in main_model:
topics = tuner.extract_topics(self, documents, c_tf_idf, topics)
raise TypeError(f"unsupported type {type(main_model).__name__} for representation_model['Main']")
# Default representation: c_tf_idf + top_n_words
topics = {label: values[: self.top_n_words] for label, values in topics.items()}
raise TypeError(f"unsupported type {type(self.representation_model).__name__} for representation_model")
# Extract additional topic aspects
if calculate_aspects and isinstance(self.representation_model, dict):
for aspect, aspect_model in self.representation_model.items():
if aspect != "Main":
aspects = base_topics.copy()
if not aspect_model:
# Default representation: c_tf_idf + top_n_words
aspects = {label: values[: self.top_n_words] for label, values in aspects.items()}
if isinstance(aspect_model, list):
for tuner in aspect_model:
aspects = tuner.extract_topics(self, documents, c_tf_idf, aspects)
elif isinstance(aspect_model, BaseRepresentation):
aspects = aspect_model.extract_topics(self, documents, c_tf_idf, aspects)
raise TypeError(
f"unsupported type {type(aspect_model).__name__} for representation_model[{repr(aspect)}]"
self.topic_aspects_[aspect] = aspects
return topics
def _reduce_topics(self, documents: pd.DataFrame, use_ctfidf: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Reduce topics to self.nr_topics.
documents: Dataframe with documents and their corresponding IDs and Topics
use_ctfidf: Whether to calculate distances between topics based on c-TF-IDF embeddings. If False, semantic
embeddings are used.
documents: Updated dataframe with documents and the reduced number of Topics
""""Topic reduction - Reducing number of topics")
initial_nr_topics = len(self.get_topics())
if isinstance(self.nr_topics, int):
if self.nr_topics < initial_nr_topics:
documents = self._reduce_to_n_topics(documents, use_ctfidf)
elif isinstance(self.nr_topics, str):
documents = self._auto_reduce_topics(documents, use_ctfidf)
raise ValueError("nr_topics needs to be an int or 'auto'! ")
f"Topic reduction - Reduced number of topics from {initial_nr_topics} to {len(self.get_topic_freq())}"
return documents
def _reduce_to_n_topics(self, documents: pd.DataFrame, use_ctfidf: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Reduce topics to self.nr_topics.
documents: Dataframe with documents and their corresponding IDs and Topics
use_ctfidf: Whether to calculate distances between topics based on c-TF-IDF embeddings. If False, semantic
embedding are used.
documents: Updated dataframe with documents and the reduced number of Topics
topics = documents.Topic.tolist().copy()
# Create topic distance matrix
topic_embeddings = select_topic_representation(
self.c_tf_idf_, self.topic_embeddings_, use_ctfidf, output_ndarray=True
)[0][self._outliers :]
distance_matrix = 1 - cosine_similarity(topic_embeddings)
np.fill_diagonal(distance_matrix, 0)
# Cluster the topic embeddings using AgglomerativeClustering
if version.parse(sklearn_version) >= version.parse("1.4.0"):
cluster = AgglomerativeClustering(self.nr_topics - self._outliers, metric="precomputed", linkage="average")
cluster = AgglomerativeClustering(
self.nr_topics - self._outliers,
new_topics = [cluster.labels_[topic] if topic != -1 else -1 for topic in topics]
# Track mappings and sizes of topics for merging topic embeddings
mapped_topics = {from_topic: to_topic for from_topic, to_topic in zip(topics, new_topics)}
basic_mappings = defaultdict(list)
for key, val in sorted(mapped_topics.items()):
mappings = {
topic_to: {
"topics_from": topics_from,
"topic_sizes": [self.topic_sizes_[topic] for topic in topics_from],
for topic_to, topics_from in basic_mappings.items()
# Map topics
documents.Topic = new_topics
# Update representations
documents = self._sort_mappings_by_frequency(documents)
self._extract_topics(documents, mappings=mappings)
# When zero-shot topic(s) are present in the topics to merge,
# determine whether to take one of the zero-shot topic labels
# or use a calculated representation.
if self._is_zeroshot():
new_topic_id_to_zeroshot_topic_idx = {}
topics_to_map = {
topic_mapping[0]: topic_mapping[1] for topic_mapping in np.array(self.topic_mapper_.mappings_)[:, -2:]
for topic_to, topics_from in basic_mappings.items():
# When extracting topics, the reduced topics were reordered.
# Must get the updated topic_to.
topic_to = topics_to_map[topic_to]
# which of the original topics are zero-shot
zeroshot_topic_ids = [
topic_id for topic_id in topics_from if topic_id in self._topic_id_to_zeroshot_topic_idx
if len(zeroshot_topic_ids) == 0:
# If any of the original topics are zero-shot, take the best fitting zero-shot label
# if the cosine similarity with the new topic exceeds the zero-shot threshold
zeroshot_labels = [
for topic_id in zeroshot_topic_ids
zeroshot_embeddings = self._extract_embeddings(zeroshot_labels)
cosine_similarities = cosine_similarity(
zeroshot_embeddings, [self.topic_embeddings_[topic_to]]
best_zeroshot_topic_idx = np.argmax(cosine_similarities)
best_cosine_similarity = cosine_similarities[best_zeroshot_topic_idx]
if best_cosine_similarity >= self.zeroshot_min_similarity:
new_topic_id_to_zeroshot_topic_idx[topic_to] = zeroshot_topic_ids[best_zeroshot_topic_idx]
self._topic_id_to_zeroshot_topic_idx = new_topic_id_to_zeroshot_topic_idx
return documents
def _auto_reduce_topics(self, documents: pd.DataFrame, use_ctfidf: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Reduce the number of topics automatically using HDBSCAN.
documents: Dataframe with documents and their corresponding IDs and Topics
use_ctfidf: Whether to calculate distances between topics based on c-TF-IDF embeddings. If False, the
embeddings from the embedding model are used.
documents: Updated dataframe with documents and the reduced number of Topics
topics = documents.Topic.tolist().copy()
unique_topics = sorted(list(documents.Topic.unique()))[self._outliers :]
max_topic = unique_topics[-1]
# Find similar topics
embeddings = select_topic_representation(
self.c_tf_idf_, self.topic_embeddings_, use_ctfidf, output_ndarray=True
norm_data = normalize(embeddings, norm="l2")
predictions = hdbscan.HDBSCAN(
).fit_predict(norm_data[self._outliers :])
# Map similar topics
mapped_topics = {
unique_topics[index]: prediction + max_topic
for index, prediction in enumerate(predictions)
if prediction != -1
documents.Topic =
mapped_topics = {from_topic: to_topic for from_topic, to_topic in zip(topics, documents.Topic.tolist())}
# Track mappings and sizes of topics for merging topic embeddings
mappings = defaultdict(list)
for key, val in sorted(mapped_topics.items()):
mappings = {
topic_from: {
"topics_to": topics_to,
"topic_sizes": [self.topic_sizes_[topic] for topic in topics_to],
for topic_from, topics_to in mappings.items()
# Update documents and topics
documents = self._sort_mappings_by_frequency(documents)
self._extract_topics(documents, mappings=mappings)
return documents
def _sort_mappings_by_frequency(self, documents: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Reorder mappings by their frequency.
For example, if topic 88 was mapped to topic
5 and topic 5 turns out to be the largest topic,
then topic 5 will be topic 0. The second largest
will be topic 1, etc.
If there are no mappings since no reduction of topics
took place, then the topics will simply be ordered
by their frequency and will get the topic ids based
on that order.
This means that -1 will remain the outlier class, and
that the rest of the topics will be in descending order
of ids and frequency.
documents: Dataframe with documents and their corresponding IDs and Topics
documents: Updated dataframe with documents and the mapped
and re-ordered topic ids
# Map topics based on frequency
df = pd.DataFrame(self.topic_sizes_.items(), columns=["Old_Topic", "Size"]).sort_values("Size", ascending=False)
df = df[df.Old_Topic != -1]
sorted_topics = {**{-1: -1}, **dict(zip(df.Old_Topic, range(len(df))))}
# Map documents
documents.Topic =
return documents
def _map_probabilities(
self, probabilities: Union[np.ndarray, None], original_topics: bool = False
) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]:
"""Map the probabilities to the reduced topics.
This is achieved by adding together the probabilities
of all topics that are mapped to the same topic. Then,
the topics that were mapped from are set to 0 as they
were reduced.
probabilities: An array containing probabilities
original_topics: Whether we want to map from the
original topics to the most recent topics
or from the second-most recent topics.
mapped_probabilities: Updated probabilities
mappings = self.topic_mapper_.get_mappings(original_topics)
# Map array of probabilities (probability for assigned topic per document)
if probabilities is not None:
if len(probabilities.shape) == 2:
mapped_probabilities = np.zeros(
len(set(mappings.values())) - self._outliers,
for from_topic, to_topic in mappings.items():
if to_topic != -1 and from_topic != -1:
mapped_probabilities[:, to_topic] += probabilities[:, from_topic]
return mapped_probabilities
return probabilities
def _preprocess_text(self, documents: np.ndarray) -> List[str]:
r"""Basic preprocessing of text.
* Replace \n and \t with whitespace
* Only keep alpha-numerical characters
cleaned_documents = [doc.replace("\n", " ") for doc in documents]
cleaned_documents = [doc.replace("\t", " ") for doc in cleaned_documents]
if self.language == "english":
cleaned_documents = [re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9 ]+", "", doc) for doc in cleaned_documents]
cleaned_documents = [doc if doc != "" else "emptydoc" for doc in cleaned_documents]
return cleaned_documents
def _top_n_idx_sparse(matrix: csr_matrix, n: int) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return indices of top n values in each row of a sparse matrix.
Retrieved from:
matrix: The sparse matrix from which to get the top n indices per row
n: The number of highest values to extract from each row
indices: The top n indices per row
indices = []
for le, ri in zip(matrix.indptr[:-1], matrix.indptr[1:]):
n_row_pick = min(n, ri - le)
values = matrix.indices[le + np.argpartition([le:ri], -n_row_pick)[-n_row_pick:]]
values = [values[index] if len(values) >= index + 1 else None for index in range(n)]
return np.array(indices)
def _top_n_values_sparse(matrix: csr_matrix, indices: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return the top n values for each row in a sparse matrix.
matrix: The sparse matrix from which to get the top n indices per row
indices: The top n indices per row
top_values: The top n scores per row
top_values = []
for row, values in enumerate(indices):
scores = np.array([matrix[row, value] if value is not None else 0 for value in values])
return np.array(top_values)
def _get_param_names(cls):
"""Get parameter names for the estimator.
Adapted from:
init_signature = inspect.signature(cls.__init__)
parameters = sorted(
[ for p in init_signature.parameters.values() if != "self" and p.kind != p.VAR_KEYWORD]
return parameters
def __str__(self):
"""Get a string representation of the current object.
str: Human readable representation of the most important model parameters.
The parameters that represent models are ignored due to their length.
parameters = ""
for parameter, value in self.get_params().items():
value = str(value)
if "(" in value and value[0] != "(":
value = value.split("(")[0] + "(...)"
parameters += f"{parameter}={value}, "
return f"BERTopic({parameters[:-2]})"
Map topic IDs to their labels. A label is the topic ID, along with the first four words of the topic representation, joined using '_'. Zeroshot topic labels come from self.zeroshot_topic_list rather than the calculated representation.
Type | Description |
topic_labels |
a dict mapping a topic ID (int) to its label (str) |
__init__(self, language='english', top_n_words=10, n_gram_range=(1, 1), min_topic_size=10, nr_topics=None, low_memory=False, calculate_probabilities=False, seed_topic_list=None, zeroshot_topic_list=None, zeroshot_min_similarity=0.7, embedding_model=None, umap_model=None, hdbscan_model=None, vectorizer_model=None, ctfidf_model=None, representation_model=None, verbose=False)
BERTopic initialization.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
language |
str |
The main language used in your documents. The default sentence-transformers
model for "english" is |
'english' |
top_n_words |
int |
The number of words per topic to extract. Setting this too high can negatively impact topic embeddings as topics are typically best represented by at most 10 words. |
10 |
n_gram_range |
Tuple[int, int] |
The n-gram range for the CountVectorizer. Advised to keep high values between 1 and 3. More would likely lead to memory issues. NOTE: This param will not be used if you pass in your own CountVectorizer. |
(1, 1) |
min_topic_size |
int |
The minimum size of the topic. Increasing this value will lead
to a lower number of clusters/topics and vice versa.
It is the same parameter as |
10 |
nr_topics |
Union[int, str] |
Specifying the number of topics will reduce the initial
number of topics to the value specified. This reduction can take
a while as each reduction in topics (-1) activates a c-TF-IDF
calculation. If this is set to None, no reduction is applied. Use
"auto" to automatically reduce topics using HDBSCAN.
NOTE: Controlling the number of topics is best done by adjusting
None |
low_memory |
bool |
Sets UMAP low memory to True to make sure less memory is used. NOTE: This is only used in UMAP. For example, if you use PCA instead of UMAP this parameter will not be used. |
False |
calculate_probabilities |
bool |
Calculate the probabilities of all topics
per document instead of the probability of the assigned
topic per document. This could slow down the extraction
of topics if you have many documents (> 100_000).
NOTE: If false you cannot use the corresponding
visualization method |
False |
seed_topic_list |
List[List[str]] |
A list of seed words per topic to converge around |
None |
zeroshot_topic_list |
List[str] |
A list of topic names to use for zero-shot classification |
None |
zeroshot_min_similarity |
float |
The minimum similarity between a zero-shot topic and a document for assignment. The higher this value, the more confident the model needs to be to assign a zero-shot topic to a document. |
0.7 |
verbose |
bool |
Changes the verbosity of the model, Set to True if you want to track the stages of the model. |
False |
embedding_model |
Use a custom embedding model. The following backends are currently supported * SentenceTransformers * Flair * Spacy * Gensim * USE (TF-Hub) You can also pass in a string that points to one of the following sentence-transformers models: * |
None |
umap_model |
Pass in a UMAP model to be used instead of the default.
NOTE: You can also pass in any dimensionality reduction algorithm as long
as it has |
None |
hdbscan_model |
Pass in a hdbscan.HDBSCAN model to be used instead of the default
NOTE: You can also pass in any clustering algorithm as long as it has
None |
vectorizer_model |
CountVectorizer |
Pass in a custom |
None |
ctfidf_model |
TfidfTransformer |
Pass in a custom ClassTfidfTransformer instead of the default model. |
None |
representation_model |
BaseRepresentation |
Pass in a model that fine-tunes the topic representations
calculated through c-TF-IDF. Models from |
None |
Source code in bertopic\
def __init__(
language: str = "english",
top_n_words: int = 10,
n_gram_range: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1),
min_topic_size: int = 10,
nr_topics: Union[int, str] = None,
low_memory: bool = False,
calculate_probabilities: bool = False,
seed_topic_list: List[List[str]] = None,
zeroshot_topic_list: List[str] = None,
zeroshot_min_similarity: float = 0.7,
umap_model: UMAP = None,
hdbscan_model: hdbscan.HDBSCAN = None,
vectorizer_model: CountVectorizer = None,
ctfidf_model: TfidfTransformer = None,
representation_model: BaseRepresentation = None,
verbose: bool = False,
"""BERTopic initialization.
language: The main language used in your documents. The default sentence-transformers
model for "english" is `all-MiniLM-L6-v2`. For a full overview of
supported languages see bertopic.backend.languages. Select
"multilingual" to load in the `paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2`
sentence-transformers model that supports 50+ languages.
NOTE: This is not used if `embedding_model` is used.
top_n_words: The number of words per topic to extract. Setting this
too high can negatively impact topic embeddings as topics
are typically best represented by at most 10 words.
n_gram_range: The n-gram range for the CountVectorizer.
Advised to keep high values between 1 and 3.
More would likely lead to memory issues.
NOTE: This param will not be used if you pass in your own
min_topic_size: The minimum size of the topic. Increasing this value will lead
to a lower number of clusters/topics and vice versa.
It is the same parameter as `min_cluster_size` in HDBSCAN.
NOTE: This param will not be used if you are using `hdbscan_model`.
nr_topics: Specifying the number of topics will reduce the initial
number of topics to the value specified. This reduction can take
a while as each reduction in topics (-1) activates a c-TF-IDF
calculation. If this is set to None, no reduction is applied. Use
"auto" to automatically reduce topics using HDBSCAN.
NOTE: Controlling the number of topics is best done by adjusting
`min_topic_size` first before adjusting this parameter.
low_memory: Sets UMAP low memory to True to make sure less memory is used.
NOTE: This is only used in UMAP. For example, if you use PCA instead of UMAP
this parameter will not be used.
calculate_probabilities: Calculate the probabilities of all topics
per document instead of the probability of the assigned
topic per document. This could slow down the extraction
of topics if you have many documents (> 100_000).
NOTE: If false you cannot use the corresponding
visualization method `visualize_probabilities`.
NOTE: This is an approximation of topic probabilities
as used in HDBSCAN and not an exact representation.
seed_topic_list: A list of seed words per topic to converge around
zeroshot_topic_list: A list of topic names to use for zero-shot classification
zeroshot_min_similarity: The minimum similarity between a zero-shot topic and
a document for assignment. The higher this value, the more
confident the model needs to be to assign a zero-shot topic to a document.
verbose: Changes the verbosity of the model, Set to True if you want
to track the stages of the model.
embedding_model: Use a custom embedding model.
The following backends are currently supported
* SentenceTransformers
* Flair
* Spacy
* Gensim
* USE (TF-Hub)
You can also pass in a string that points to one of the following
sentence-transformers models:
umap_model: Pass in a UMAP model to be used instead of the default.
NOTE: You can also pass in any dimensionality reduction algorithm as long
as it has `.fit` and `.transform` functions.
hdbscan_model: Pass in a hdbscan.HDBSCAN model to be used instead of the default
NOTE: You can also pass in any clustering algorithm as long as it has
`.fit` and `.predict` functions along with the `.labels_` variable.
vectorizer_model: Pass in a custom `CountVectorizer` instead of the default model.
ctfidf_model: Pass in a custom ClassTfidfTransformer instead of the default model.
representation_model: Pass in a model that fine-tunes the topic representations
calculated through c-TF-IDF. Models from `bertopic.representation`
are supported.
# Topic-based parameters
if top_n_words > 100:
"Note that extracting more than 100 words from a sparse can slow down computation quite a bit."
self.top_n_words = top_n_words
self.min_topic_size = min_topic_size
self.nr_topics = nr_topics
self.low_memory = low_memory
self.calculate_probabilities = calculate_probabilities
self.verbose = verbose
self.seed_topic_list = seed_topic_list
self.zeroshot_topic_list = zeroshot_topic_list
self.zeroshot_min_similarity = zeroshot_min_similarity
# Embedding model
self.language = language if not embedding_model else None
self.embedding_model = embedding_model
# Vectorizer
self.n_gram_range = n_gram_range
self.vectorizer_model = vectorizer_model or CountVectorizer(ngram_range=self.n_gram_range)
self.ctfidf_model = ctfidf_model or ClassTfidfTransformer()
# Representation model
self.representation_model = representation_model
# UMAP or another algorithm that has .fit and .transform functions
self.umap_model = umap_model or UMAP(
# HDBSCAN or another clustering algorithm that has .fit and .predict functions and
# the .labels_ variable to extract the labels
self.hdbscan_model = hdbscan_model or hdbscan.HDBSCAN(
# Public attributes
self.topics_ = None
self.probabilities_ = None
self.topic_sizes_ = None
self.topic_mapper_ = None
self.topic_representations_ = None
self.topic_embeddings_ = None
self._topic_id_to_zeroshot_topic_idx = {}
self.custom_labels_ = None
self.c_tf_idf_ = None
self.representative_images_ = None
self.representative_docs_ = {}
self.topic_aspects_ = {}
# Private attributes for internal tracking purposes
self._merged_topics = None
if verbose:
Get a string representation of the current object.
Type | Description |
str |
Human readable representation of the most important model parameters. The parameters that represent models are ignored due to their length. |
Source code in bertopic\
def __str__(self):
"""Get a string representation of the current object.
str: Human readable representation of the most important model parameters.
The parameters that represent models are ignored due to their length.
parameters = ""
for parameter, value in self.get_params().items():
value = str(value)
if "(" in value and value[0] != "(":
value = value.split("(")[0] + "(...)"
parameters += f"{parameter}={value}, "
return f"BERTopic({parameters[:-2]})"
approximate_distribution(self, documents, window=4, stride=1, min_similarity=0.1, batch_size=1000, padding=False, use_embedding_model=False, calculate_tokens=False, separator=' ')
A post-hoc approximation of topic distributions across documents.
In order to perform this approximation, each document is split into tokens
according to the provided tokenizer in the CountVectorizer
. Then, a
sliding window is applied on each document creating subsets of the document.
For example, with a window size of 3 and stride of 1, the sentence:
Solving the right problem is difficult.
can be split up into solving the right
, the right problem
, right problem is
and problem is difficult
. These are called tokensets. For each of these
tokensets, we calculate their c-TF-IDF representation and find out
how similar they are to the previously generated topics. Then, the
similarities to the topics for each tokenset are summed up in order to
create a topic distribution for the entire document.
We can also dive into this a bit deeper by then splitting these tokensets
up into individual tokens and calculate how much a word, in a specific sentence,
contributes to the topics found in that document. This can be enabled by
setting calculate_tokens=True
which can be used for visualization purposes
in topic_model.visualize_approximate_distribution
The main output, topic_distributions
, can also be used directly in
by simply selecting
a single distribution.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
documents |
Union[str, List[str]] |
A single document or a list of documents for which we approximate their topic distributions |
required |
window |
int |
Size of the moving window which indicates the number of tokens being considered. |
4 |
stride |
int |
How far the window should move at each step. |
1 |
min_similarity |
float |
The minimum similarity of a document's tokenset with respect to the topics. |
0.1 |
batch_size |
int |
The number of documents to process at a time. If None, then all documents are processed at once. NOTE: With a large number of documents, it is not advised to process all documents at once. |
1000 |
padding |
bool |
Whether to pad the beginning and ending of a document with empty tokens. |
False |
use_embedding_model |
bool |
Whether to use the topic model's embedding model to calculate the similarity between tokensets and topics instead of using c-TF-IDF. |
False |
calculate_tokens |
bool |
Calculate the similarity of tokens with all topics. NOTE: This is computation-wise more expensive and can require more memory. Using this over batches of documents might be preferred. |
False |
separator |
str |
The separator used to merge tokens into tokensets. |
' ' |
Type | Description |
topic_distributions |
A |
After fitting the model, the topic distributions can be calculated regardless of the clustering model and regardless of whether the documents were previously seen or not:
topic_distr, _ = topic_model.approximate_distribution(docs)
As a result, the topic distributions are calculated in topic_distr
for the
entire document based on a token set with a specific window size and stride.
If you want to calculate the topic distributions on a token-level:
topic_distr, topic_token_distr = topic_model.approximate_distribution(docs, calculate_tokens=True)
The topic_token_distr
then contains, for each token, the best fitting topics.
As with topic_distr
, it can contain multiple topics for a single token.
Source code in bertopic\
def approximate_distribution(
documents: Union[str, List[str]],
window: int = 4,
stride: int = 1,
min_similarity: float = 0.1,
batch_size: int = 1000,
padding: bool = False,
use_embedding_model: bool = False,
calculate_tokens: bool = False,
separator: str = " ",
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Union[List[np.ndarray], None]]:
"""A post-hoc approximation of topic distributions across documents.
In order to perform this approximation, each document is split into tokens
according to the provided tokenizer in the `CountVectorizer`. Then, a
sliding window is applied on each document creating subsets of the document.
For example, with a window size of 3 and stride of 1, the sentence:
`Solving the right problem is difficult.`
can be split up into `solving the right`, `the right problem`, `right problem is`,
and `problem is difficult`. These are called tokensets. For each of these
tokensets, we calculate their c-TF-IDF representation and find out
how similar they are to the previously generated topics. Then, the
similarities to the topics for each tokenset are summed up in order to
create a topic distribution for the entire document.
We can also dive into this a bit deeper by then splitting these tokensets
up into individual tokens and calculate how much a word, in a specific sentence,
contributes to the topics found in that document. This can be enabled by
setting `calculate_tokens=True` which can be used for visualization purposes
in `topic_model.visualize_approximate_distribution`.
The main output, `topic_distributions`, can also be used directly in
`.visualize_distribution(topic_distributions[index])` by simply selecting
a single distribution.
documents: A single document or a list of documents for which we
approximate their topic distributions
window: Size of the moving window which indicates the number of
tokens being considered.
stride: How far the window should move at each step.
min_similarity: The minimum similarity of a document's tokenset
with respect to the topics.
batch_size: The number of documents to process at a time. If None,
then all documents are processed at once.
NOTE: With a large number of documents, it is not
advised to process all documents at once.
padding: Whether to pad the beginning and ending of a document with
empty tokens.
use_embedding_model: Whether to use the topic model's embedding
model to calculate the similarity between
tokensets and topics instead of using c-TF-IDF.
calculate_tokens: Calculate the similarity of tokens with all topics.
NOTE: This is computation-wise more expensive and
can require more memory. Using this over batches of
documents might be preferred.
separator: The separator used to merge tokens into tokensets.
topic_distributions: A `n` x `m` matrix containing the topic distributions
for all input documents with `n` being the documents
and `m` the topics.
topic_token_distributions: A list of `t` x `m` arrays with `t` being the
number of tokens for the respective document
and `m` the topics.
After fitting the model, the topic distributions can be calculated regardless
of the clustering model and regardless of whether the documents were previously
seen or not:
topic_distr, _ = topic_model.approximate_distribution(docs)
As a result, the topic distributions are calculated in `topic_distr` for the
entire document based on a token set with a specific window size and stride.
If you want to calculate the topic distributions on a token-level:
topic_distr, topic_token_distr = topic_model.approximate_distribution(docs, calculate_tokens=True)
The `topic_token_distr` then contains, for each token, the best fitting topics.
As with `topic_distr`, it can contain multiple topics for a single token.
if isinstance(documents, str):
documents = [documents]
if batch_size is None:
batch_size = len(documents)
batches = 1
batches = math.ceil(len(documents) / batch_size)
topic_distributions = []
topic_token_distributions = []
for i in tqdm(range(batches), disable=not self.verbose):
doc_set = documents[i * batch_size : (i + 1) * batch_size]
# Extract tokens
analyzer = self.vectorizer_model.build_tokenizer()
tokens = [analyzer(document) for document in doc_set]
# Extract token sets
all_sentences = []
all_indices = [0]
all_token_sets_ids = []
for tokenset in tokens:
if len(tokenset) < window:
token_sets = [tokenset]
token_sets_ids = [list(range(len(tokenset)))]
# Extract tokensets using window and stride parameters
stride_indices = list(range(len(tokenset)))[::stride]
token_sets = []
token_sets_ids = []
for stride_index in stride_indices:
selected_tokens = tokenset[stride_index : stride_index + window]
if padding or len(selected_tokens) == window:
stride_index + len(selected_tokens),
# Add empty tokens at the beginning and end of a document
if padding:
padded = []
padded_ids = []
t = math.ceil(window / stride) - 1
for i in range(math.ceil(window / stride) - 1):
padded.append(tokenset[: window - ((t - i) * stride)])
padded_ids.append(list(range(0, window - ((t - i) * stride))))
token_sets = padded + token_sets
token_sets_ids = padded_ids + token_sets_ids
# Join the tokens
sentences = [separator.join(token) for token in token_sets]
all_indices.append(all_indices[-1] + len(sentences))
# Calculate similarity between embeddings of token sets and the topics
if use_embedding_model:
embeddings = self._extract_embeddings(all_sentences, method="document", verbose=True)
similarity = cosine_similarity(embeddings, self.topic_embeddings_[self._outliers :])
# Calculate similarity between c-TF-IDF of token sets and the topics
bow_doc = self.vectorizer_model.transform(all_sentences)
c_tf_idf_doc = self.ctfidf_model.transform(bow_doc)
similarity = cosine_similarity(c_tf_idf_doc, self.c_tf_idf_[self._outliers :])
# Only keep similarities that exceed the minimum
similarity[similarity < min_similarity] = 0
# Aggregate results on an individual token level
if calculate_tokens:
topic_distribution = []
topic_token_distribution = []
for index, token in enumerate(tokens):
start = all_indices[index]
end = all_indices[index + 1]
if start == end:
end = end + 1
# Assign topics to individual tokens
token_id = [i for i in range(len(token))]
token_val = {index: [] for index in token_id}
for sim, token_set in zip(similarity[start:end], all_token_sets_ids[start:end]):
for token in token_set:
if token in token_val:
matrix = []
for _, value in token_val.items():
# Take empty documents into account
matrix = np.array(matrix)
if len(matrix.shape) == 1:
matrix = np.zeros((1, len(self.topic_labels_) - self._outliers))
topic_distribution = normalize(topic_distribution, norm="l1", axis=1)
# Aggregate on a tokenset level indicated by the window and stride
topic_distribution = []
for index in range(len(all_indices) - 1):
start = all_indices[index]
end = all_indices[index + 1]
if start == end:
end = end + 1
group = similarity[start:end].sum(axis=0)
topic_distribution = normalize(np.array(topic_distribution), norm="l1", axis=1)
topic_token_distribution = None
# Combine results
if topic_token_distribution is None:
topic_token_distributions = None
topic_distributions = np.vstack(topic_distributions)
return topic_distributions, topic_token_distributions
find_topics(self, search_term=None, image=None, top_n=5)
Find topics most similar to a search_term.
Creates an embedding for a search query and compares that with the topic embeddings. The most similar topics are returned along with their similarity values.
The query is specified using search_term for text queries or image for image queries.
The search_term can be of any size but since it is compared with the topic representation it is advised to keep it below 5 words.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
search_term |
str |
the term you want to use to search for topics. |
None |
image |
str |
path to the image you want to use to search for topics. |
None |
top_n |
int |
the number of topics to return |
5 |
Type | Description |
similar_topics |
the most similar topics from high to low similarity: the similarity scores from high to low |
You can use the underlying embedding model to find topics that best represent the search term:
topics, similarity = topic_model.find_topics("sports", top_n=5)
Note that the search query is typically more accurate if the search_term consists of a phrase or multiple words.
Source code in bertopic\
def find_topics(self, search_term: str = None, image: str = None, top_n: int = 5) -> Tuple[List[int], List[float]]:
"""Find topics most similar to a search_term.
Creates an embedding for a search query and compares that with
the topic embeddings. The most similar topics are returned
along with their similarity values.
The query is specified using search_term for text queries or image for image queries.
The search_term can be of any size but since it is compared
with the topic representation it is advised to keep it
below 5 words.
search_term: the term you want to use to search for topics.
image: path to the image you want to use to search for topics.
top_n: the number of topics to return
similar_topics: the most similar topics from high to low
similarity: the similarity scores from high to low
You can use the underlying embedding model to find topics that
best represent the search term:
topics, similarity = topic_model.find_topics("sports", top_n=5)
Note that the search query is typically more accurate if the
search_term consists of a phrase or multiple words.
if self.embedding_model is None:
raise Exception("This method can only be used if you did not use custom embeddings.")
topic_list = list(self.topic_representations_.keys())
# Extract search_term embeddings and compare with topic embeddings
if search_term is not None:
search_embedding = self._extract_embeddings([search_term], method="word", verbose=False).flatten()
elif image is not None:
search_embedding = self._extract_embeddings(
[None], images=[image], method="document", verbose=False
sims = cosine_similarity(search_embedding.reshape(1, -1), self.topic_embeddings_).flatten()
# Extract topics most similar to search_term
ids = np.argsort(sims)[-top_n:]
similarity = [sims[i] for i in ids][::-1]
similar_topics = [topic_list[index] for index in ids][::-1]
return similar_topics, similarity
fit(self, documents, embeddings=None, images=None, y=None)
Fit the models (Bert, UMAP, and, HDBSCAN) on a collection of documents and generate topics.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
documents |
List[str] |
A list of documents to fit on |
required |
embeddings |
ndarray |
Pre-trained document embeddings. These can be used instead of the sentence-transformer model |
None |
images |
List[str] |
A list of paths to the images to fit on or the images themselves |
None |
y |
Union[List[int], numpy.ndarray] |
The target class for (semi)-supervised modeling. Use -1 if no class for a specific instance is specified. |
None |
from bertopic import BERTopic
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all')['data']
topic_model = BERTopic().fit(docs)
If you want to use your own embeddings, use it as follows:
from bertopic import BERTopic
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
# Create embeddings
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all')['data']
sentence_model = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
embeddings = sentence_model.encode(docs, show_progress_bar=True)
# Create topic model
topic_model = BERTopic().fit(docs, embeddings)
Source code in bertopic\
def fit(
documents: List[str],
embeddings: np.ndarray = None,
images: List[str] = None,
y: Union[List[int], np.ndarray] = None,
"""Fit the models (Bert, UMAP, and, HDBSCAN) on a collection of documents and generate topics.
documents: A list of documents to fit on
embeddings: Pre-trained document embeddings. These can be used
instead of the sentence-transformer model
images: A list of paths to the images to fit on or the images themselves
y: The target class for (semi)-supervised modeling. Use -1 if no class for a
specific instance is specified.
from bertopic import BERTopic
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all')['data']
topic_model = BERTopic().fit(docs)
If you want to use your own embeddings, use it as follows:
from bertopic import BERTopic
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
# Create embeddings
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all')['data']
sentence_model = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
embeddings = sentence_model.encode(docs, show_progress_bar=True)
# Create topic model
topic_model = BERTopic().fit(docs, embeddings)
self.fit_transform(documents=documents, embeddings=embeddings, y=y, images=images)
return self
fit_transform(self, documents, embeddings=None, images=None, y=None)
Fit the models on a collection of documents, generate topics, and return the probabilities and topic per document.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
documents |
List[str] |
A list of documents to fit on |
required |
embeddings |
ndarray |
Pre-trained document embeddings. These can be used instead of the sentence-transformer model |
None |
images |
List[str] |
A list of paths to the images to fit on or the images themselves |
None |
y |
Union[List[int], numpy.ndarray] |
The target class for (semi)-supervised modeling. Use -1 if no class for a specific instance is specified. |
None |
Type | Description |
predictions |
Topic predictions for each documents
probabilities: The probability of the assigned topic per document.
If |
from bertopic import BERTopic
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all')['data']
topic_model = BERTopic()
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs)
If you want to use your own embeddings, use it as follows:
from bertopic import BERTopic
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
# Create embeddings
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all')['data']
sentence_model = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
embeddings = sentence_model.encode(docs, show_progress_bar=True)
# Create topic model
topic_model = BERTopic()
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs, embeddings)
Source code in bertopic\
def fit_transform(
documents: List[str],
embeddings: np.ndarray = None,
images: List[str] = None,
y: Union[List[int], np.ndarray] = None,
) -> Tuple[List[int], Union[np.ndarray, None]]:
"""Fit the models on a collection of documents, generate topics,
and return the probabilities and topic per document.
documents: A list of documents to fit on
embeddings: Pre-trained document embeddings. These can be used
instead of the sentence-transformer model
images: A list of paths to the images to fit on or the images themselves
y: The target class for (semi)-supervised modeling. Use -1 if no class for a
specific instance is specified.
predictions: Topic predictions for each documents
probabilities: The probability of the assigned topic per document.
If `calculate_probabilities` in BERTopic is set to True, then
it calculates the probabilities of all topics across all documents
instead of only the assigned topic. This, however, slows down
computation and may increase memory usage.
from bertopic import BERTopic
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all')['data']
topic_model = BERTopic()
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs)
If you want to use your own embeddings, use it as follows:
from bertopic import BERTopic
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
# Create embeddings
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all')['data']
sentence_model = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
embeddings = sentence_model.encode(docs, show_progress_bar=True)
# Create topic model
topic_model = BERTopic()
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs, embeddings)
if documents is not None:
check_embeddings_shape(embeddings, documents)
doc_ids = range(len(documents)) if documents is not None else range(len(images))
documents = pd.DataFrame({"Document": documents, "ID": doc_ids, "Topic": None, "Image": images})
# Extract embeddings
if embeddings is None:"Embedding - Transforming documents to embeddings.")
self.embedding_model = select_backend(self.embedding_model, language=self.language, verbose=self.verbose)
embeddings = self._extract_embeddings(
)"Embedding - Completed \u2713")
if self.embedding_model is not None:
self.embedding_model = select_backend(
self.embedding_model, language=self.language, verbose=self.verbose
# Guided Topic Modeling
if self.seed_topic_list is not None and self.embedding_model is not None:
y, embeddings = self._guided_topic_modeling(embeddings)
# Reduce dimensionality and fit UMAP model
umap_embeddings = self._reduce_dimensionality(embeddings, y)
# Zero-shot Topic Modeling
if self._is_zeroshot():
documents, embeddings, assigned_documents, assigned_embeddings = self._zeroshot_topic_modeling(
documents, embeddings
# Filter UMAP embeddings to only non-assigned embeddings to be used for clustering
umap_embeddings = self.umap_model.transform(embeddings)
if len(documents) > 0: # No zero-shot topics matched
# Cluster reduced embeddings
documents, probabilities = self._cluster_embeddings(umap_embeddings, documents, y=y)
if self._is_zeroshot() and len(assigned_documents) > 0:
documents, embeddings = self._combine_zeroshot_topics(
documents, embeddings, assigned_documents, assigned_embeddings
# All documents matches zero-shot topics
documents = assigned_documents
embeddings = assigned_embeddings
topics_before_reduction = self.topics_
# Sort and Map Topic IDs by their frequency
if not self.nr_topics:
documents = self._sort_mappings_by_frequency(documents)
# Create documents from images if we have images only
if documents.Document.values[0] is None:
custom_documents = self._images_to_text(documents, embeddings)
# Extract topics by calculating c-TF-IDF
self._extract_topics(custom_documents, embeddings=embeddings)
self._create_topic_vectors(documents=documents, embeddings=embeddings)
# Reduce topics
if self.nr_topics:
custom_documents = self._reduce_topics(custom_documents)
# Save the top 3 most representative documents per topic
# Extract topics by calculating c-TF-IDF
self._extract_topics(documents, embeddings=embeddings, verbose=self.verbose)
# Reduce topics
if self.nr_topics:
documents = self._reduce_topics(documents)
# Save the top 3 most representative documents per topic
# In the case of zero-shot topics, probability will come from cosine similarity,
# and the HDBSCAN model will be removed
if self._is_zeroshot() and len(assigned_documents) > 0:
self.hdbscan_model = BaseCluster()
sim_matrix = cosine_similarity(embeddings, np.array(self.topic_embeddings_))
if self.calculate_probabilities:
probabilities = sim_matrix
# Use `topics_before_reduction` because `self.topics_` may have already been updated from
# reducing topics, and the original probabilities are needed for `self._map_probabilities()`
probabilities = sim_matrix[
np.array(topics_before_reduction) + self._outliers,
# Resulting output
self.probabilities_ = self._map_probabilities(probabilities, original_topics=True)
predictions = documents.Topic.to_list()
return predictions, self.probabilities_
generate_topic_labels(self, nr_words=3, topic_prefix=True, word_length=None, separator='_', aspect=None)
Get labels for each topic in a user-defined format.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
nr_words |
int |
Top |
3 |
topic_prefix |
bool |
Whether to use the topic ID as a prefix.
If set to True, the topic ID will be separated
using the |
True |
word_length |
int |
The maximum length of each word in the topic label. Some words might be relatively long and setting this value helps to make sure that all labels have relatively similar lengths. |
None |
separator |
str |
The string with which the words and topic prefix will be
separated. Underscores are the default but a nice alternative
is |
'_' |
aspect |
str |
The aspect from which to generate topic labels |
None |
Type | Description |
topic_labels |
A list of topic labels sorted from the lowest topic ID to the highest. If the topic model was trained using HDBSCAN, the lowest topic ID is -1, otherwise it is 0. |
To create our custom topic labels, usage is rather straightforward:
topic_labels = topic_model.generate_topic_labels(nr_words=2, separator=", ")
Source code in bertopic\
def generate_topic_labels(
nr_words: int = 3,
topic_prefix: bool = True,
word_length: int = None,
separator: str = "_",
aspect: str = None,
) -> List[str]:
"""Get labels for each topic in a user-defined format.
nr_words: Top `n` words per topic to use
topic_prefix: Whether to use the topic ID as a prefix.
If set to True, the topic ID will be separated
using the `separator`
word_length: The maximum length of each word in the topic label.
Some words might be relatively long and setting this
value helps to make sure that all labels have relatively
similar lengths.
separator: The string with which the words and topic prefix will be
separated. Underscores are the default but a nice alternative
is `", "`.
aspect: The aspect from which to generate topic labels
topic_labels: A list of topic labels sorted from the lowest topic ID to the highest.
If the topic model was trained using HDBSCAN, the lowest topic ID is -1,
otherwise it is 0.
To create our custom topic labels, usage is rather straightforward:
topic_labels = topic_model.generate_topic_labels(nr_words=2, separator=", ")
unique_topics = sorted(set(self.topics_))
topic_labels = []
for topic in unique_topics:
if aspect:
words, _ = zip(*self.topic_aspects_[aspect][topic])
words, _ = zip(*self.get_topic(topic))
if word_length:
words = [word[:word_length] for word in words][:nr_words]
words = list(words)[:nr_words]
if topic_prefix:
topic_label = f"{topic}{separator}" + separator.join(words)
topic_label = separator.join(words)
return topic_labels
get_document_info(self, docs, df=None, metadata=None)
Get information about the documents on which the topic was trained including the documents themselves, their respective topics, the name of each topic, the top n words of each topic, whether it is a representative document, and probability of the clustering if the cluster model supports it.
There are also options to include other meta data, such as the topic distributions or the x and y coordinates of the reduced embeddings.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
docs |
List[str] |
The documents on which the topic model was trained. |
required |
df |
DataFrame |
A dataframe containing the metadata and the documents on which the topic model was originally trained on. |
None |
metadata |
Mapping[str, Any] |
A dictionary with meta data for each document in the form of column name (key) and the respective values (value). |
None |
Type | Description |
document_info |
A dataframe with several statistics regarding the documents on which the topic model was trained. |
To get the document info, you will only need to pass the documents on which the topic model was trained:
document_info = topic_model.get_document_info(docs)
There are additionally options to include meta data, such as the topic distributions. Moreover, we can pass the original dataframe that contains the documents and extend it with the information retrieved from BERTopic:
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
# The original data in a dataframe format to include the target variable
data = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all', remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'))
df = pd.DataFrame({"Document": data['data'], "Class": data['target']})
# Add information about the percentage of the document that relates to the topic
topic_distr, _ = topic_model.approximate_distribution(docs, batch_size=1000)
distributions = [distr[topic] if topic != -1 else 0 for topic, distr in zip(topics, topic_distr)]
# Create our documents dataframe using the original dataframe and meta data about
# the topic distributions
document_info = topic_model.get_document_info(docs, df=df,
metadata={"Topic_distribution": distributions})
Source code in bertopic\
def get_document_info(
docs: List[str],
df: pd.DataFrame = None,
metadata: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Get information about the documents on which the topic was trained
including the documents themselves, their respective topics, the name
of each topic, the top n words of each topic, whether it is a
representative document, and probability of the clustering if the cluster
model supports it.
There are also options to include other meta data, such as the topic
distributions or the x and y coordinates of the reduced embeddings.
docs: The documents on which the topic model was trained.
df: A dataframe containing the metadata and the documents on which
the topic model was originally trained on.
metadata: A dictionary with meta data for each document in the form
of column name (key) and the respective values (value).
document_info: A dataframe with several statistics regarding
the documents on which the topic model was trained.
To get the document info, you will only need to pass the documents on which
the topic model was trained:
document_info = topic_model.get_document_info(docs)
There are additionally options to include meta data, such as the topic
distributions. Moreover, we can pass the original dataframe that contains
the documents and extend it with the information retrieved from BERTopic:
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
# The original data in a dataframe format to include the target variable
data = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all', remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'))
df = pd.DataFrame({"Document": data['data'], "Class": data['target']})
# Add information about the percentage of the document that relates to the topic
topic_distr, _ = topic_model.approximate_distribution(docs, batch_size=1000)
distributions = [distr[topic] if topic != -1 else 0 for topic, distr in zip(topics, topic_distr)]
# Create our documents dataframe using the original dataframe and meta data about
# the topic distributions
document_info = topic_model.get_document_info(docs, df=df,
metadata={"Topic_distribution": distributions})
if df is not None:
document_info = df.copy()
document_info["Document"] = docs
document_info["Topic"] = self.topics_
document_info = pd.DataFrame({"Document": docs, "Topic": self.topics_})
# Add topic info through `.get_topic_info()`
topic_info = self.get_topic_info().drop("Count", axis=1)
document_info = pd.merge(document_info, topic_info, on="Topic", how="left")
# Add top n words
top_n_words = {topic: " - ".join(list(zip(*self.get_topic(topic)))[0]) for topic in set(self.topics_)}
document_info["Top_n_words"] =
# Add flat probabilities
if self.probabilities_ is not None:
if len(self.probabilities_.shape) == 1:
document_info["Probability"] = self.probabilities_
document_info["Probability"] = [
max(probs) if topic != -1 else 1 - sum(probs)
for topic, probs in zip(self.topics_, self.probabilities_)
# Add representative document labels
repr_docs = [repr_doc for repr_docs in self.representative_docs_.values() for repr_doc in repr_docs]
document_info["Representative_document"] = False
document_info.loc[document_info.Document.isin(repr_docs), "Representative_document"] = True
# Add custom meta data provided by the user
if metadata is not None:
for column, values in metadata.items():
document_info[column] = values
return document_info
get_params(self, deep=False)
Get parameters for this estimator.
Adapted from:
Name | Type | Description | Default |
deep |
bool |
bool, default=True If True, will return the parameters for this estimator and contained subobjects that are estimators. |
False |
Type | Description |
out |
Parameter names mapped to their values. |
Source code in bertopic\
def get_params(self, deep: bool = False) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
"""Get parameters for this estimator.
Adapted from:
deep: bool, default=True
If True, will return the parameters for this estimator and
contained subobjects that are estimators.
out: Parameter names mapped to their values.
out = dict()
for key in self._get_param_names():
value = getattr(self, key)
if deep and hasattr(value, "get_params"):
deep_items = value.get_params().items()
out.update((key + "__" + k, val) for k, val in deep_items)
out[key] = value
return out
get_representative_docs(self, topic=None)
Extract the best representing documents per topic.
This does not extract all documents per topic as all documents are not saved within BERTopic. To get all documents, please run the following:
# When you used `.fit_transform`:
df = pd.DataFrame({"Document": docs, "Topic": topic})
# When you used `.fit`:
df = pd.DataFrame({"Document": docs, "Topic": topic_model.topics_})
Name | Type | Description | Default |
topic |
int |
A specific topic for which you want the representative documents |
None |
Type | Description |
List[str] |
Representative documents of the chosen topic |
To extract the representative docs of all topics:
representative_docs = topic_model.get_representative_docs()
To get the representative docs of a single topic:
representative_docs = topic_model.get_representative_docs(12)
Source code in bertopic\
def get_representative_docs(self, topic: int = None) -> List[str]:
"""Extract the best representing documents per topic.
This does not extract all documents per topic as all documents
are not saved within BERTopic. To get all documents, please
run the following:
# When you used `.fit_transform`:
df = pd.DataFrame({"Document": docs, "Topic": topic})
# When you used `.fit`:
df = pd.DataFrame({"Document": docs, "Topic": topic_model.topics_})
topic: A specific topic for which you want
the representative documents
Representative documents of the chosen topic
To extract the representative docs of all topics:
representative_docs = topic_model.get_representative_docs()
To get the representative docs of a single topic:
representative_docs = topic_model.get_representative_docs(12)
if isinstance(topic, int):
if self.representative_docs_.get(topic):
return self.representative_docs_[topic]
return None
return self.representative_docs_
get_topic(self, topic, full=False)
Return top n words for a specific topic and their c-TF-IDF scores.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
topic |
int |
A specific topic for which you want its representation |
required |
full |
bool |
If True, returns all different forms of topic representations for a topic, including aspects |
False |
Type | Description |
Union[Mapping[str, Tuple[str, float]], bool] |
The top n words for a specific word and its respective c-TF-IDF scores |
topic = topic_model.get_topic(12)
Source code in bertopic\
def get_topic(self, topic: int, full: bool = False) -> Union[Mapping[str, Tuple[str, float]], bool]:
"""Return top n words for a specific topic and their c-TF-IDF scores.
topic: A specific topic for which you want its representation
full: If True, returns all different forms of topic representations
for a topic, including aspects
The top n words for a specific word and its respective c-TF-IDF scores
topic = topic_model.get_topic(12)
if topic in self.topic_representations_:
if full:
representations = {"Main": self.topic_representations_[topic]}
aspects = {aspect: representations[topic] for aspect, representations in self.topic_aspects_.items()}
return representations
return self.topic_representations_[topic]
return False
get_topic_freq(self, topic=None)
Return the size of topics (descending order).
Name | Type | Description | Default |
topic |
int |
A specific topic for which you want the frequency |
None |
Type | Description |
Union[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, int] |
Either the frequency of a single topic or dataframe with the frequencies of all topics |
To extract the frequency of all topics:
frequency = topic_model.get_topic_freq()
To get the frequency of a single topic:
frequency = topic_model.get_topic_freq(12)
Source code in bertopic\
def get_topic_freq(self, topic: int = None) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, int]:
"""Return the size of topics (descending order).
topic: A specific topic for which you want the frequency
Either the frequency of a single topic or dataframe with
the frequencies of all topics
To extract the frequency of all topics:
frequency = topic_model.get_topic_freq()
To get the frequency of a single topic:
frequency = topic_model.get_topic_freq(12)
if isinstance(topic, int):
return self.topic_sizes_[topic]
return pd.DataFrame(self.topic_sizes_.items(), columns=["Topic", "Count"]).sort_values(
"Count", ascending=False
get_topic_info(self, topic=None)
Get information about each topic including its ID, frequency, and name.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
topic |
int |
A specific topic for which you want the frequency |
None |
Type | Description |
info |
The information relating to either a single topic or all topics |
info_df = topic_model.get_topic_info()
Source code in bertopic\
def get_topic_info(self, topic: int = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Get information about each topic including its ID, frequency, and name.
topic: A specific topic for which you want the frequency
info: The information relating to either a single topic or all topics
info_df = topic_model.get_topic_info()
info = pd.DataFrame(self.topic_sizes_.items(), columns=["Topic", "Count"]).sort_values("Topic")
info["Name"] =
# Custom label
if self.custom_labels_ is not None:
if len(self.custom_labels_) == len(info):
labels = {topic - self._outliers: label for topic, label in enumerate(self.custom_labels_)}
info["CustomName"] = info["Topic"].map(labels)
# Main Keywords
values = {topic: list(list(zip(*values))[0]) for topic, values in self.topic_representations_.items()}
info["Representation"] = info["Topic"].map(values)
# Extract all topic aspects
if self.topic_aspects_:
for aspect, values in self.topic_aspects_.items():
if isinstance(list(values.values())[-1], list):
if isinstance(list(values.values())[-1][0], tuple) or isinstance(
list(values.values())[-1][0], list
values = {topic: list(list(zip(*value))[0]) for topic, value in values.items()}
elif isinstance(list(values.values())[-1][0], str):
values = {topic: " ".join(value).strip() for topic, value in values.items()}
info[aspect] = info["Topic"].map(values)
# Representative Docs / Images
if self.representative_docs_ is not None:
info["Representative_Docs"] = info["Topic"].map(self.representative_docs_)
if self.representative_images_ is not None:
info["Representative_Images"] = info["Topic"].map(self.representative_images_)
# Select specific topic to return
if topic is not None:
info = info.loc[info.Topic == topic, :]
return info.reset_index(drop=True)
get_topic_tree(hier_topics, max_distance=None, tight_layout=False)
Extract the topic tree such that it can be printed.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
hier_topics |
DataFrame |
A dataframe containing the structure of the topic tree.
This is the output of |
required |
max_distance |
float |
The maximum distance between two topics. This value is
based on the Distance column in |
None |
tight_layout |
bool |
Whether to use a tight layout (narrow width) for easier readability if you have hundreds of topics. |
False |
Type | Description |
A tree that has the following structure when printed |
. . └─health_medical_disease_patients_hiv ├─patients_medical_disease_candida_health │ ├─■──candida_yeast_infection_gonorrhea_infections ── Topic: 48 │ └─patients_disease_cancer_medical_doctor │ ├─■──hiv_medical_cancer_patients_doctor ── Topic: 34 │ └─■──pain_drug_patients_disease_diet ── Topic: 26 └─■──health_newsgroup_tobacco_vote_votes ── Topic: 9 The blocks (■) indicate that the topic is one you can directly access
from |
# Train model
from bertopic import BERTopic
topic_model = BERTopic()
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs)
hierarchical_topics = topic_model.hierarchical_topics(docs)
# Print topic tree
tree = topic_model.get_topic_tree(hierarchical_topics)
Source code in bertopic\
def get_topic_tree(
hier_topics: pd.DataFrame,
max_distance: float = None,
tight_layout: bool = False,
) -> str:
"""Extract the topic tree such that it can be printed.
hier_topics: A dataframe containing the structure of the topic tree.
This is the output of `topic_model.hierarchical_topics()`
max_distance: The maximum distance between two topics. This value is
based on the Distance column in `hier_topics`.
tight_layout: Whether to use a tight layout (narrow width) for
easier readability if you have hundreds of topics.
A tree that has the following structure when printed:
│ ├─■──candida_yeast_infection_gonorrhea_infections ── Topic: 48
│ └─patients_disease_cancer_medical_doctor
│ ├─■──hiv_medical_cancer_patients_doctor ── Topic: 34
│ └─■──pain_drug_patients_disease_diet ── Topic: 26
└─■──health_newsgroup_tobacco_vote_votes ── Topic: 9
The blocks (■) indicate that the topic is one you can directly access
from `topic_model.get_topic`. In other words, they are the original un-grouped topics.
# Train model
from bertopic import BERTopic
topic_model = BERTopic()
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs)
hierarchical_topics = topic_model.hierarchical_topics(docs)
# Print topic tree
tree = topic_model.get_topic_tree(hierarchical_topics)
width = 1 if tight_layout else 4
if max_distance is None:
max_distance = hier_topics.Distance.max() + 1
max_original_topic = hier_topics.Parent_ID.astype(int).min() - 1
# Extract mapping from ID to name
topic_to_name = dict(zip(hier_topics.Child_Left_ID, hier_topics.Child_Left_Name))
topic_to_name.update(dict(zip(hier_topics.Child_Right_ID, hier_topics.Child_Right_Name)))
topic_to_name = {topic: name[:100] for topic, name in topic_to_name.items()}
# Create tree
tree = {
str(row[1].Parent_ID): [
for row in hier_topics.iterrows()
def get_tree(start, tree):
"""Based on:"""
def _tree(to_print, start, parent, tree, grandpa=None, indent=""):
# Get distance between merged topics
distance = hier_topics.loc[
(hier_topics.Child_Left_ID == parent) | (hier_topics.Child_Right_ID == parent),
distance = distance.values[0] if len(distance) > 0 else 10
if parent != start:
if grandpa is None:
to_print += topic_to_name[parent]
if int(parent) <= max_original_topic:
# Do not append topic ID if they are not merged
if distance < max_distance:
to_print += "■──" + topic_to_name[parent] + f" ── Topic: {parent}" + "\n"
to_print += "O \n"
to_print += topic_to_name[parent] + "\n"
if parent not in tree:
return to_print
for child in tree[parent][:-1]:
to_print += indent + "├" + "─"
to_print = _tree(to_print, start, child, tree, parent, indent + "│" + " " * width)
child = tree[parent][-1]
to_print += indent + "└" + "─"
to_print = _tree(to_print, start, child, tree, parent, indent + " " * (width + 1))
return to_print
to_print = "." + "\n"
to_print = _tree(to_print, start, start, tree)
return to_print
start = str(hier_topics.Parent_ID.astype(int).max())
return get_tree(start, tree)
get_topics(self, full=False)
Return topics with top n words and their c-TF-IDF score.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
full |
bool |
If True, returns all different forms of topic representations for each topic, including aspects |
False |
Type | Description |
self.topic_representations_ |
The top n words per topic and the corresponding c-TF-IDF score |
all_topics = topic_model.get_topics()
Source code in bertopic\
def get_topics(self, full: bool = False) -> Mapping[str, Tuple[str, float]]:
"""Return topics with top n words and their c-TF-IDF score.
full: If True, returns all different forms of topic representations
for each topic, including aspects
self.topic_representations_: The top n words per topic and the corresponding c-TF-IDF score
all_topics = topic_model.get_topics()
if full:
topic_representations = {"Main": self.topic_representations_}
return topic_representations
return self.topic_representations_
hierarchical_topics(self, docs, use_ctfidf=True, linkage_function=None, distance_function=None)
Create a hierarchy of topics.
To create this hierarchy, BERTopic needs to be already fitted once.
Then, a hierarchy is calculated on the distance matrix of the c-TF-IDF or topic embeddings
representation using scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage
Based on that hierarchy, we calculate the topic representation at each merged step. This is a local representation, as we only assume that the chosen step is merged and not all others which typically improves the topic representation.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
docs |
List[str] |
The documents you used when calling either |
required |
use_ctfidf |
bool |
Whether to calculate distances between topics based on c-TF-IDF embeddings. If False, the embeddings from the embedding model are used. |
True |
linkage_function |
Callable[[scipy.sparse._csr.csr_matrix], numpy.ndarray] |
The linkage function to use. Default is:
None |
distance_function |
Callable[[scipy.sparse._csr.csr_matrix], scipy.sparse._csr.csr_matrix] |
The distance function to use on the c-TF-IDF matrix. Default is:
None |
Type | Description |
hierarchical_topics |
A dataframe that contains a hierarchy of topics represented by their parents and their children |
from bertopic import BERTopic
topic_model = BERTopic()
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs)
hierarchical_topics = topic_model.hierarchical_topics(docs)
A custom linkage function can be used as follows:
from scipy.cluster import hierarchy as sch
from bertopic import BERTopic
topic_model = BERTopic()
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs)
# Hierarchical topics
linkage_function = lambda x: sch.linkage(x, 'ward', optimal_ordering=True)
hierarchical_topics = topic_model.hierarchical_topics(docs, linkage_function=linkage_function)
Source code in bertopic\
def hierarchical_topics(
docs: List[str],
use_ctfidf: bool = True,
linkage_function: Callable[[csr_matrix], np.ndarray] = None,
distance_function: Callable[[csr_matrix], csr_matrix] = None,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Create a hierarchy of topics.
To create this hierarchy, BERTopic needs to be already fitted once.
Then, a hierarchy is calculated on the distance matrix of the c-TF-IDF or topic embeddings
representation using `scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage`.
Based on that hierarchy, we calculate the topic representation at each
merged step. This is a local representation, as we only assume that the
chosen step is merged and not all others which typically improves the
topic representation.
docs: The documents you used when calling either `fit` or `fit_transform`
use_ctfidf: Whether to calculate distances between topics based on c-TF-IDF embeddings. If False, the
embeddings from the embedding model are used.
linkage_function: The linkage function to use. Default is:
`lambda x: sch.linkage(x, 'ward', optimal_ordering=True)`
distance_function: The distance function to use on the c-TF-IDF matrix. Default is:
`lambda x: 1 - cosine_similarity(x)`.
You can pass any function that returns either a square matrix of
shape (n_samples, n_samples) with zeros on the diagonal and
non-negative values or condensed distance matrix of shape
(n_samples * (n_samples - 1) / 2,) containing the upper
triangular of the distance matrix.
hierarchical_topics: A dataframe that contains a hierarchy of topics
represented by their parents and their children
from bertopic import BERTopic
topic_model = BERTopic()
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs)
hierarchical_topics = topic_model.hierarchical_topics(docs)
A custom linkage function can be used as follows:
from scipy.cluster import hierarchy as sch
from bertopic import BERTopic
topic_model = BERTopic()
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs)
# Hierarchical topics
linkage_function = lambda x: sch.linkage(x, 'ward', optimal_ordering=True)
hierarchical_topics = topic_model.hierarchical_topics(docs, linkage_function=linkage_function)
if distance_function is None:
distance_function = lambda x: 1 - cosine_similarity(x)
if linkage_function is None:
linkage_function = lambda x: sch.linkage(x, "ward", optimal_ordering=True)
# Calculate distance
embeddings = select_topic_representation(self.c_tf_idf_, self.topic_embeddings_, use_ctfidf)[0][
self._outliers :
X = distance_function(embeddings)
X = validate_distance_matrix(X, embeddings.shape[0])
# Use the 1-D condensed distance matrix as an input instead of the raw distance matrix
Z = linkage_function(X)
# Ensuring that the distances between clusters are unique otherwise the flatting of the hierarchy with
# `sch.fcluster(...)` would produce incorrect values for "Topics" for these clusters
if len(Z[:, 2]) != len(np.unique(Z[:, 2])):
Z[:, 2] = get_unique_distances(Z[:, 2])
# Calculate basic bag-of-words to be iteratively merged later
documents = pd.DataFrame({"Document": docs, "ID": range(len(docs)), "Topic": self.topics_})
documents_per_topic = documents.groupby(["Topic"], as_index=False).agg({"Document": " ".join})
documents_per_topic = documents_per_topic.loc[documents_per_topic.Topic != -1, :]
clean_documents = self._preprocess_text(documents_per_topic.Document.values)
# Scikit-Learn Deprecation: get_feature_names is deprecated in 1.0
# and will be removed in 1.2. Please use get_feature_names_out instead.
if version.parse(sklearn_version) >= version.parse("1.0.0"):
words = self.vectorizer_model.get_feature_names_out()
words = self.vectorizer_model.get_feature_names()
bow = self.vectorizer_model.transform(clean_documents)
# Extract clusters
hier_topics = pd.DataFrame(
for index in tqdm(range(len(Z))):
# Find clustered documents
clusters = sch.fcluster(Z, t=Z[index][2], criterion="distance") - self._outliers
nr_clusters = len(clusters)
# Extract first topic we find to get the set of topics in a merged topic
topic = None
val = Z[index][0]
while topic is None:
if val - len(clusters) < 0:
topic = int(val)
val = Z[int(val - len(clusters))][0]
clustered_topics = [i for i, x in enumerate(clusters) if x == clusters[topic]]
# Group bow per cluster, calculate c-TF-IDF and extract words
grouped = csr_matrix(bow[clustered_topics].sum(axis=0))
c_tf_idf = self.ctfidf_model.transform(grouped)
selection = documents.loc[documents.Topic.isin(clustered_topics), :]
selection.Topic = 0
words_per_topic = self._extract_words_per_topic(words, selection, c_tf_idf, calculate_aspects=False)
# Extract parent's name and ID
parent_id = index + len(clusters)
parent_name = "_".join([x[0] for x in words_per_topic[0]][:5])
# Extract child's name and ID
Z_id = Z[index][0]
child_left_id = Z_id if Z_id - nr_clusters < 0 else Z_id - nr_clusters
if Z_id - nr_clusters < 0:
child_left_name = "_".join([x[0] for x in self.get_topic(Z_id)][:5])
child_left_name = hier_topics.iloc[int(child_left_id)].Parent_Name
# Extract child's name and ID
Z_id = Z[index][1]
child_right_id = Z_id if Z_id - nr_clusters < 0 else Z_id - nr_clusters
if Z_id - nr_clusters < 0:
child_right_name = "_".join([x[0] for x in self.get_topic(Z_id)][:5])
child_right_name = hier_topics.iloc[int(child_right_id)].Parent_Name
# Save results
hier_topics.loc[len(hier_topics), :] = [
hier_topics["Distance"] = Z[:, 2]
hier_topics = hier_topics.sort_values("Parent_ID", ascending=False)
hier_topics[["Parent_ID", "Child_Left_ID", "Child_Right_ID"]] = hier_topics[
["Parent_ID", "Child_Left_ID", "Child_Right_ID"]
return hier_topics
load(path, embedding_model=None)
Loads the model from the specified path or directory.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
path |
str |
Either load a BERTopic model from a file ( |
required |
embedding_model |
Additionally load in an embedding model if it was not saved in the BERTopic model file or directory. |
None |
or if you did not save the embedding model:
BERTopic.load("model_dir", embedding_model="all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
Source code in bertopic\
def load(cls, path: str, embedding_model=None):
"""Loads the model from the specified path or directory.
path: Either load a BERTopic model from a file (`.pickle`) or a folder containing
`.safetensors` or `.bin` files.
embedding_model: Additionally load in an embedding model if it was not saved
in the BERTopic model file or directory.
or if you did not save the embedding model:
BERTopic.load("model_dir", embedding_model="all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
file_or_dir = Path(path)
# Load from Pickle
if file_or_dir.is_file():
with open(file_or_dir, "rb") as file:
if embedding_model:
topic_model = joblib.load(file)
topic_model.embedding_model = select_backend(embedding_model, verbose=topic_model.verbose)
topic_model = joblib.load(file)
return topic_model
# Load from directory or HF
if file_or_dir.is_dir():
topics, params, tensors, ctfidf_tensors, ctfidf_config, images = save_utils.load_local_files(file_or_dir)
elif "/" in str(path):
topics, params, tensors, ctfidf_tensors, ctfidf_config, images = save_utils.load_files_from_hf(path)
raise ValueError("Make sure to either pass a valid directory or HF model.")
topic_model = _create_model_from_files(
warn_no_backend=(embedding_model is None),
# Replace embedding model if one is specifically chosen
if embedding_model is not None:
topic_model.embedding_model = select_backend(embedding_model, verbose=topic_model.verbose)
return topic_model
merge_models(models, min_similarity=0.7, embedding_model=None)
Merge multiple pre-trained BERTopic models into a single model.
The models are merged as if they were all saved using pytorch or safetensors, so a minimal version without c-TF-IDF.
To do this, we choose the first model in the list of models as a baseline. Then, we check each model whether they contain topics that are not in the baseline. This check is based on the cosine similarity between topics embeddings. If topic embeddings between two models are similar, then the topic of the second model is re-assigned to the first. If they are dissimilar, the topic of the second model is assigned to the first.
In essence, we simply check whether sufficiently "new" topics emerge and add them.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
models |
A list of fitted BERTopic models |
required | |
min_similarity |
float |
The minimum similarity for when topics are merged. |
0.7 |
embedding_model |
Additionally load in an embedding model if necessary. |
None |
Type | Description |
A new BERTopic model that was created as if you were loading a model from the HuggingFace Hub without c-TF-IDF |
from bertopic import BERTopic
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all', remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'))['data']
# Create three separate models
topic_model_1 = BERTopic(min_topic_size=5).fit(docs[:4000])
topic_model_2 = BERTopic(min_topic_size=5).fit(docs[4000:8000])
topic_model_3 = BERTopic(min_topic_size=5).fit(docs[8000:])
# Combine all models into one
merged_model = BERTopic.merge_models([topic_model_1, topic_model_2, topic_model_3])
Source code in bertopic\
def merge_models(cls, models, min_similarity: float = 0.7, embedding_model=None):
"""Merge multiple pre-trained BERTopic models into a single model.
The models are merged as if they were all saved using pytorch or
safetensors, so a minimal version without c-TF-IDF.
To do this, we choose the first model in the list of
models as a baseline. Then, we check each model whether
they contain topics that are not in the baseline.
This check is based on the cosine similarity between
topics embeddings. If topic embeddings between two models
are similar, then the topic of the second model is re-assigned
to the first. If they are dissimilar, the topic of the second
model is assigned to the first.
In essence, we simply check whether sufficiently "new"
topics emerge and add them.
models: A list of fitted BERTopic models
min_similarity: The minimum similarity for when topics are merged.
embedding_model: Additionally load in an embedding model if necessary.
A new BERTopic model that was created as if you were
loading a model from the HuggingFace Hub without c-TF-IDF
from bertopic import BERTopic
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all', remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'))['data']
# Create three separate models
topic_model_1 = BERTopic(min_topic_size=5).fit(docs[:4000])
topic_model_2 = BERTopic(min_topic_size=5).fit(docs[4000:8000])
topic_model_3 = BERTopic(min_topic_size=5).fit(docs[8000:])
# Combine all models into one
merged_model = BERTopic.merge_models([topic_model_1, topic_model_2, topic_model_3])
import torch
# Temporarily save model and push to HF
with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
# Save model weights and config.
all_topics, all_params, all_tensors = [], [], []
for index, model in enumerate(models):, serialization="pytorch")
topics, params, tensors, _, _, _ = save_utils.load_local_files(Path(tmpdir))
# Create a base set of parameters
if index == 0:
merged_topics = topics
merged_params = params
merged_tensors = np.array(tensors["topic_embeddings"])
merged_topics["custom_labels"] = None
for tensors, selected_topics in zip(all_tensors[1:], all_topics[1:]):
# Calculate similarity matrix
sim_matrix = cosine_similarity(tensors, merged_tensors)
sims = np.max(sim_matrix, axis=1)
# Extract new topics
new_topics = sorted(
[index - selected_topics["_outliers"] for index, sim in enumerate(sims) if sim < min_similarity]
max_topic = max(set(merged_topics["topics"]))
# Merge Topic Representations
new_topics_dict = {}
for new_topic in new_topics:
if new_topic != -1:
max_topic += 1
new_topics_dict[new_topic] = max_topic
merged_topics["topic_representations"][str(max_topic)] = selected_topics["topic_representations"][
merged_topics["topic_labels"][str(max_topic)] = selected_topics["topic_labels"][str(new_topic)]
# Add new aspects
if selected_topics["topic_aspects"]:
aspects_1 = set(merged_topics["topic_aspects"].keys())
aspects_2 = set(selected_topics["topic_aspects"].keys())
aspects_diff = aspects_2.difference(aspects_1)
if aspects_diff:
for aspect in aspects_diff:
merged_topics["topic_aspects"][aspect] = {}
# If the original model does not have topic aspects but the to be added model does
if not merged_topics.get("topic_aspects"):
merged_topics["topic_aspects"] = selected_topics["topic_aspects"]
# If they both contain topic aspects, add to the existing set of aspects
for aspect, values in selected_topics["topic_aspects"].items():
merged_topics["topic_aspects"][aspect][str(max_topic)] = values[str(new_topic)]
# Add new embeddings
new_tensors = tensors[new_topic + selected_topics["_outliers"]]
merged_tensors = np.vstack([merged_tensors, new_tensors])
# Topic Mapper
merged_topics["topic_mapper"] = TopicMapper(list(range(-1, max_topic + 1, 1))).mappings_
# Find similar topics and re-assign those from the new models
sims_idx = np.argmax(sim_matrix, axis=1)
sims = np.max(sim_matrix, axis=1)
to_merge = {
a - selected_topics["_outliers"]: b - merged_topics["_outliers"]
for a, (b, val) in enumerate(zip(sims_idx, sims))
if val >= min_similarity
to_merge[-1] = -1
topics = [to_merge[topic] for topic in selected_topics["topics"]]
merged_topics["topic_sizes"] = dict(Counter(merged_topics["topics"]))
# Create a new model from the merged parameters
merged_tensors = {"topic_embeddings": torch.from_numpy(merged_tensors)}
merged_model = _create_model_from_files(
merged_model.embedding_model = models[0].embedding_model
# Replace embedding model if one is specifically chosen
verbose = any([model.verbose for model in models])
if embedding_model is not None and type(merged_model.embedding_model) == BaseEmbedder:
merged_model.embedding_model = select_backend(embedding_model, verbose=verbose)
return merged_model
merge_topics(self, docs, topics_to_merge, images=None)
Name | Type | Description | Default |
docs |
List[str] |
The documents you used when calling either |
required |
topics_to_merge |
List[Union[Iterable[int], int]] |
Either a list of topics or a list of list of topics to merge. For example: [1, 2, 3] will merge topics 1, 2 and 3 [[1, 2], [3, 4]] will merge topics 1 and 2, and separately merge topics 3 and 4. |
required |
images |
List[str] |
A list of paths to the images used when calling either
None |
If you want to merge topics 1, 2, and 3:
topics_to_merge = [1, 2, 3]
topic_model.merge_topics(docs, topics_to_merge)
or if you want to merge topics 1 and 2, and separately merge topics 3 and 4:
topics_to_merge = [[1, 2],
[3, 4]]
topic_model.merge_topics(docs, topics_to_merge)
Source code in bertopic\
def merge_topics(
docs: List[str],
topics_to_merge: List[Union[Iterable[int], int]],
images: List[str] = None,
) -> None:
docs: The documents you used when calling either `fit` or `fit_transform`
topics_to_merge: Either a list of topics or a list of list of topics
to merge. For example:
[1, 2, 3] will merge topics 1, 2 and 3
[[1, 2], [3, 4]] will merge topics 1 and 2, and
separately merge topics 3 and 4.
images: A list of paths to the images used when calling either
`fit` or `fit_transform`.
If you want to merge topics 1, 2, and 3:
topics_to_merge = [1, 2, 3]
topic_model.merge_topics(docs, topics_to_merge)
or if you want to merge topics 1 and 2, and separately
merge topics 3 and 4:
topics_to_merge = [[1, 2],
[3, 4]]
topic_model.merge_topics(docs, topics_to_merge)
documents = pd.DataFrame(
"Document": docs,
"Topic": self.topics_,
"Image": images,
"ID": range(len(docs)),
mapping = {topic: topic for topic in set(self.topics_)}
if isinstance(topics_to_merge[0], int):
for topic in sorted(topics_to_merge):
mapping[topic] = topics_to_merge[0]
elif isinstance(topics_to_merge[0], Iterable):
for topic_group in sorted(topics_to_merge):
for topic in topic_group:
mapping[topic] = topic_group[0]
raise ValueError(
"Make sure that `topics_to_merge` is either" "a list of topics or a list of list of topics."
# Track mappings and sizes of topics for merging topic embeddings
mappings = defaultdict(list)
for key, val in sorted(mapping.items()):
mappings = {
topic_to: {
"topics_from": topics_from,
"topic_sizes": [self.topic_sizes_[topic] for topic in topics_from],
for topic_to, topics_from in mappings.items()
# Update topics
documents.Topic =
documents = self._sort_mappings_by_frequency(documents)
self._extract_topics(documents, mappings=mappings)
self.probabilities_ = self._map_probabilities(self.probabilities_)
partial_fit(self, documents, embeddings=None, y=None)
Fit BERTopic on a subset of the data and perform online learning with batch-like data.
Online topic modeling in BERTopic is performed by using dimensionality
reduction and cluster algorithms that support a partial_fit
in order to incrementally train the topic model.
Likewise, the bertopic.vectorizers.OnlineCountVectorizer
is used
to dynamically update its vocabulary when presented with new data.
It has several parameters for modeling decay and updating the
In other words, although the main algorithm stays the same, the training procedure now works as follows:
For each subset of the data:
- Generate embeddings with a pre-trained language model
- Incrementally update the dimensionality reduction algorithm with
- Incrementally update the cluster algorithm with
- Incrementally update the OnlineCountVectorizer and apply some form of decay
Note that it is advised to use partial_fit
with batches and
not single documents for the best performance.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
documents |
List[str] |
A list of documents to fit on |
required |
embeddings |
ndarray |
Pre-trained document embeddings. These can be used instead of the sentence-transformer model |
None |
y |
Union[List[int], numpy.ndarray] |
The target class for (semi)-supervised modeling. Use -1 if no class for a specific instance is specified. |
None |
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans
from sklearn.decomposition import IncrementalPCA
from bertopic.vectorizers import OnlineCountVectorizer
from bertopic import BERTopic
# Prepare documents
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset=subset, remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'))["data"]
# Prepare sub-models that support online learning
umap_model = IncrementalPCA(n_components=5)
cluster_model = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=50, random_state=0)
vectorizer_model = OnlineCountVectorizer(stop_words="english", decay=.01)
topic_model = BERTopic(umap_model=umap_model,
# Incrementally fit the topic model by training on 1000 documents at a time
for index in range(0, len(docs), 1000):
topic_model.partial_fit(docs[index: index+1000])
Source code in bertopic\
def partial_fit(
documents: List[str],
embeddings: np.ndarray = None,
y: Union[List[int], np.ndarray] = None,
"""Fit BERTopic on a subset of the data and perform online learning
with batch-like data.
Online topic modeling in BERTopic is performed by using dimensionality
reduction and cluster algorithms that support a `partial_fit` method
in order to incrementally train the topic model.
Likewise, the `bertopic.vectorizers.OnlineCountVectorizer` is used
to dynamically update its vocabulary when presented with new data.
It has several parameters for modeling decay and updating the
In other words, although the main algorithm stays the same, the training
procedure now works as follows:
For each subset of the data:
1. Generate embeddings with a pre-trained language model
2. Incrementally update the dimensionality reduction algorithm with `partial_fit`
3. Incrementally update the cluster algorithm with `partial_fit`
4. Incrementally update the OnlineCountVectorizer and apply some form of decay
Note that it is advised to use `partial_fit` with batches and
not single documents for the best performance.
documents: A list of documents to fit on
embeddings: Pre-trained document embeddings. These can be used
instead of the sentence-transformer model
y: The target class for (semi)-supervised modeling. Use -1 if no class for a
specific instance is specified.
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans
from sklearn.decomposition import IncrementalPCA
from bertopic.vectorizers import OnlineCountVectorizer
from bertopic import BERTopic
# Prepare documents
docs = fetch_20newsgroups(subset=subset, remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'))["data"]
# Prepare sub-models that support online learning
umap_model = IncrementalPCA(n_components=5)
cluster_model = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=50, random_state=0)
vectorizer_model = OnlineCountVectorizer(stop_words="english", decay=.01)
topic_model = BERTopic(umap_model=umap_model,
# Incrementally fit the topic model by training on 1000 documents at a time
for index in range(0, len(docs), 1000):
topic_model.partial_fit(docs[index: index+1000])
# Checks
check_embeddings_shape(embeddings, documents)
if not hasattr(self.hdbscan_model, "partial_fit"):
raise ValueError(
"In order to use `.partial_fit`, the cluster model should have " "a `.partial_fit` function."
# Prepare documents
if isinstance(documents, str):
documents = [documents]
documents = pd.DataFrame({"Document": documents, "ID": range(len(documents)), "Topic": None})
# Extract embeddings
if embeddings is None:
if self.topic_representations_ is None:
self.embedding_model = select_backend(
self.embedding_model, language=self.language, verbose=self.verbose
embeddings = self._extract_embeddings(
if self.embedding_model is not None and self.topic_representations_ is None:
self.embedding_model = select_backend(
self.embedding_model, language=self.language, verbose=self.verbose
# Reduce dimensionality
if self.seed_topic_list is not None and self.embedding_model is not None:
y, embeddings = self._guided_topic_modeling(embeddings)
umap_embeddings = self._reduce_dimensionality(embeddings, y, partial_fit=True)
# Cluster reduced embeddings
documents, self.probabilities_ = self._cluster_embeddings(umap_embeddings, documents, partial_fit=True)
topics = documents.Topic.to_list()
# Map and find new topics
if not self.topic_mapper_:
self.topic_mapper_ = TopicMapper(topics)
mappings = self.topic_mapper_.get_mappings()
new_topics = set(topics).difference(set(mappings.keys()))
new_topic_ids = {topic: max(mappings.values()) + index + 1 for index, topic in enumerate(new_topics)}
updated_mappings = self.topic_mapper_.get_mappings()
updated_topics = [updated_mappings[topic] for topic in topics]
documents["Topic"] = updated_topics
# Add missing topics (topics that were originally created but are now missing)
if self.topic_representations_:
missing_topics = set(self.topic_representations_.keys()).difference(set(updated_topics))
for missing_topic in missing_topics:
documents.loc[len(documents), :] = [" ", len(documents), missing_topic]
missing_topics = {}
# Prepare documents
documents_per_topic = documents.sort_values("Topic").groupby(["Topic"], as_index=False)
updated_topics = documents_per_topic.first().Topic.astype(int)
documents_per_topic = documents_per_topic.agg({"Document": " ".join})
# Update topic representations
self.c_tf_idf_, updated_words = self._c_tf_idf(documents_per_topic, partial_fit=True)
self.topic_representations_ = self._extract_words_per_topic(
updated_words, documents, self.c_tf_idf_, calculate_aspects=False
# Update topic sizes
if len(missing_topics) > 0:
documents = documents.iloc[: -len(missing_topics)]
if self.topic_sizes_ is None:
sizes = documents.groupby(["Topic"], as_index=False).count()
for _, row in sizes.iterrows():
topic = int(row.Topic)
if self.topic_sizes_.get(topic) is not None and topic not in missing_topics:
self.topic_sizes_[topic] += int(row.Document)
elif self.topic_sizes_.get(topic) is None:
self.topic_sizes_[topic] = int(row.Document)
self.topics_ = documents.Topic.astype(int).tolist()
return self
push_to_hf_hub(self, repo_id, commit_message='Add BERTopic model', token=None, revision=None, private=False, create_pr=False, model_card=True, serialization='safetensors', save_embedding_model=True, save_ctfidf=False)
Push your BERTopic model to a HuggingFace Hub.
Whenever you want to upload files to the Hub, you need to log in to your HuggingFace account:
- Log in to your HuggingFace account with the following command:
huggingface-cli login # or using an environment variable huggingface-cli login --token $HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN
- Alternatively, you can programmatically login using login() in a notebook or a script:
from huggingface_hub import login login()
- Or you can give a token with the
Name | Type | Description | Default |
repo_id |
str |
The name of your HuggingFace repository |
required |
commit_message |
str |
A commit message |
'Add BERTopic model' |
token |
str |
Token to add if not already logged in |
None |
revision |
str |
Repository revision |
None |
private |
bool |
Whether to create a private repository |
False |
create_pr |
bool |
Whether to upload the model as a Pull Request |
False |
model_card |
bool |
Whether to automatically create a modelcard |
True |
serialization |
str |
The type of serialization.
Either |
'safetensors' |
save_embedding_model |
Union[str, bool] |
A pointer towards a HuggingFace model to be loaded in with
SentenceTransformers. E.g.,
True |
save_ctfidf |
bool |
Whether to save c-TF-IDF information |
False |
Source code in bertopic\
def push_to_hf_hub(
repo_id: str,
commit_message: str = "Add BERTopic model",
token: str = None,
revision: str = None,
private: bool = False,
create_pr: bool = False,
model_card: bool = True,
serialization: str = "safetensors",
save_embedding_model: Union[str, bool] = True,
save_ctfidf: bool = False,
"""Push your BERTopic model to a HuggingFace Hub.
Whenever you want to upload files to the Hub, you need to log in to your HuggingFace account:
* Log in to your HuggingFace account with the following command:
huggingface-cli login
# or using an environment variable
huggingface-cli login --token $HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN
* Alternatively, you can programmatically login using login() in a notebook or a script:
from huggingface_hub import login
* Or you can give a token with the `token` variable
repo_id: The name of your HuggingFace repository
commit_message: A commit message
token: Token to add if not already logged in
revision: Repository revision
private: Whether to create a private repository
create_pr: Whether to upload the model as a Pull Request
model_card: Whether to automatically create a modelcard
serialization: The type of serialization.
Either `safetensors` or `pytorch`
save_embedding_model: A pointer towards a HuggingFace model to be loaded in with
SentenceTransformers. E.g.,
save_ctfidf: Whether to save c-TF-IDF information
return save_utils.push_to_hf_hub(
reduce_outliers(self, documents, topics, images=None, strategy='distributions', probabilities=None, threshold=0, embeddings=None, distributions_params={})
Reduce outliers by merging them with their nearest topic according to one of several strategies.
When using HDBSCAN, DBSCAN, or OPTICS, a number of outlier documents might be created
that do not fall within any of the created topics. These are labeled as -1.
This function allows the user to match outlier documents with their nearest topic
using one of the following strategies using the strategy
* "probabilities"
This uses the soft-clustering as performed by HDBSCAN to find the
best matching topic for each outlier document. To use this, make
sure to calculate the probabilities
beforehand by instantiating
BERTopic with calculate_probabilities=True
* "distributions"
Use the topic distributions, as calculated with .approximate_distribution
to find the most frequent topic in each outlier document. You can use the
variable to tweak the parameters of
* "c-tf-idf"
Calculate the c-TF-IDF representation for each outlier document and
find the best matching c-TF-IDF topic representation using
cosine similarity.
* "embeddings"
Using the embeddings of each outlier documents, find the best
matching topic embedding using cosine similarity.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
documents |
List[str] |
A list of documents for which we reduce or remove the outliers. |
required |
topics |
List[int] |
The topics that correspond to the documents |
required |
images |
List[str] |
A list of paths to the images used when calling either
None |
strategy |
str |
The strategy used for reducing outliers. Options: * "probabilities" This uses the soft-clustering as performed by HDBSCAN to find the best matching topic for each outlier document.
'distributions' |
probabilities |
ndarray |
Probabilities generated by HDBSCAN for each document when using the strategy |
None |
threshold |
float |
The threshold for assigning topics to outlier documents. This value
represents the minimum probability when |
0 |
embeddings |
ndarray |
The pre-computed embeddings to be used when |
None |
distributions_params |
Mapping[str, Any] |
The parameters used in |
{} |
Type | Description |
new_topics |
The updated topics |
The default settings uses the "distributions"
new_topics = topic_model.reduce_outliers(docs, topics)
When you use the "probabilities"
strategy, make sure to also pass the probabilities
as generated through HDBSCAN:
from bertopic import BERTopic
topic_model = BERTopic(calculate_probabilities=True)
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs)
new_topics = topic_model.reduce_outliers(docs, topics, probabilities=probs, strategy="probabilities")
Source code in bertopic\
def reduce_outliers(
documents: List[str],
topics: List[int],
images: List[str] = None,
strategy: str = "distributions",
probabilities: np.ndarray = None,
threshold: float = 0,
embeddings: np.ndarray = None,
distributions_params: Mapping[str, Any] = {},
) -> List[int]:
"""Reduce outliers by merging them with their nearest topic according
to one of several strategies.
When using HDBSCAN, DBSCAN, or OPTICS, a number of outlier documents might be created
that do not fall within any of the created topics. These are labeled as -1.
This function allows the user to match outlier documents with their nearest topic
using one of the following strategies using the `strategy` parameter:
* "probabilities"
This uses the soft-clustering as performed by HDBSCAN to find the
best matching topic for each outlier document. To use this, make
sure to calculate the `probabilities` beforehand by instantiating
BERTopic with `calculate_probabilities=True`.
* "distributions"
Use the topic distributions, as calculated with `.approximate_distribution`
to find the most frequent topic in each outlier document. You can use the
`distributions_params` variable to tweak the parameters of
* "c-tf-idf"
Calculate the c-TF-IDF representation for each outlier document and
find the best matching c-TF-IDF topic representation using
cosine similarity.
* "embeddings"
Using the embeddings of each outlier documents, find the best
matching topic embedding using cosine similarity.
documents: A list of documents for which we reduce or remove the outliers.
topics: The topics that correspond to the documents
images: A list of paths to the images used when calling either
`fit` or `fit_transform`
strategy: The strategy used for reducing outliers.
* "probabilities"
This uses the soft-clustering as performed by HDBSCAN
to find the best matching topic for each outlier document.
* "distributions"
Use the topic distributions, as calculated with `.approximate_distribution`
to find the most frequent topic in each outlier document.
* "c-tf-idf"
Calculate the c-TF-IDF representation for outlier documents and
find the best matching c-TF-IDF topic representation.
* "embeddings"
Calculate the embeddings for outlier documents and
find the best matching topic embedding.
probabilities: Probabilities generated by HDBSCAN for each document when using the strategy `"probabilities"`.
threshold: The threshold for assigning topics to outlier documents. This value
represents the minimum probability when `strategy="probabilities"`.
For all other strategies, it represents the minimum similarity.
embeddings: The pre-computed embeddings to be used when `strategy="embeddings"`.
If this is None, then it will compute the embeddings for the outlier documents.
distributions_params: The parameters used in `.approximate_distribution` when using
the strategy `"distributions"`.
new_topics: The updated topics
The default settings uses the `"distributions"` strategy:
new_topics = topic_model.reduce_outliers(docs, topics)
When you use the `"probabilities"` strategy, make sure to also pass the probabilities
as generated through HDBSCAN:
from bertopic import BERTopic
topic_model = BERTopic(calculate_probabilities=True)
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs)
new_topics = topic_model.reduce_outliers(docs, topics, probabilities=probs, strategy="probabilities")
if not self._outliers:
raise ValueError("No outliers to reduce.")
if images is not None:
strategy = "embeddings"
# Check correct use of parameters
if strategy.lower() == "probabilities" and probabilities is None:
raise ValueError("Make sure to pass in `probabilities` in order to use the probabilities strategy")
# Reduce outliers by extracting most likely topics through the topic-term probability matrix
if strategy.lower() == "probabilities":
new_topics = [
np.argmax(prob) if np.max(prob) >= threshold and topic == -1 else topic
for topic, prob in zip(topics, probabilities)
# Reduce outliers by extracting most frequent topics through calculating of Topic Distributions
elif strategy.lower() == "distributions":
outlier_ids = [index for index, topic in enumerate(topics) if topic == -1]
outlier_docs = [documents[index] for index in outlier_ids]
topic_distr, _ = self.approximate_distribution(
outlier_docs, min_similarity=threshold, **distributions_params
outlier_topics = iter([np.argmax(prob) if sum(prob) > 0 else -1 for prob in topic_distr])
new_topics = [topic if topic != -1 else next(outlier_topics) for topic in topics]
# Reduce outliers by finding the most similar c-TF-IDF representations
elif strategy.lower() == "c-tf-idf":
outlier_ids = [index for index, topic in enumerate(topics) if topic == -1]
outlier_docs = [documents[index] for index in outlier_ids]
# Calculate c-TF-IDF of outlier documents with all topics
bow_doc = self.vectorizer_model.transform(outlier_docs)
c_tf_idf_doc = self.ctfidf_model.transform(bow_doc)
similarity = cosine_similarity(c_tf_idf_doc, self.c_tf_idf_[self._outliers :])
# Update topics
similarity[similarity < threshold] = 0
outlier_topics = iter([np.argmax(sim) if sum(sim) > 0 else -1 for sim in similarity])
new_topics = [topic if topic != -1 else next(outlier_topics) for topic in topics]
# Reduce outliers by finding the most similar topic embeddings
elif strategy.lower() == "embeddings":
if self.embedding_model is None and embeddings is None:
raise ValueError(
"To use this strategy, you will need to pass a model to `embedding_model`"
"when instantiating BERTopic."
outlier_ids = [index for index, topic in enumerate(topics) if topic == -1]
if images is not None:
outlier_docs = [images[index] for index in outlier_ids]
outlier_docs = [documents[index] for index in outlier_ids]
# Extract or calculate embeddings for outlier documents
if embeddings is not None:
outlier_embeddings = np.array([embeddings[index] for index in outlier_ids])
elif images is not None:
outlier_images = [images[index] for index in outlier_ids]
outlier_embeddings = self.embedding_model.embed_images(outlier_images, verbose=self.verbose)
outlier_embeddings = self.embedding_model.embed_documents(outlier_docs)
similarity = cosine_similarity(outlier_embeddings, self.topic_embeddings_[self._outliers :])
# Update topics
similarity[similarity < threshold] = 0
outlier_topics = iter([np.argmax(sim) if sum(sim) > 0 else -1 for sim in similarity])
new_topics = [topic if topic != -1 else next(outlier_topics) for topic in topics]
return new_topics
reduce_topics(self, docs, nr_topics=20, images=None, use_ctfidf=False)
Reduce the number of topics to a fixed number of topics or automatically.
If nr_topics is an integer, then the number of topics is reduced
to nr_topics using AgglomerativeClustering
on the cosine distance matrix
of the topic c-TF-IDF or semantic embeddings.
If nr_topics is "auto"
, then HDBSCAN is used to automatically
reduce the number of topics by running it on the topic embeddings.
The topics, their sizes, and representations are updated.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
docs |
List[str] |
The docs you used when calling either |
required |
nr_topics |
Union[int, str] |
The number of topics you want reduced to |
20 |
images |
List[str] |
A list of paths to the images used when calling either
None |
use_ctfidf |
bool |
Whether to calculate distances between topics based on c-TF-IDF embeddings. If False, the embeddings from the embedding model are used. |
False |
topics_ : Assigns topics to their merged representations. probabilities_ : Assigns probabilities to their merged representations.
You can further reduce the topics by passing the documents with their topics and probabilities (if they were calculated):
topic_model.reduce_topics(docs, nr_topics=30)
You can then access the updated topics and probabilities with:
topics = topic_model.topics_
probabilities = topic_model.probabilities_
Source code in bertopic\
def reduce_topics(
docs: List[str],
nr_topics: Union[int, str] = 20,
images: List[str] = None,
use_ctfidf: bool = False,
) -> None:
"""Reduce the number of topics to a fixed number of topics
or automatically.
If nr_topics is an integer, then the number of topics is reduced
to nr_topics using `AgglomerativeClustering` on the cosine distance matrix
of the topic c-TF-IDF or semantic embeddings.
If nr_topics is `"auto"`, then HDBSCAN is used to automatically
reduce the number of topics by running it on the topic embeddings.
The topics, their sizes, and representations are updated.
docs: The docs you used when calling either `fit` or `fit_transform`
nr_topics: The number of topics you want reduced to
images: A list of paths to the images used when calling either
`fit` or `fit_transform`
use_ctfidf: Whether to calculate distances between topics based on c-TF-IDF embeddings. If False, the
embeddings from the embedding model are used.
topics_ : Assigns topics to their merged representations.
probabilities_ : Assigns probabilities to their merged representations.
You can further reduce the topics by passing the documents with their
topics and probabilities (if they were calculated):
topic_model.reduce_topics(docs, nr_topics=30)
You can then access the updated topics and probabilities with:
topics = topic_model.topics_
probabilities = topic_model.probabilities_
self.nr_topics = nr_topics
documents = pd.DataFrame(
"Document": docs,
"Topic": self.topics_,
"Image": images,
"ID": range(len(docs)),
# Reduce number of topics
documents = self._reduce_topics(documents, use_ctfidf)
self._merged_topics = None
self.probabilities_ = self._map_probabilities(self.probabilities_)
return self
save(self, path, serialization='pickle', save_embedding_model=True, save_ctfidf=False)
Saves the model to the specified path or folder.
When saving the model, make sure to also keep track of the versions of dependencies and Python used. Loading and saving the model should be done using the same dependencies and Python. Moreover, models saved in one version of BERTopic should not be loaded in other versions.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
path |
If |
required | |
serialization |
Literal['safetensors', 'pickle', 'pytorch'] |
If |
'pickle' |
save_embedding_model |
Union[bool, str] |
If serialization is |
True |
save_ctfidf |
bool |
Whether to save c-TF-IDF information if serialization is |
False |
To save the model in an efficient and safe format (safetensors) with c-TF-IDF information:"model_dir", serialization="safetensors", save_ctfidf=True)
If you wish to also add a pointer to the embedding model, which will be downloaded from HuggingFace upon loading:
embedding_model = "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2""model_dir", serialization="safetensors", save_embedding_model=embedding_model)
or if you want save the full model with pickle:"my_model")
NOTE: Pickle can run arbitrary code and is generally considered to be less safe than safetensors.
Source code in bertopic\
def save(
serialization: Literal["safetensors", "pickle", "pytorch"] = "pickle",
save_embedding_model: Union[bool, str] = True,
save_ctfidf: bool = False,
"""Saves the model to the specified path or folder.
When saving the model, make sure to also keep track of the versions
of dependencies and Python used. Loading and saving the model should
be done using the same dependencies and Python. Moreover, models
saved in one version of BERTopic should not be loaded in other versions.
path: If `serialization` is 'safetensors' or `pytorch`, this is a directory.
If `serialization` is `pickle`, then this is a file.
serialization: If `pickle`, the entire model will be pickled. If `safetensors`
or `pytorch` the model will be saved without the embedding,
dimensionality reduction, and clustering algorithms.
This is a very efficient format and typically advised.
save_embedding_model: If serialization is `pickle`, then you can choose to skip
saving the embedding model. If serialization is `safetensors`