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Text2Text or text generation with transformers.


Name Type Description Default
model Union[str, pipeline]

A transformers pipeline that should be initialized as "text-generation" for gpt-like models or "text2text-generation" for T5-like models. For example, pipeline('text-generation', model='gpt2'). If a string is passed, "text-generation" will be selected by default.

prompt str

The prompt to be used in the model. If no prompt is given, self.default_prompt_ is used instead. NOTE: Use "[KEYWORDS]" and "[DOCUMENTS]" in the prompt to decide where the keywords and documents need to be inserted.

pipeline_kwargs Mapping[str, Any]

Kwargs that you can pass to the transformers.pipeline when it is called.

random_state int

A random state to be passed to transformers.set_seed

nr_docs int

The number of documents to pass to OpenAI if a prompt with the ["DOCUMENTS"] tag is used.

diversity float

The diversity of documents to pass to OpenAI. Accepts values between 0 and 1. A higher values results in passing more diverse documents whereas lower values passes more similar documents.

doc_length int

The maximum length of each document. If a document is longer, it will be truncated. If None, the entire document is passed.

tokenizer Union[str, Callable]

The tokenizer used to calculate to split the document into segments used to count the length of a document. * If tokenizer is 'char', then the document is split up into characters which are counted to adhere to doc_length * If tokenizer is 'whitespace', the document is split up into words separated by whitespaces. These words are counted and truncated depending on doc_length * If tokenizer is 'vectorizer', then the internal CountVectorizer is used to tokenize the document. These tokens are counted and truncated depending on doc_length * If tokenizer is a callable, then that callable is used to tokenize the document. These tokens are counted and truncated depending on doc_length



To use a gpt-like model:

from bertopic.representation import TextGeneration
from bertopic import BERTopic

# Create your representation model
generator = pipeline('text-generation', model='gpt2')
representation_model = TextGeneration(generator)

# Use the representation model in BERTopic on top of the default pipeline
topic_model = BERTo pic(representation_model=representation_model)

You can use a custom prompt and decide where the keywords should be inserted by using the [KEYWORDS] or documents with thte [DOCUMENTS] tag:

from bertopic.representation import TextGeneration

prompt = "I have a topic described by the following keywords: [KEYWORDS]. Based on the previous keywords, what is this topic about?""

# Create your representation model
generator = pipeline('text2text-generation', model='google/flan-t5-base')
representation_model = TextGeneration(generator)
Source code in bertopic\representation\
class TextGeneration(BaseRepresentation):
    """Text2Text or text generation with transformers.

        model: A transformers pipeline that should be initialized as "text-generation"
               for gpt-like models or "text2text-generation" for T5-like models.
               For example, `pipeline('text-generation', model='gpt2')`. If a string
               is passed, "text-generation" will be selected by default.
        prompt: The prompt to be used in the model. If no prompt is given,
                `self.default_prompt_` is used instead.
                NOTE: Use `"[KEYWORDS]"` and `"[DOCUMENTS]"` in the prompt
                to decide where the keywords and documents need to be
        pipeline_kwargs: Kwargs that you can pass to the transformers.pipeline
                         when it is called.
        random_state: A random state to be passed to `transformers.set_seed`
        nr_docs: The number of documents to pass to OpenAI if a prompt
                 with the `["DOCUMENTS"]` tag is used.
        diversity: The diversity of documents to pass to OpenAI.
                   Accepts values between 0 and 1. A higher
                   values results in passing more diverse documents
                   whereas lower values passes more similar documents.
        doc_length: The maximum length of each document. If a document is longer,
                    it will be truncated. If None, the entire document is passed.
        tokenizer: The tokenizer used to calculate to split the document into segments
                   used to count the length of a document.
                       * If tokenizer is 'char', then the document is split up
                         into characters which are counted to adhere to `doc_length`
                       * If tokenizer is 'whitespace', the document is split up
                         into words separated by whitespaces. These words are counted
                         and truncated depending on `doc_length`
                       * If tokenizer is 'vectorizer', then the internal CountVectorizer
                         is used to tokenize the document. These tokens are counted
                         and truncated depending on `doc_length`
                       * If tokenizer is a callable, then that callable is used to tokenize
                         the document. These tokens are counted and truncated depending
                         on `doc_length`


    To use a gpt-like model:

    from bertopic.representation import TextGeneration
    from bertopic import BERTopic

    # Create your representation model
    generator = pipeline('text-generation', model='gpt2')
    representation_model = TextGeneration(generator)

    # Use the representation model in BERTopic on top of the default pipeline
    topic_model = BERTo pic(representation_model=representation_model)

    You can use a custom prompt and decide where the keywords should
    be inserted by using the `[KEYWORDS]` or documents with thte `[DOCUMENTS]` tag:

    from bertopic.representation import TextGeneration

    prompt = "I have a topic described by the following keywords: [KEYWORDS]. Based on the previous keywords, what is this topic about?""

    # Create your representation model
    generator = pipeline('text2text-generation', model='google/flan-t5-base')
    representation_model = TextGeneration(generator)

    def __init__(
        model: Union[str, pipeline],
        prompt: str = None,
        pipeline_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = {},
        random_state: int = 42,
        nr_docs: int = 4,
        diversity: float = None,
        doc_length: int = None,
        tokenizer: Union[str, Callable] = None,
        self.random_state = random_state
        if isinstance(model, str):
            self.model = pipeline("text-generation", model=model)
        elif isinstance(model, Pipeline):
            self.model = model
            raise ValueError(
                "Make sure that the HF model that you"
                "pass is either a string referring to a"
                "HF model or a `transformers.pipeline` object."
        self.prompt = prompt if prompt is not None else DEFAULT_PROMPT
        self.default_prompt_ = DEFAULT_PROMPT
        self.pipeline_kwargs = pipeline_kwargs
        self.nr_docs = nr_docs
        self.diversity = diversity
        self.doc_length = doc_length
        self.tokenizer = tokenizer

        self.prompts_ = []

    def extract_topics(
        documents: pd.DataFrame,
        c_tf_idf: csr_matrix,
        topics: Mapping[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]],
    ) -> Mapping[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]]:
        """Extract topic representations and return a single label.

            topic_model: A BERTopic model
            documents: Not used
            c_tf_idf: Not used
            topics: The candidate topics as calculated with c-TF-IDF

            updated_topics: Updated topic representations
        # Extract the top 4 representative documents per topic
        if self.prompt != DEFAULT_PROMPT and "[DOCUMENTS]" in self.prompt:
            repr_docs_mappings, _, _, _ = topic_model._extract_representative_docs(
                c_tf_idf, documents, topics, 500, self.nr_docs, self.diversity
            repr_docs_mappings = {topic: None for topic in topics.keys()}

        updated_topics = {}
        for topic, docs in tqdm(repr_docs_mappings.items(), disable=not topic_model.verbose):
            # Prepare prompt
            truncated_docs = (
                [truncate_document(topic_model, self.doc_length, self.tokenizer, doc) for doc in docs]
                if docs is not None
                else docs
            prompt = self._create_prompt(truncated_docs, topic, topics)

            # Extract result from generator and use that as label
            topic_description = self.model(prompt, **self.pipeline_kwargs)
            topic_description = [
                (description["generated_text"].replace(prompt, ""), 1) for description in topic_description

            if len(topic_description) < 10:
                topic_description += [("", 0) for _ in range(10 - len(topic_description))]

            updated_topics[topic] = topic_description

        return updated_topics

    def _create_prompt(self, docs, topic, topics):
        keywords = ", ".join(list(zip(*topics[topic]))[0])

        # Use the default prompt and replace keywords
        if self.prompt == DEFAULT_PROMPT:
            prompt = self.prompt.replace("[KEYWORDS]", keywords)

        # Use a prompt that leverages either keywords or documents in
        # a custom location
            prompt = self.prompt
            if "[KEYWORDS]" in prompt:
                prompt = prompt.replace("[KEYWORDS]", keywords)
            if "[DOCUMENTS]" in prompt:
                to_replace = ""
                for doc in docs:
                    to_replace += f"- {doc}\n"
                prompt = prompt.replace("[DOCUMENTS]", to_replace)

        return prompt

extract_topics(self, topic_model, documents, c_tf_idf, topics)

Extract topic representations and return a single label.


Name Type Description Default

A BERTopic model

documents DataFrame

Not used

c_tf_idf csr_matrix

Not used

topics Mapping[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]]

The candidate topics as calculated with c-TF-IDF



Type Description

Updated topic representations

Source code in bertopic\representation\
def extract_topics(
    documents: pd.DataFrame,
    c_tf_idf: csr_matrix,
    topics: Mapping[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]],
) -> Mapping[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]]:
    """Extract topic representations and return a single label.

        topic_model: A BERTopic model
        documents: Not used
        c_tf_idf: Not used
        topics: The candidate topics as calculated with c-TF-IDF

        updated_topics: Updated topic representations
    # Extract the top 4 representative documents per topic
    if self.prompt != DEFAULT_PROMPT and "[DOCUMENTS]" in self.prompt:
        repr_docs_mappings, _, _, _ = topic_model._extract_representative_docs(
            c_tf_idf, documents, topics, 500, self.nr_docs, self.diversity
        repr_docs_mappings = {topic: None for topic in topics.keys()}

    updated_topics = {}
    for topic, docs in tqdm(repr_docs_mappings.items(), disable=not topic_model.verbose):
        # Prepare prompt
        truncated_docs = (
            [truncate_document(topic_model, self.doc_length, self.tokenizer, doc) for doc in docs]
            if docs is not None
            else docs
        prompt = self._create_prompt(truncated_docs, topic, topics)

        # Extract result from generator and use that as label
        topic_description = self.model(prompt, **self.pipeline_kwargs)
        topic_description = [
            (description["generated_text"].replace(prompt, ""), 1) for description in topic_description

        if len(topic_description) < 10:
            topic_description += [("", 0) for _ in range(10 - len(topic_description))]

        updated_topics[topic] = topic_description

    return updated_topics