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Calculate similarity between two matrices/vectors and return best matches


Name Type Description Default
from_vector ndarray

the matrix or vector representing the embedded strings to map from

to_vector ndarray

the matrix or vector representing the embedded strings to map to

from_list List[str]

The list from which you want mappings

to_list List[str]

The list where you want to map to

min_similarity float

The minimum similarity between strings, otherwise return 0 similarity

top_n int

The number of best matches you want returned

method str

The method/package for calculating the cosine similarity. Options: "sparse", "sklearn", "knn". Sparse is the fastest and most memory efficient but requires a package that might be difficult to install. Sklearn is a bit slower than sparse and requires significantly more memory as the distance matrix is not sparse Knn uses 1-nearest neighbor to extract the most similar strings it is significantly slower than both methods but requires little memory



Type Description

The best matches between the lists of strings


Make sure to fill the to_vector and from_vector with vector representations of to_list and from_list respectively:

from polyfuzz.models import extract_best_matches
indices, similarity = extract_best_matches(from_vector, to_vector, method="sparse")
Source code in polyfuzz\models\
def cosine_similarity(from_vector: np.ndarray,
                      to_vector: np.ndarray,
                      from_list: List[str],
                      to_list: List[str],
                      min_similarity: float = 0.75,
                      top_n: int = 1,
                      method: str = "sparse") -> pd.DataFrame:
    """ Calculate similarity between two matrices/vectors and return best matches

        from_vector: the matrix or vector representing the embedded strings to map from
        to_vector: the matrix or vector representing the embedded strings to map to
        from_list: The list from which you want mappings
        to_list: The list where you want to map to
        min_similarity: The minimum similarity between strings, otherwise return 0 similarity
        top_n: The number of best matches you want returned
        method: The method/package for calculating the cosine similarity.
                Options: "sparse", "sklearn", "knn".
                Sparse is the fastest and most memory efficient but requires a
                package that might be difficult to install.
                Sklearn is a bit slower than sparse and requires significantly more memory as
                the distance matrix is not sparse
                Knn uses 1-nearest neighbor to extract the most similar strings
                it is significantly slower than both methods but requires little memory

        matches:  The best matches between the lists of strings


    Make sure to fill the `to_vector` and `from_vector` with vector representations
    of `to_list` and `from_list` respectively:

    from polyfuzz.models import extract_best_matches
    indices, similarity = extract_best_matches(from_vector, to_vector, method="sparse")
    if to_list is not None:
        if top_n > len(set(to_list)):
            top_n = len(set(to_list))

    # Slower but uses less memory
    if method == "knn":

        if to_list is None:
            knn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=top_n+1, n_jobs=-1, metric='cosine').fit(to_vector)
            distances, indices = knn.kneighbors(from_vector)
            distances = distances[:, 1:]
            indices = indices[:, 1:]
            knn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=top_n, n_jobs=-1, metric='cosine').fit(to_vector)
            distances, indices = knn.kneighbors(from_vector)

        similarities = [np.round(1 - distances[:, i], 3) for i in range(distances.shape[1])]

    # Fast, but does has some installation issues
    elif _HAVE_SPARSE_DOT and method == "sparse":
        if isinstance(to_vector, np.ndarray):
            to_vector = csr_matrix(to_vector)
        if isinstance(from_vector, np.ndarray):
            from_vector = csr_matrix(from_vector)

        # There is a bug with awesome_cossim_topn that when to_vector and from_vector
        # have the same shape, setting topn to 1 does not work. Apparently, you need
        # to it at least to 2 for it to work
        similarity_matrix = awesome_cossim_topn(from_vector, to_vector.T, top_n+1, min_similarity)

        if to_list is None:
            similarity_matrix = similarity_matrix.tolil()
            similarity_matrix = similarity_matrix.tocsr()

        indices = _top_n_idx_sparse(similarity_matrix, top_n)
        similarities = _top_n_similarities_sparse(similarity_matrix, indices)
        indices = np.array(np.nan_to_num(np.array(indices, dtype=np.float), nan=0),

    # Faster than knn and slower than sparse but uses more memory
        similarity_matrix = scikit_cosine_similarity(from_vector, to_vector)

        if to_list is None:
            np.fill_diagonal(similarity_matrix, 0)

        indices = np.flip(np.argsort(similarity_matrix, axis=-1), axis=1)[:, :top_n]
        similarities = np.flip(np.sort(similarity_matrix, axis=-1), axis=1)[:, :top_n]
        similarities = [np.round(similarities[:, i], 3) for i in range(similarities.shape[1])]

    # Convert results to df
    if to_list is None:
        to_list = from_list.copy()

    columns = (["From"] +
               ["To" if i == 0 else f"To_{i+1}" for i in range(top_n)] +
               ["Similarity" if i ==0 else f"Similarity_{i+1}" for i in range(top_n)])
    matches = [[to_list[idx] for idx in indices[:, i]] for i in range(indices.shape[1])]
    matches = pd.DataFrame(np.vstack(([from_list], matches, similarities)).T, columns = columns)

    # Update column order
    columns = [["From", "To", "Similarity"]] + [[f"To_{i+2}", f"Similarity_{i+2}"] for i in range((top_n-1))]
    matches = matches.loc[:, [title for column in columns for title in column]]

    # Update types
    for column in matches.columns:
        if "Similarity" in column:
            matches[column] = matches[column].astype(float)
            matches.loc[matches[column] < 0.001, column] = float(0)
            matches.loc[matches[column] < 0.001, column.replace("Similarity", "To")] = None

    return matches