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single_linkage(matches, min_similarity=0.8)

Single linkage clustering from column 'From' to column 'To'

matches contains three columns: From, To, and Similarity where Similarity is already the minimum similarity score and thus no checking for minimum similarity is necessary.


Name Type Description Default
matches DataFrame

contains the columns From, To, and Similarity used for creating groups

min_similarity float

minimum similarity between strings before they can be merged into a group



Type Description

The populated clusters cluster_mapping: The mapping from a string to a cluster cluster_name_map: The mapping from a string to the representative string in its respective cluster

Source code in polyfuzz\
def single_linkage(matches: pd.DataFrame,
                   min_similarity: float = 0.8) -> Tuple[Mapping[int, List[str]],
                                                         Mapping[str, int],
                                                         Mapping[str, str]]:
    """ Single linkage clustering from column 'From' to column 'To'

    `matches` contains three columns: *From*, *To*, and *Similarity* where
    *Similarity* is already the minimum similarity score and thus no checking
    for minimum similarity is necessary.

        matches: contains the columns *From*, *To*, and *Similarity* used for creating groups
        min_similarity: minimum similarity between strings before they can be merged into a group

        clusters: The populated clusters
        cluster_mapping: The mapping from a string to a cluster
        cluster_name_map: The mapping from a string to the representative string
                          in its respective cluster
    matches = matches.loc[matches.Similarity > min_similarity, :]

    cluster_mapping = {}
    cluster_id = 0

    for row in matches.itertuples():

        # If from string has not already been mapped
        if not cluster_mapping.get(row.From):

            # If the to string has not already been mapped
            if not cluster_mapping.get(row.To):
                cluster_mapping[row.To] = cluster_id
                cluster_mapping[row.From] = cluster_id
                cluster_id += 1

            # If the to string has already been mapped
                cluster_mapping[row.From] = cluster_mapping.get(row.To)

    # Populate the clusters
    clusters = {}
    for key, value in cluster_mapping.items():
        clusters.setdefault(value, [])

    cluster_name_map = {key: clusters.get(value)[0] for key, value in cluster_mapping.items()}

    return clusters, cluster_mapping, cluster_name_map