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Using the OpenAI API to extract keywords

The default method is `openai.Completion` if `chat=False`.
The prompts will also need to follow a completion task. If you
are looking for a more interactive chats, use `chat=True`
with `model=gpt-3.5-turbo`.

For an overview see:

NOTE: The resulting keywords are expected to be separated by commas so
any changes to the prompt will have to make sure that the resulting
keywords are comma-separated.

!!! arguments
    !!! model "Model to use within OpenAI, defaults to `"text-ada-001"`."
           NOTE: If a `gpt-3.5-turbo` model is used, make sure to set
           `chat` to True.
    !!! generator_kwargs "Kwargs passed to `openai.Completion.create`"
                      for fine-tuning the output.
    !!! prompt "The prompt to be used in the model. If no prompt is given,"
            `self.default_prompt_` is used instead.
            NOTE: Use `"[DOCUMENT]"` in the prompt
            to decide where the document needs to be inserted
    !!! delay_in_seconds "The delay in seconds between consecutive prompts"
                      in order to prevent RateLimitErrors.
    !!! exponential_backoff "Retry requests with a random exponential backoff."
                         A short sleep is used when a rate limit error is hit,
                         then the requests is retried. Increase the sleep length
                         if errors are hit until 10 unsuccesfull requests.
                         If True, overrides `delay_in_seconds`.
    !!! chat "Set this to True if a chat model is used. Generally, this GPT 3.5 or higher"
    !!! verbose "Set this to True if you want to see a progress bar for the"
             keyword extraction.


To use this, you will need to install the openai package first:

`pip install openai`

Then, get yourself an API key and use OpenAI's API as follows:

import openai
from keybert.llm import OpenAI
from keybert import KeyLLM

# Create your LLM
openai.api_key = "sk-..."
llm = OpenAI()

# Load it in KeyLLM
kw_model = KeyLLM(llm)

# Extract keywords
document = "The website mentions that it only takes a couple of days to deliver but I still have not received mine."
keywords = kw_model.extract_keywords(document)

You can also use a custom prompt:

prompt = "I have the following document: [DOCUMENT]

This document contains the following keywords separated by commas: '" llm = OpenAI(prompt=prompt, delay_in_seconds=5) If you want to use OpenAI's ChatGPT model:python llm = OpenAI(model="gpt-3.5-turbo", delay_in_seconds=10, chat=True) ```

Source code in keybert\llm\
class OpenAI(BaseLLM):
    """ Using the OpenAI API to extract keywords

    The default method is `openai.Completion` if `chat=False`.
    The prompts will also need to follow a completion task. If you
    are looking for a more interactive chats, use `chat=True`
    with `model=gpt-3.5-turbo`.

    For an overview see:

    NOTE: The resulting keywords are expected to be separated by commas so
    any changes to the prompt will have to make sure that the resulting
    keywords are comma-separated.

        model: Model to use within OpenAI, defaults to `"text-ada-001"`.
               NOTE: If a `gpt-3.5-turbo` model is used, make sure to set
               `chat` to True.
        generator_kwargs: Kwargs passed to `openai.Completion.create`
                          for fine-tuning the output.
        prompt: The prompt to be used in the model. If no prompt is given,
                `self.default_prompt_` is used instead.
                NOTE: Use `"[DOCUMENT]"` in the prompt
                to decide where the document needs to be inserted
        delay_in_seconds: The delay in seconds between consecutive prompts
                          in order to prevent RateLimitErrors.
        exponential_backoff: Retry requests with a random exponential backoff.
                             A short sleep is used when a rate limit error is hit,
                             then the requests is retried. Increase the sleep length
                             if errors are hit until 10 unsuccesfull requests.
                             If True, overrides `delay_in_seconds`.
        chat: Set this to True if a chat model is used. Generally, this GPT 3.5 or higher
        verbose: Set this to True if you want to see a progress bar for the
                 keyword extraction.


    To use this, you will need to install the openai package first:

    `pip install openai`

    Then, get yourself an API key and use OpenAI's API as follows:

    import openai
    from keybert.llm import OpenAI
    from keybert import KeyLLM

    # Create your LLM
    openai.api_key = "sk-..."
    llm = OpenAI()

    # Load it in KeyLLM
    kw_model = KeyLLM(llm)

    # Extract keywords
    document = "The website mentions that it only takes a couple of days to deliver but I still have not received mine."
    keywords = kw_model.extract_keywords(document)

    You can also use a custom prompt:

    prompt = "I have the following document: [DOCUMENT] \nThis document contains the following keywords separated by commas: '"
    llm = OpenAI(prompt=prompt, delay_in_seconds=5)

    If you want to use OpenAI's ChatGPT model:

    llm = OpenAI(model="gpt-3.5-turbo", delay_in_seconds=10, chat=True)
    def __init__(self,
                 model: str = "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct",
                 prompt: str = None,
                 generator_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = {},
                 delay_in_seconds: float = None,
                 exponential_backoff: bool = False,
                 chat: bool = False,
                 verbose: bool = False
        self.model = model

        if prompt is None:
            self.prompt = DEFAULT_CHAT_PROMPT if chat else DEFAULT_PROMPT
            self.prompt = prompt

        self.default_prompt_ = DEFAULT_CHAT_PROMPT if chat else DEFAULT_PROMPT
        self.delay_in_seconds = delay_in_seconds
        self.exponential_backoff = exponential_backoff = chat
        self.verbose = verbose

        self.generator_kwargs = generator_kwargs
        if self.generator_kwargs.get("model"):
            self.model = generator_kwargs.get("model")
        if self.generator_kwargs.get("prompt"):
            del self.generator_kwargs["prompt"]
        if not self.generator_kwargs.get("stop") and not chat:
            self.generator_kwargs["stop"] = "\n"

    def extract_keywords(self, documents: List[str], candidate_keywords: List[List[str]] = None):
        """ Extract topics

            documents: The documents to extract keywords from
            candidate_keywords: A list of candidate keywords that the LLM will fine-tune
                        For example, it will create a nicer representation of
                        the candidate keywords, remove redundant keywords, or
                        shorten them depending on the input prompt.

            all_keywords: All keywords for each document
        all_keywords = []
        candidate_keywords = process_candidate_keywords(documents, candidate_keywords)

        for document, candidates in tqdm(zip(documents, candidate_keywords), disable=not self.verbose):
            prompt = self.prompt.replace("[DOCUMENT]", document)
            if candidates is not None:
                prompt = prompt.replace("[CANDIDATES]", ", ".join(candidates))

            # Delay
            if self.delay_in_seconds:

            # Use a chat model
                messages = [
                    {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
                    {"role": "user", "content": prompt}
                kwargs = {"model": self.model, "messages": messages, **self.generator_kwargs}
                if self.exponential_backoff:
                    response = chat_completions_with_backoff(**kwargs)
                    response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(**kwargs)
                keywords = response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"].strip()

            # Use a non-chat model
                if self.exponential_backoff:
                    response = completions_with_backoff(model=self.model, prompt=prompt, **self.generator_kwargs)
                    response = openai.Completion.create(model=self.model, prompt=prompt, **self.generator_kwargs)
                keywords = response["choices"][0]["text"].strip()
            keywords = [keyword.strip() for keyword in keywords.split(",")]

        return all_keywords

extract_keywords(self, documents, candidate_keywords=None)

Extract topics


Name Type Description Default
documents List[str]

The documents to extract keywords from

candidate_keywords List[List[str]]

A list of candidate keywords that the LLM will fine-tune For example, it will create a nicer representation of the candidate keywords, remove redundant keywords, or shorten them depending on the input prompt.



Type Description

All keywords for each document

Source code in keybert\llm\
def extract_keywords(self, documents: List[str], candidate_keywords: List[List[str]] = None):
    """ Extract topics

        documents: The documents to extract keywords from
        candidate_keywords: A list of candidate keywords that the LLM will fine-tune
                    For example, it will create a nicer representation of
                    the candidate keywords, remove redundant keywords, or
                    shorten them depending on the input prompt.

        all_keywords: All keywords for each document
    all_keywords = []
    candidate_keywords = process_candidate_keywords(documents, candidate_keywords)

    for document, candidates in tqdm(zip(documents, candidate_keywords), disable=not self.verbose):
        prompt = self.prompt.replace("[DOCUMENT]", document)
        if candidates is not None:
            prompt = prompt.replace("[CANDIDATES]", ", ".join(candidates))

        # Delay
        if self.delay_in_seconds:

        # Use a chat model
            messages = [
                {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
                {"role": "user", "content": prompt}
            kwargs = {"model": self.model, "messages": messages, **self.generator_kwargs}
            if self.exponential_backoff:
                response = chat_completions_with_backoff(**kwargs)
                response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(**kwargs)
            keywords = response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"].strip()

        # Use a non-chat model
            if self.exponential_backoff:
                response = completions_with_backoff(model=self.model, prompt=prompt, **self.generator_kwargs)
                response = openai.Completion.create(model=self.model, prompt=prompt, **self.generator_kwargs)
            keywords = response["choices"][0]["text"].strip()
        keywords = [keyword.strip() for keyword in keywords.split(",")]

    return all_keywords