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A character based n-gram TF-IDF to approximate edit distance

We turn a string into, typically of length 3, n-grams. For example, using 3-grams of the "hotel" we get ['hot', 'ote', 'tel']. These are then used as input for a TfidfVectorizer in order to create a vector for each word. Then, we simply apply cosine similarity through k-NN


Name Type Description Default
n_gram_range Tuple[int, int]

The n_gram_range on a character-level

(3, 3)
clean_string bool

Whether to clean the string such that only alphanumerical characters are kept

min_similarity float

The minimum similarity between strings, otherwise return 0 similarity

top_n int

The number of matches you want returned

cosine_method str

The method/package for calculating the cosine similarity. Options: * sparse * sklearn * knn

        sparse is the fastest and most memory efficient but requires a
        package that might be difficult to install

        sklearn is a bit slower than sparse and requires significantly more memory as
        the distance matrix is not sparse

        knn uses 1-nearest neighbor to extract the most similar strings
        it is significantly slower than both methods but requires little memory
model_id str

The name of the particular instance, used when comparing models



from polymatcher.models import TFIDF
model = TFIDF(n_gram_range=(3, 3), clean_string=True, use_knn=False)
Source code in polyfuzz\models\
class TFIDF(BaseMatcher):
    A character based n-gram TF-IDF to approximate edit distance

    We turn a string into, typically of length 3, n-grams. For example,
    using 3-grams of the "hotel" we get ['hot', 'ote', 'tel']. These are then
    used as input for a TfidfVectorizer in order to create a vector for each
    word. Then, we simply apply cosine similarity through k-NN

        n_gram_range: The n_gram_range on a character-level
        clean_string: Whether to clean the string such that only alphanumerical characters are kept
        min_similarity: The minimum similarity between strings, otherwise return 0 similarity
        top_n: The number of matches you want returned
        cosine_method: The method/package for calculating the cosine similarity.
                            * sparse
                            * sklearn
                            * knn

                        sparse is the fastest and most memory efficient but requires a
                        package that might be difficult to install

                        sklearn is a bit slower than sparse and requires significantly more memory as
                        the distance matrix is not sparse

                        knn uses 1-nearest neighbor to extract the most similar strings
                        it is significantly slower than both methods but requires little memory
        model_id: The name of the particular instance, used when comparing models


    from polymatcher.models import TFIDF
    model = TFIDF(n_gram_range=(3, 3), clean_string=True, use_knn=False)
    def __init__(self,
                 n_gram_range: Tuple[int, int] = (3, 3),
                 clean_string: bool = True,
                 min_similarity: float = 0.75,
                 top_n: int = 1,
                 cosine_method: str = "sparse",
                 model_id: str = None):
        self.type = "TF-IDF"
        self.n_gram_range = n_gram_range
        self.clean_string = clean_string
        self.min_similarity = min_similarity
        self.cosine_method = cosine_method
        self.top_n = top_n
        self.vectorizer = None
        self.tf_idf_to = None

    def match(self,
              from_list: List[str],
              to_list: List[str] = None,
              re_train: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """ Match two lists of strings to each other and return the most similar strings

            from_list: The list from which you want mappings
            to_list: The list where you want to map to
            re_train: Whether to re-train the model with new embeddings
                      Set this to False if you want to use this model in production

            matches: The best matches between the lists of strings


        from polymatcher.models import TFIDF
        model = TFIDF()
        matches = model.match(["string_one", "string_two"],
                              ["string_three", "string_four"])

        tf_idf_from, tf_idf_to = self._extract_tf_idf(from_list, to_list, re_train)
        matches = cosine_similarity(tf_idf_from, tf_idf_to,
                                    from_list, to_list,

        return matches

    def _extract_tf_idf(self,
                        from_list: List[str],
                        to_list: List[str] = None, 
                        re_train: bool = True) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        """ Calculate distances between TF-IDF vectors of from_list and to_list """
        if to_list:
            if re_train:
                self.vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=1, analyzer=self._create_ngrams).fit(to_list + from_list)
                self.tf_idf_to = self.vectorizer.transform(to_list)
            tf_idf_from = self.vectorizer.transform(from_list)
            if re_train:
                self.vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=1, analyzer=self._create_ngrams).fit(from_list)
                self.tf_idf_to = self.vectorizer.transform(from_list)
            tf_idf_from = self.tf_idf_to

        return tf_idf_from, self.tf_idf_to

    def _create_ngrams(self, string: str) -> List[str]:
        """ Create n_grams from a string

            * Extract character-level ngrams with `self.n_gram_range` (both ends inclusive)
            * Remove n-grams that have a whitespace in them
        if self.clean_string:
            string = _clean_string(string)

        result = []
        for n in range(self.n_gram_range[0], self.n_gram_range[1]+1):
            ngrams = zip(*[string[i:] for i in range(n)])
            ngrams = [''.join(ngram) for ngram in ngrams if ' ' not in ngram]

        return result

match(self, from_list, to_list=None, re_train=True)

Match two lists of strings to each other and return the most similar strings


Name Type Description Default
from_list List[str]

The list from which you want mappings

to_list List[str]

The list where you want to map to

re_train bool

Whether to re-train the model with new embeddings Set this to False if you want to use this model in production



Type Description

The best matches between the lists of strings


from polymatcher.models import TFIDF
model = TFIDF()
matches = model.match(["string_one", "string_two"],
                      ["string_three", "string_four"])
Source code in polyfuzz\models\
def match(self,
          from_list: List[str],
          to_list: List[str] = None,
          re_train: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """ Match two lists of strings to each other and return the most similar strings

        from_list: The list from which you want mappings
        to_list: The list where you want to map to
        re_train: Whether to re-train the model with new embeddings
                  Set this to False if you want to use this model in production

        matches: The best matches between the lists of strings


    from polymatcher.models import TFIDF
    model = TFIDF()
    matches = model.match(["string_one", "string_two"],
                          ["string_three", "string_four"])

    tf_idf_from, tf_idf_to = self._extract_tf_idf(from_list, to_list, re_train)
    matches = cosine_similarity(tf_idf_from, tf_idf_to,
                                from_list, to_list,

    return matches